
Win Yourself a New Prowler Mount!

*************** CONTEST IS OVER – CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS ******************

It’s contest time once again! If you didn’t get lucky enough to win one of the copies of Sentinel’s Fate I gave away in February, maybe you’ll have better luck this time! The contest is simple:

What would you name your new prowler?

– One entry per person, leave a comment on this site with an ACTIVE email address (in other words, one I can write back to you at with the code).

– Be as creative (or uncreative) as you want, if there’s a backstory with this name then please feel free to include it!

– Entries will be accepted until June 1st, so you’ve got some time to think of a name

– I’ll be picking five winners and announcing them here on MmoQuests, and emailing winners, so be sure to check back!

Have no idea what I’m talking about? Then check out this post over on EQ2players which explains how the market place has added a new mount to the collection of items for sale. They look pretty amazing! A huge thank you to a mysterious dark elf who provided me with the keys to give out to MmoQuests readers! Snogs!

Any questions? Please feel free to email me at or comment below.

Good luck everyone!

Enter to Win a Copy of Sentinel’s Fate!

I’m running a contest! That’s right. You can win yourself a key to access Sentinel’s Fate when it goes live on February 16th – it’s easy to enter and not only that but I have 1 Collector’s Edition key to give away as well as 8 regular retail keys. The keys will become active on the 16th when the retail version of the game goes live.

To Enter:

Email me: with a description of your favorite EQ2 memory. This can be as long or as short as you want, in any format that you want (ie: a story, a poem, just a little paragraph. Whatever you feel inspired to write). With it, attach at least ONE screen shot. This can be a screen shot of the memory that you’re talking about, just a character shot, your favorite image that’s been burned into your brain, whatever goes along with your story.

That’s it, that’s all there is to it! It’s so simple even my cat Princess could enter if she wanted. Trust me, when she’s not busy getting into my video recordings, she’s busy pounding away on the print screen key.

Please keep in mind that this contest is ONE ENTRY PER PERSON – so make sure it’s your most precious EQ2 memory! I’ll be taking submissions from now (February 8th) until the 14th – and I’ll announce the winners and email the Sentinel’s Fate keys on the 15th – just in time for the release on the 16th. PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ENTER FROM A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS as that is the address I will use to contact you about your prize! I’ll also be announcing them here on MmoQuests.

Questions? Comments? Please feel free to leave them below, or you can email me at the address mentioned above.

Good luck, I’ll see you in Norrath!

P.S. Just because you may not have ever played EQ2 before does NOT mean you can’t still enter! You can! Be creative, perhaps your favorite memory of EQ2 isn’t of you PLAYING it at all. I’m open to creative ideas, so don’t let that stop you from trying to win yourself a copy if you want to start playing!

That’s what Friends are For

I meant to mention this weeks ago but things have been a little frantic here. A little while ago Tipa brought my attention to an online contest being held on twitter. If you followed the great Merle Ambrose you would receive daily hints and clues to a puzzle he had that spelled out a word. By the final day when the flood gates opened, 100 players could enter that word into the Wizard 101 web site (log in with your account and you will see a section that says redeem card or code) and have a chance to win one of the pets they were giving away.

Well, I’ll be the first to admit that I slacked on figuring out the puzzle, but Tipa was kind enough to help me out, and so when the time came I rushed off to the web site and entered in the code, and managed to be lucky enough to find myself sporting the new death beetle pictured above. Emma is my Myth / Death wizard who I’ve been leveling up through wizard city getting all of the house items that I missed with my main Life / Storm wizard.

Now, the sad part of this story is that Tipa herself did not manage to win one of the pets. I felt absolutely horrible because she has been so kind to me and I only received one due to her helping me out, I was going to ask if there was any way I could give her the pet or transfer it to her some how.  I only have two pets in Wizard 101, and none of them were rare (though I have added a 3rd one that I will talk about another time) so while I was exceptionally excited to be able to show off the new rare pretty, I was also sad that she didn’t get one herself. She told me it was alright and she was happy that I was able to get one, but I was still disappointed.

No doubt there will be opportunities in the future, and hopefully we’ll see some more great prizes then.

As far as game play goes, the alt is reaching level 10, and owns a handful of house items now. I’m still trying to save up to purchase my first home, I only have access to the first two worlds in Wizard 101, and may have to call upon some friends (I’m looking at you two!) to help me reach the other areas. Of course until I raise another 3,000 gold there is no real rush anyhow.