
Nostalgia The Guild – Happy Anniversary

We are a small group of friends who are doing the 1-80 progression one untwinked level at a time, seeing the old world as it was meant to be seen while seeing all the bits of the newer world we may have missed.

We group once a week on the Luclin server, Fridays at 7PM Eastern Time.

We are not currently recruiting, but we’re always interested in meeting new friends and if there is interest, we will make a third progression group.

Regardless of whether or not you want to play in one of the progression groups, if you just want to hang out with a bunch of friendly people and are fairly low level, we’d love to see you in guild chat, once we get the guild made. 

Register and leave a message here if you’d like to join!

That was the welcoming message posted by one Tipa almost exactly a year ago on the Nostalgia web site. I was thinking back on everything that’s happened since that point in time. It was a turning point for me, I met a lot of people, made a lot of close friends. We’ve drifted over the course of the year but most of us wander back in one shape or form and leave comments on blogs, forums, emails, xfire, or twitter. We’ve changed games (some times a lot) but we all had something in common when we joined the guild and I think to some degree still do. 

We’ve kept small. It’s an aspect I’ve really liked even though I (at times) wish we were more steady. Maybe that’s just not our play style as a group though, maybe we’re just not the sort to all settle down. I look at Casualties of War (which I’m also a member of) and envy their following at times. In day to day activities I’m not really one for crowds and this carries over into my gaming habits. 

Nostalgia the Guild started out on EverQuest. It has since carried over to EverQuest II, and most recently Lord of the Rings Online. They are some of the best friends I could have ever asked for, and I am thankful I’ve gotten to know such an amazing bunch of people. Especially since they’ve (to date at least) put up with me and all of my ‘quirks’ (such a kinder word). What an amazing world we live in that we can experience such things. I feel lucky. I realize that there are other guilds, older guilds who have spanned across a greater time period, more games, and bigger trials and tribulations – feel free to give a shout out to them below if you’ve got a great story to tell or just want to share.

New Zones, New Gear

There were a lot of wars going on, and that was pretty much the extent of what I knew about this zone my group decided to travel to. It was fun to watch them all fighting with one another – not so fun when we were after a specific race in order to get some quest drops. We ended up giving up after a few hours of unsuccessfully killing eye stalkers in order to get their skin to drop. You would think that every eye has skin, but alas such was not the case. 

The day was spent playing EverQuest and exploring zones I’d never been to. The druid managed to hit level 73 and then I started feeling nostalgic for the necromancer so I logged over to Minxes for the remainder of the evening. My two partners in crime and I decided to try to work on getting ourselves a few bits of fabled gear – a lot of it is too difficult for just the three of us to trio, but there were some drops we could certainly go after. Our first stop was Plane of Earth, which I had been to a few times before. We managed to get Aerrem the shadowknight 2h weapon that drops, and we got a number of the fabled rings (screen shot down below) for the enchanter, cleric, and necromancer. A nice ranged item also dropped for the enchanter, and another fabled ranged item for the monk. Once we’d gotten our fill of pretties from Earth, we headed to Plane of Water – which I had never been to before at all. 

The zone is beautiful. Schools of fish that swim through the water made it feel so life like, as plants and other living organisms go about their business with ease. We decided to try and get the shadowknight swarm weapon to drop, so we went to work killing sharks. Lots of sharks. While we were killing, an Australian raid came through on their way to an encounter.  Our fabled shark happened to spawn right when their mass of 20 people decided to swim through. Things got messy, and laggy. Not fun. 

 In the end the shadowknight did get his fancy sword, and I also got the fabled drop that allows me to work on an upgraded version of the gate necklace. It was a lot of fun and hopefully everyone had a good time. 

I’m not sure what other fabled spawn, but I believe we’ll be looking into it. The encounters are up for a month (approx) for the 10th anniversary, so there should be lots of time for people to get the items that they want. The ring on the right is a fairly common drop, we ended up spawning the fabled that drops it 3 times in the hour or two that we spent clearing the outside of earth. There were a few other groups in the zone but I’m not sure where they were experiencing at, I didn’t end up seeing them.

It’s been wonderful to see everyone in game lately. A lot have returned to check out the festivities, and that reminds me! Some time I really want to buckle down and do the new quests that were added. If you do all 16 of the god ones, you’ll get yourself a shiny new roboboar which you can also turn in with a mount for a faster version. I don’t exactly care about the speed of the mount, but I would like one just so that I can sit and regen mana and still cast. Not sure if I’ll get all 16 of those quests done, but it’s a nice thought and a project to work on some time. While you work on the quests you also get a lot of potions, and about 32,000 plat since each quest rewards a bit. 

We’ll see how that goes though. In the mean time, I’ve got to get back to work. Safe travels!

EverQuest Celebration Begins

The celebrations have begun in EverQuest, and of course I’m right in there playing along. It’s great. PoK has been decorated with banners and many many fireworks, and there’s an npc wandering around who will give you a quest to visit a number of famous EverQuest locations. The reward for this is a lot of items, which is pretty awesome. 

I haven’t started yet, but wanted to give a brief glimpse of the goodies before I started getting into it all. I do a more complete write up either later today or early tomorrow. 

Of course the famous ‘fabled’ drops also started this morning, and everyone is clamoring on about them. 

I am not sure if there’s a particular fabled I’ll be able to go after, but I think I’ll have to give it a little time to die down. Right now there are players everywhere, and camps are all over the place. 

It should be fun no matter what (I hope) – one of the first locations the quest sends you to is Butcherblock chess board (I assume) the entire quest is in riddles, and there’s a huge number of locations it sends you off to. Bristlebane promises that nothing will happen to you (yeah right!) as you travel along – don’t be late for the party!

See you in Norrath.