
Unlikely Companions

The trio stood together in the Wailing Caves, which had been home to Lord Ree for a number of years now. His patrollers stood no match for the conjuror, coercer, and assassin as they made their way through the dark tunnels. The orcs were not the only ones to inhabit this area, it was home to other foul creatures with too much time on their hands. Was it some sort of twisted fate that saw these three adventurers gather together at the exact same time in the exact same place? They were after all, strangers to one another. Whatever had caused the phenomenon, it would be remembered by those who visited the caves that day for some years to come. 

Finally had some time to play EQ2 last night (woohoo) and since I’ve popped in and out of the game the last little while, I was at least (some what) refreshed on what I had planned for my characters. First, was trying to get my (2nd) coercer to level 80. Right now she’s sitting at level 78, and part way into it thanks to a few shard runs last night. It was interesting to see if I had forgotten how to complete the instances, but they seemed to go smooth enough. We completed all of the ones in the Commonlands, gaining three shards. That brings the mystic’s collection (since she already owns three pieces of T1 and two pieces of T2) to a whole 6 – I have a ways to go. The coercer is currently holding on to 19 shards – since she’s not level 80 yet I haven’t bothered to make anything with hers. Who knows what sort of gear she’ll be wearing by then and what I’ll actually want to upgrade (or not).

I decided it would probably be easier (and more fun) to get to level 80 by leveling up an alt and mentoring then it would be by questing. My reasoning is that the coercer receives 50% bonus experience due to the number of level 80’s already on the account. Grinding experience even at the low levels of 1-20 netted me about 10% in two hours. Now – I know that may seem horrible, but the higher up (closer in levels) the alt becomes, the more experience I’ll gain for mentoring. It’s an interesting experiment in any case. Though now that my alt is level 20 I’m contemplating deleting and creating a different class. I know, so indecisive!

I contemplated heading to Lavastorm to complete the new quests there – but – imagined it would be fairly busy, and I wasn’t sure if I wanted to deal with that again right now. 

Short term goals? Getting the (2nd) coercer to 80, working on void shard gear, and crafting (my 2nd carpenter is only level 38 – go figure it’s the coercer, my 1st carpenter who is already 80 is also a coercer. On another server though). 

Long term goals? Working on epics (still haven’t bothered getting the mystic’s completed), upgrading spells, and playing alts (as always).

I hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday, I’ll see you in Norrath!

Another night of Alts

The weekend started off quiet, which I was happy for. Our resident magician (and cleric bot) is MIA this weekend due to some internet issues, so it was an evening playing alts for the most part. We started out in Mons Letalis which is the level 35 hot zone. Actually before that we spent a little more time in The Overthere, but the ramp was starting to get a little old.

Mons Letalis is an uncomfortable zone, the mobs path oddly and it was difficult to find a good spot to camp. The experience was nice though, and we eventually settled down in some little caves quite close to a zone in. Every once in a while we’d pull a little more then the group could handle, but before too long we had reached level 38-39 respectively. 

We decided to head back to PoK, maybe pick up some gear upgrades and skip the level 40 hot zone (Great Divide) to head to the level 45 hot zone which is Nagafen’s Lair. It wasn’t that long ago that I was in that hot zone leveling my necromancer. The night was getting late (or early depending on how you look at it) so we didn’t stay too long, but by the time all was said and done my paladin reached level 42, and the ranger is sitting at level 40. I need to look up their spells again, and spend some time working them up since it’s getting increasingly difficult to cast the simple ones in every day combat. 

I’d like to get the ranger some skill in her fletching, so she can make her own arrows. There are never any for sale in the bazaar, and the few that I have found (around 100 or so) cost 8p ecah. Far too expensive!

Not sure what this weekend will hold yet. I believe we’re going to be camping a DoD mission so that I can attempt to get a clicky shrink earring on my necromancer (which you can also use on other people) and would really come in handy. Plus who doesn’t want another clicky item! We’ll just have to see.

Sorry for the short post today, hopefully I’ll have more to write about tomorrow. Safe travels no matter what game you find yourself in this weekend!

