Slay the Spire

This month the humble bundle early unlock caught my eye almost immediately. Slay the Spire released earlier this year, but I had never picked it up for whatever reason, even though I happen to really enjoy playing card games (and this one has a bunch more to it). I already subscribe to the humblebundle monthly but decided to pay it ahead of time to unlock the two games they mentioned. I have little interest in Squad – but I’m INCREDIBLY glad I picked up Slay the Spire.
It’s a cute little card game where you also earn relics that can add / negate / destroy certain aspects of each fight. You can upgrade cards, visit merchants, and basically follow a path of monsters and bosses until you reach the top of the ‘spire’. There are three acts, three different characters, and before I knew it I had invested multiple hours into the game.
There’s quite a bit of randomness to the initial climb so even if you fail (which I do, often) you won’t feel like you’re doing the exact same fight all over again. Once you beat the first three acts you can also ascend your character, improving rewards for each defeated creature (but also increasing their difficulty). So far I’ve only ascended once, with one character. Lots more to go!
Anyone else pick this game up early?