Dwarf Fortress

The Fortress Grows

I’ve re-sealed the caverns below after a round of snake-people death that started freaking my dwarves out. Restricting access has done a world of good for the fortress as a whole, but the snake people are bored and want to continue to get slaughtered, apparently.

Hopefully next season we see a caravan, it has been pretty quiet in the realm and it may be time to start over with different settings. We shall see.

Death in the Caverns

Once I had gathered 15 monster slayers at my fortress I decided to open up access to the caverns and let them explore. This was a fantastic idea until I realized that if anyone died my dwarves would rush right out to collect all of their belongings and probably run out to greet whatever fate the monster slayers had faced (Arkenor did explain to me how to disable this issue so next time they won’t go running after stuff).

Two of the original 15 have died so far – taken down by the spiders, most likely. There’s still a wolf spider roaming around down there but I’m glad to see they’ve taken out the rhinotroll as well as some scarecrow men.

The coral snakes also killed two of my own dwarves, rendering them first unconscious. They were taken to a hospital bed where they just wasted away until death. They had no visible illnesses, I just couldn’t wake them up.

Still, the fortress is 70+ strong and doing fairly well compared to past places. We’re only on year 2 of it being established, so there’s still time for a mythical creature to crawl up from the cavern and destroy us all. It might be time for me to put down some traps or a defense system of some sort…

Leaf the Dwarves Alone

I could not help it. I made my first tavern in Dwarf Fortress and immediately the dancers all came and started doing this weird dance with LEAVES. Watching on are the serpentine ladies who are here to slay monsters (in the giant cavern I discovered directly under my fortress).

Dance on, little dwarf fortress, dance on.

Feeling a Little… Crowded

After flooding my last Dwarf Fortress, I decided to look for a new home. My world is just shy of its 100th year, but I have a high quantity of civilizations, and picking a spot to live was becoming a bit of a juggling match. In spaces where there were low civilizations there were tons of aggressive wild creatures, and so I decided to retire the world and start anew.

Dwarf Fortress is a game of constant tweaking, especially in MasterWorks. I’m constantly toggling different options to get a game that I feel most comfortable with but is also not too over powered or lacking in excitement.

Lately (since a Windows update that occurred last week actually) the game has been crashing more than usual, so I’m hoping to pinpoint what is going wrong. I got frustrated this week when shortly after my first migration wave the game crashed, and nothing was saved. All the work I had done into setting up the fortress after our embark was wasted and I’m sure this would have been a fortress that survived at least past its second year (seems to be my limit before things fall apart at the moment, lol).

Anyway, once I calm down over the loss of the save I’ll jump back in and re-build, hopefully better than before.

Water, Water Everywhere

I was experimenting with channeling and accidentally flooded my base… Whewps. Thankfully it wasn’t too deep, the dwarven child who was stuck in his room at the time managed to get out after a few hours without incident. I obviously miss heard when I thought he said he wanted a water bed..