Real Life

Anyone want some Snow?


My folks have no power right now in the country (thank goodness they do have a gas fireplace, so they can run that without electricity) up here in the city it’s deathly quiet, people are asked to avoid the streets at all costs. For a day that would typically be a bustling Sunday filled with shopping, we’re all tucked (safely) at home. Ottawa is seeing one of the worst snow storms in 20 years, and we already had plenty of snow on the ground to begin with.

That car is parked on my street, well, there’s a street there some place though it’s hard to make it out. The snow isn’t supposed to stop until later on tonight, so I hope that person remembered where they parked!

Typically, from this view, I can see the Ottawa River, and a huge shopping mall and a fairly good distance away. However with all the snow falling I’m lucky that I can see the giant field right across the street from my building.

I live in Canada, and yes, I’m used to snow. We get it every year of course. However, this year has been one of the more.. interesting.. as far as accumulations go. I’m not going to say I’m sick of it, quite yet, but if anyone wants to come and take some of the snow? Please, feel free.

Still Standing.. For Now


I live in an apartment building, 11th floor, so I can’t have a real tree. Which is probably one of those things I miss most about living on my own and not owning a house yet. My family always gets a real tree, always have for as long as I can remember. We have our traditions as well. Christmas eve is typically quiet, but still filled with tradition. Since I was small we’d walk around the neighborhood and look at the Christmas lights, just enjoying in one another’s company. Then we’d go home and watch a Christmas special, and go to bed. At 4am or so, I’d wake up my two brothers (both younger.. I’m sure they appreciated me waking them up) and we’d find our stockings by our doors. We’d play with the contents of them until 7am, where we’d start purposely making loud noises in order to wake up my parents. We always had a rule where we had to eat breakfast before any presents, so me and my brothers would wolf down an orange or something else very small, and Dad would hand out gifts.

26 years later, not much has changed. I still go home for Christmas eve, I still wake up (though a little later, around 5) early, get my stocking, and wake up my brothers. We still have breakfast before presents. Another tradition is the advent calendars you can buy, that have a chocolate count down until Christmas. My mom bought us one of those every year that I can remember, and I still buy them even though I’m out on my own.

Anyhow.. Back to EQ2

I didn’t do too much yesterday. As I mentioned, yesterday was filled with decorating Arysh’ house. Then last night in a spasm of insomnia I decided to make some purchase’ for Shadowgeist’ house as well, and spoofed that up a little. Every ogre needs a library with a torture area, right? The guild did a quick CoA run (which is an easy zone compared to all the others) and while Arysh got very little exp (think I got 7% or so) she did make out with a new pretty shield. The templar in group got a nice bracelet, Shadowgeist got a new taunting cloak. A brigand got the monk gi for looks (the white one that gives off the bare chest appearance) and a good time was had by all.

I spent the rest of the evening crafting, and got the guild to hit 52 from doing writs and turning in a few status items. Hit 72 woodworker, next level I can make T8 arrows, which is something Goudia is always looking for more of.

November Review


Decided to follow the footsteps of other bloggers and post my monthly report for the site, since it’s become quite a nice little project for me. The stats are of course from Google Analytics, which has been very helpful. Most of my visitors come from the states, which wasn’t a huge surprise. A few (when I peeked in depth) read from the Sony Entertainment place, and someone reads from the Government of Michigan too, which was pretty cool.

The amount of direct traffic was actually surprising, and a huge thank you to EQ2-Daily, where a huge portion of my traffic comes from.

The keywords that were most popular were not too surprising, though I did get some odd ones such as “Adult fun superstore closing (aww, poor thing..)” “Arasai Fan Art Nudity” (which just.. worries me.. ) and “I have a Huge Epeen” ….. (Congrats?)

So thank you to my readers, and fellow bloggers, for all the great input the past month. Here’s hoping December is filled with just as much!

Winter Wonderland – and EQ2 of course


Ok, I know the picture is pretty cruddy, but it’s taken through the living room window at 7:30am so that’s as good as it gets for now. That’s what I woke up to today. When I went to bed last night, that view, was green. This morning we were dumped with 5cm of snow, tomorrow, another 10cm of snow. I suppose winter is officially here. I am ecstatic of course. I’d show it, too, by running out and screaming and throwing snow balls and dancing around like I typically do the first snow of every year (I’m a kid at heart, what can I say) but alas, the cat has learned how to set off my alarm clock in the mornings when she wants to be fed, and I was up off and on all night.

That’s right. If anyone knows of an alarm clock (with lit buttons, and a radio preferred) where the buttons can lock, or are some place other then the top of the clock, let me know eh? What the cat does, is place herself on top of the alarm clock, and then walk around on it (it’s not large, but she’s figured out how to do this as an art form now) and she either 1. sets the clock to some random time, thus giving the potential to be late for that days activities, or she 2. turns on the alarm clock radio, and has it play at all hours of the night (again, randomly). She knows if someone’s up they’ll feed her a daily 1/4th a can of wet food. I’ve tried to break her of the habit, especially when she was trying to rouse me out of bed at 5:30am.. it’s moved to 6:30 am now which I’m comfortable with, at midnight last night, and at 4am the night before, the clock radio suddenly would blare into life, as she’s learned how to turn the dial for that too, some how. Ugh.

Anyhow, in EQ2, quested with Goudia, she hit level 74 and a bit into it. The server issues on Antonia Bayle were lessoned, but the animosity from players was not. I got Stargrace to 72 provisioner and had a lot of fun doing it. She has a lot of recipes she’s never had before. I also got Yamini an alchemist level. I was contemplating leveling her (I’m not ‘bored’ of questing in RoK yet, I’m just a person who loves to play alts) but then remembered she’s stuck in the terrible 50’s and that deterred me right fast. I took Stargrace out and did a few quests with her, moving her almost to 71. Arysh is at 73 still. I’m still having lots of fun in the game (and out) one of my old friends from EQ1 decided to open up an EQ2 account, so he’s been testing the waters on a few new characters. We haven’t gotten much time to play yet since I’ve been off playing in RoK, but that’ll change in time.

Hope this mid-week day finds everyone in high spirits.. I think I’ll go enjoy the snow!

Deathtoll and Thanksgiving

Firstly, happy turkey day to all those up here in Canada, I’ll be celebrating it with family, both today and tomorrow. That’s a whole lot of turkey. No such thing as too much though I suppose. Last night I managed to sneak into a Deathtoll (ok, so I didn’t really sneak, but doesn’t that sound better?) raid with Arsenal, new guild that I joined. I have a few friends in it, so it makes the guild better from the start. The raid was a little messy, but it was also late, and the typical tank wasn’t there, and a healer was missing. But before long we downed Tarinax and what not, so that’s always good, right?

Of course breath of the destroyer dropped, which is an item I’ve wanted forever and just never managed to get yet. Last night was no exception, not that I was utterly heartbroken or anything since it was my first raid with them. I spent a good portion of last night taking screen shots of “spooky” places so I could work on some headers and more graphic stuff with photoshop. It just takes me time to decide what it is that I specifically want to do. I played around with a few more signatures yesterday before I left for the evening.

So happy turkey day, and enjoy that stuffing. I’ll be back to make a larger post tomorrow.

Nomadic Gamer