A Little Spinning Action

It looks so much nicer all spread out! I can’t wait to knit with it. No idea WHAT I’ll knit yet, but I’ll think of something.
It looks so much nicer all spread out! I can’t wait to knit with it. No idea WHAT I’ll knit yet, but I’ll think of something.
I’ve slowly been cleaning and putting together my sock knitting machine. It requires oil to run smooth, and mineral oil is the one I was told to go with. The needles have all been inserted and they seem to move properly, but it was suggested that I replace them all anyway, it makes a huge difference in the knitting. I’m hoping I can take it for a test spin any day now! Here’s hoping I don’t have too many dropped stitches… I’ll be sure to post my results!
There have been so many amazing free patterns to pick up from Ravelry lately, I have no idea what I’ll knit next! I’m thinking of this shawl for my handspun, alternating white and colours that I’ve spun up. Shawls are nice for projects like this because gauge isn’t essential.
It’s hard to tell all of the awesome colours I have here, but it’s all spun up, I’ve plied it into a 3ply and it’s pretty lovely. It will rest like this for a day and then I’ll give it a good bath and a thwack to even out the twist and set it.
I’m not sure what I’ll knit with it yet, but I’m sure it will come to me in time. For now it can just join the collection of pretty yarn I have.
It’s just the beginning stages but so far this merino tencel is plying up just nicely. I know I don’t have enough on each bobbin to make it all 3ply, but a good chunk should be, then I’ll 2ply the rest. It’s not my most even spin due to circumstance (we moved and I took a month long break) but I’m still glad I finished spinning it.