Real Life

Fall Elf

Bleh. I was trying too hard today and it shows. I know her eyes are completely off, when I started I had not planned on putting the bits of fire and fairy around her fingers, so I had her looking off in the distant at something. The origional isn’t even worth linking, it’s bigger and her eyes are more noticeable. I have spring and summer left, I’ll have to wait until I’m in a better mood though I think. Feeling slightly stressed about life and I had wanted to try to relax with some art.

A Beautiful Night

Absolutely amazing sunset tonight. Taken with my Olympus E-410, you can see the full version of it on my DeviantART site here. I love sunsets like this. They make me think about life and just be thankful for everything that I have. I’m not sure if things are how I thought they would be when I look back on it, but I know I’m exceptionally lucky. I have great friends, a caring family, and despite the bumps that come along I know I’m a good person. 

Have a great weekend folks.

Winter Elf

Full version is of course better, thinking of doing some seasonal elves and this one is winter. I haven’t gotten the hang of doing too much post work yet, it’s a slow process. Having fun though, what better way to spend a Friday morning. 

There are a few things I can see wrong with the image, and I had really hopped to get working on some spell particles, but with the snow in the background I didn’t want the image to become busy. We’ll have to see how the other seasons turn out.

Nomadic Gamer