Alts, Dings, and just Plain Fun

It’s no surprise any more when I make alts in every single game I play. I’m an alt-o-holic, and I’ve come to terms with it. I envy those people who have 1-2 characters they can dot on while I have 6+ in any given game. So it was that I created two new alts to play in EQ yesterday. I didn’t really have a heavy DPS’er and I was debating a beastlord but I already have my necromancer pet class, so I decided to go with a dark elf wizard named Ashria. Of course I needed a counterpart to box with, and I’d already created a cleric and a druid on Luclin, so I decided on a shaman named Sharatan this time around. Barbarian at that (and pictured to the right sporting her defiant gear and the always awesome kilt-skirt). I really don’t enjoy the tutorial any more but it’s more then likely simply because I’ve done it so many times. I do the very first quest for the charm and then typically head to Crescent Reach to continue my leveling upstairs on bats and rats. I’ve got some roleplay stories in mind for the duo, and I’m looking forward to playing them when things are quiet and no one is around. I don’t expect that they’ll level too fast, but it should be fun. I think I managed to level 3-4 yesterday before relogging to my other characters to play for a bit. 

We (ie: the other two I play with) decided to head to Dreadspire and grind out some experience. The zone is typically empty because most people hang out in the level 70 hot zone, which has higher level mobs. Dreadspire is the level 75 hot zone. We created a campfire in the ballroom ‘just in case’ and began mass slaughtering the room. After a little while I used my lesson of the devoted and the experience flew by. 

It was such great experience in fact, that the necromancer hit level 75 and is now 50% into her level. The enchanter hit level 73, and is also 2% away from hitting level 74. Two levels in a few hours is really not bad at all, especially since she does not have any veteran rewards at all, it was just regular experience. I also managed (thanks to named smushing) to collect the rest of the glowing runes I needed for my level 70 spells on both characters, which means the enchanter finally has group mana regen (as well as her haste which I picked up the day before). I’ve bought a few base spells 71+ for the necromancer but I haven’t looked into the enchanter yet, and I haven’t been able to afford the RKII spells that are for sale on the broker. I keep meaning to work up my researching to 300 (the enchanter is currently at 200) but when you spend your time in game actually playing the game, it leaves very little time for crafting, go figure! This is a great thing though, not a complaint. 

When lessons were spent in Dreadspire we decided to head to a GoD zone to work on some raid but it turned out we needed an annoying pre-quest that no one felt like doing so we went to Katta instead in TBS and worked on missions there for faction and more orux. I managed to get amiably with the merchants and purchased two new spells on the enchanter. The necromancer I decided to pass on, the spells were not that useful and were probably things I’d just let sit in my book and never do anything with. Now, I’ve never really solo’d in EQ (I know, how odd is that) in all of the years that I’ve played. I’ve always been with friends in a duo or trio type situation. I used to solo a little bit on my enchanter with dire charm when I was of level, but those days were long ago. 

I know necromancers can solo fairly well with kiting, but I’d never actually attempted it because I’m always with friends as I mentioned above. Yesterday there was a lull in the group when everyone went to eat and I had already eaten, so I decided I would head to the greenhouse in Katta and attempt some kiting for experience. Now remember my necromancer may be level 75, but she’s also still very new to me, with under 6 days played and I believe she’s probably two-three weeks old now. In other words, I have a lot to learn still. I did get the hang of kiting though, especially once I stuck the enchanter pet onto the mob as well. I pull with snare, load up all sorts of dot’s on the encounter, and thankfully the path in front of the greenhouse is agro-free and there’s lots of room to move around. It does (at the moment at least) take me a good bit of mana to take down white-con mobs (about 50%) but I can do it. I was so incredibly happy and proud of myself. I realize it’s sort of silly, but it was a huge accomplishment for me. Now, I know that with time things will get better. I only have 73aa and nothing into crit dot’s yet, nothing into mana preservation or anything like that. I worked on getting my pet some affinity and some crits and then foolishly decided I needed an army of undead fighting for me as well. Hey, I don’t plan on doing anything too serious with the character, it’s all just fun, and so that’s how I spent my points. In any case, I know once I get more aa things will go better. I’m eager to hit 80-85 though, so for now I’ve got my experience set to 90/10 – 10 being the amount of aa I’m earning. I’ll get there, slowly. 

I hope everyone else has an amazing Wednesday, no matter your game of choice (oh, and on a random side note, I decided to download Runes of Magic and play around in that a bit, more about it later – sure wish I was in the Free Realms beta instead so I could prepare to write about that! Teehee).

