It’s Finally Here!

The class revamp and new season has all finally arrived, along with some in-game holiday events. I can’t wait to take part! Playing a new seasonal character? What did you decide to go with? Let me know in comments!
The class revamp and new season has all finally arrived, along with some in-game holiday events. I can’t wait to take part! Playing a new seasonal character? What did you decide to go with? Let me know in comments!
The days in black desert lately have all been spent waiting for the next season to start (December 22nd, for those keeping track at home) along with the latest class changes (happening at the same time) and the hope that there are some holiday events taking place. A lot of fishing, some gathering, a tiny bit of questing, and that’s how I’ve spent 99% of my time since the last season ended.
I’m thinking of creating a ranger this time around, with a boost to tamer – maybe.
Thanks to the event going on right now for training horses, I managed to guarantee myself a T8 horse by breeding two level 30 T7s. I am incredibly happy with how it turned out! I am not in a great rush to get it leveled up, but at least I know I have it. I do have two more T7s that I’m thinking about leveling before the event ends on the 15th, but there are other events going on at the moment that have captured my attention – like the newest fishing event. The CalpheON Ball is coming up too, and I can’t wait to see the exciting things they’re going to announce. This is like the end of the year road map for the new year, and there is so much speculation, it’s awesome. I love seeing the hype.
I finally ventured into O’draxxia today. Not to actually partake in any combat or to do anything more than exploration – but wow. I was blown away. This is by far one of the most beautiful zones I’ve ever seen in Black Desert Online and that’s saying a lot, because every area is pretty magical.
The zone is far too high level for me to actually do much in, but I had a lot of fun just riding around and unlocking nodes. I wanted to get mythril, and I can finally say that my map is pretty well cleared these days. Maybe the CalpheON Ball coming up will have more details about any sort of new expansion or zone that is being released.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!
Expect a more in-depth look at this place soon, but in the meantime, here’s some eye candy.