
Processing Fleece

I recently came into a 3.7lb fleece, from a leicester longwool sheep named Truman. While Truman was not a coated sheep, his best friend was – so the fleece came with minimal vm and cleaning it was pretty easy. What I didn’t realize is just how much floof 3.7lbs of wool is! I processed a tiny portion of the darker fleece to begin with, just to get the hang of things. Then a few weeks later I did the remaining fleece. I wanted to get it all cleaned and ready for storage.

My goal is to use my new drum carder (on the way) to create roving – and to spin it for the Tour de Fleece that’s happening at the end of this month. It will be the first fleece I’ve taken from start to finish, and I have plans on knitting a cardigan with it once it’s all spun and plied.

I’m incredibly excited! So far the entire process has been a learning experience, and it really speaks to my soul.

A Gift

I don’t make friends easily. I’m quite introverted, and I’m hard to get along with. I’m opinionated, and I’m not good at just letting things go. When we moved to our isolated post I knew that these characteristics might work against me.

My neighbour is another RCMP family, and they’ve done everything within their power to make us feel welcome in the community. They’re finished their duration at the post, and are on their way to another – and I’ll miss them dearly. I decided to knit them a set of cotton wash cloths as a thank you for everything they’ve done. Cotton wash cloths are one of my favourite things. They last a good while, they’re super scrubby, and they’re just comforting. I hope they like them!

Some RL Guilds

Yep. There’s a circular sock knitting machine society, and I decided to join it. Membership is for three years, and it doesn’t exactly provide a whole bunch, but I still think it’s pretty cool. You can find out more about them here.

I also decided to join the Saskatchewan weavers and spinners guild. Everything is on hold lately as far as get togethers due to covid, but it’s still a sense of community in these trying times.

My sock machine is put together and working fine, but there’s some learning curves to overcome. I ordered new needles, I need to order mineral oil, and it still needs a good cleaning. I could also use a better basket for it as mine is quite rusted. Once I get these issues taken care of we’ll see how she runs! I know it will take some practice.

Nomadic Gamer