A Little Bit of Everything

Yesterday was another one of those game days where you are not really sure what you’re going to end up doing, but you know you’ll do something, and it will be fun. I set my trader up for the evening, and sales were slow, go figure. It’s pretty hit and miss with the market on Drinal right now. Some days I can make 10k plat easily and other days it drags by. Either way, the coin is used simply to fund my way through crafting, so it’s not very essential to me. When I had some free time I decided to create two storage characters for Kameeko (my crafter of course) to move things onto. I created Kamsmith and Kamtailor – gee very creative, I know. I promptly filled both up with delux tool boxes and then transferred all of the supplies used for those two skills over. I didn’t get it all, but I got a great deal and it was refreshing to have a little space in my bags again. Now some time I need to transfer all of the junk off of Minxes to those two characters. 

We did some DoD missions yesterday in the hopes of obtaining the 68-70 spells, Ultann left early so that he could spend the evening with some friends, leaving just Ninga and I. After a little break (did some artwork, a new render of my necromancer that turned out fairly well) we decided to spend a little bit of time playing those lowbies we’d created a few days ago. My paladin and ranger are still pretty much naked as far as gear goes, but Ninga helped me out and gave me a few new bits to wear. One of those pieces included the clicky (need a few levels of course) paladin breastplate, which was pretty awesome. 

The hot zone for level 20 is Stonebrunt mountains, not a zone I enjoy a great deal but it was better then the ‘regular’ experience from other zones. I actually miss the previous hot zones, the Moors used to be one and so was Stone Hive, two zones I really liked. Anyhow, we headed to the Gunthak stone in PoK and from there ported over to Stonebrunt. Down near the Warrens (remember, we were only level 15 at the time) were a few camps of Kobold, and we set up a few paces away and began our leveling. 

While some people may not enjoy this type of grind, it’s actually one I relish. It’s one I’ve missed. In EQ2 you are constantly moving around, there’s no such thing as a puller, your tank is the puller (grats on the added roll) for most instances. I enjoy setting up a camp and dividing the roles between people (including puller). I would lull with my paladin and then snare pull to the camp with the ranger, it worked out pretty well. After a little bit of time went by I was surprised to see that we had already reached level 20, a great accomplishment. Of course now I have to look up five levels worth of spells (again) and maybe even think about getting some gear. All in all it was a lot of fun. I’ve always enjoyed my alts. One of these days (when i have time of course) I’ll have to look into tinkering on the paladin too. 

The trio makes quite an amusing group. I hired a healer mercenary (only one of my accounts has SoD so that’s what I’m limited to for now) and the make up was gnome – halfling – dark elf (mercenary) and drakkin (resident Ninga on his bard). The little gnome paladin IS sporting an incredible purple pair of goggles attached to her helm which I adore. 

I also logged into EQ2 for a bit to make sure all was well there, updated some guild stuff (I WILL be back, I always am) and checked sales, made sure nothing had been falling apart. The new Lavastorm revamp is just around the corner along with some other changes, and I’m looking forward to writing about those. 

I hope everyone is having an incredible weekend, no matter where you find yourself. See you in Norrath!

A Night Off

Last night my little trio was supposed to head to Lavastorm and continue on with the DoN progression quests – however I wasn’t really in the mood to work on those (it happens) and so I decided to create two alts (one on each account) and play around on those for a little bit. Ultann and Ninga also came to play on alts, and we had a lot of fun. 

I created a gnome paladin so I could do some tinkering (love crafting, so much) and a halfling ranger so I could do some foraging (and have track available and what not). Ninga created a drakkin bard and twinked him out, Ultann had a low level paladin already waiting, so we set off to the top floor of Crescent Reach and killed bats and rats until we were big enough to kill zombie and skeletons, and then moved off to the bear caves. Hot zones don’t start until level 20, and the first one is Stonebrunt which can be difficult to fight in, so we stayed in CR for the time being. By the time my eyes were threatening to close we had reached level 15, which was pretty nice. I’ll probably spend a little time today shopping for some gear and purchasing spells for the two characters, maybe work up some skills. 

Tonight being Friday (woohoo weekend!) We’ll get back to playing the big’uns and continue with our DoN progression. I’m looking forward to earning a few more aa and excited about unlocking the next round of ‘special’ DoN aa that gives 250 health and mana. 

March is just around the corner, and with it the 10th anniversary for EQ. I’m excited to be playing this year, I have to admit. I’ve never really been around for the fabled events, and I know a little bit more about what will be happening since I asked the EQ team in San Diego. What are they? You’ll just have to log into EQ to see!

I hope everyone has an incredible Friday, no matter your game of choice. See you in Norrath (and more then likely Telon for a while today)!