You’re so vain..

The only thing I like more then trying to find outfits for my characters, is perhaps trying to find hats for them. Since it’s not likely that I’ll be attending any T7 raids any more or T6 where class specific gear dropped with nifty graphics, I’ve had to scrounge some what. I know there are legendary quested class hats that my troubador has yet to complete – but I forget what the graphic on these were. I may be thinking of the dirge one. Since they get everything else that’s cool (stoneskin, rez, parry mods, dps mods) it would only make sense that they have the cool hat too. At least in my eyes.

I did manage to find a troubador only hat from vaults though, the legendary ones that drop at the end of the instance. Pictured above on Goudia, who’s taken to hiding out in dark elf form so she doesn’t scare too many people away as a ratonga. It’s so hard to get a good meal when the bartender keeps trying to shoo you out of the restaurant.

I’m a sucker for the feathered caps, what can I say. They just look so neat.

Speaking of neat, if you haven’t taken a look at the revamped heritage quests yet, go visit the shady swashbuckler on the docks of Nektulos forest and see what they’re looking like now. This charm slot item used to have almost no stats. Now it’s something I would have seriously considered wearing (before they came out with the legendary provisioner made charm items). Very handy for the level that this quest is granted at.

The Cloak of Flames is another heritage quest that’s really been upgraded for the better. I’ve actually never completed this quest on a single one of my characters, and so that’s my goal for today. If not to complete it, then at least to finish collecting the pages that drop for it. Since it should be grey to me now, I’m hoping it doesn’t present too much of a problem. But I am a troubador, so you never know.

Tonight Nostalgia is meeting for some Veksar fun. I’m really looking forward to it, this is one of my favorite zones and I spent a lot of time there in the past. Even though the basic drops (aside from haste items) may not be complete upgrades since all the defiant stuff that’s floating around, it’ll still be wonderful to go back. Qutey is who I’m playing these days. While I was having fun on the cleric, I’d already leveled a cleric and obtained the epic, so I wanted to try to do something new. Qutey has started her druid 1.0 and I’ll be continuing on that. She’s up to 8aa now I believe, and Nala just reached her first four. Not exactly the fastest of things to obtain for me, at least not when I box. Have I mentioned yet that I’m excited about tonight? Well, I certainly am.

How did it end?

It figures, that once I decide to go back to the Friday night Nostalgia group, others decide not to show up. Not that it’s any fault of their own, no doubt there were real life adventures that kept them away. It’s just my sort of luck, that’s all. We were missing a wizard, a shaman, and a Gnewton who had mentioned ahead of time he’d be gone (hope those drinks were great!). So it was that 7 of us brave adventurers wandered the road to Nagafen’s Lair. We had a few not so nice pulls. Well, more then a few. It’s difficult to get down when your entire raid force consists of a magician (who used translocate and gate to split mobs for us), ranger, two clerics, two warriors, and a druid. In one of those pulls we got Nagafen down to 20% or maybe even slightly below, but we were missing our uber dps ranger, and the healers slowly ran out of mana and were eaten like some sort of truffle delicacy.

We prepared to work on another pull when it happened.

As though my luck could not have gone any worse. My computer decided it wanted to randomly shut off, and not turm on again.

I hate computers.

I quickly started taking it apart to try to decipher what the issue was, and around 1am with a case of old parts, I logged back into game. Of course, no one was around so I don’t have the faintest idea if we won or not. I think we may have, I tried to peek into the room Nagafen stays in and saw no dragon. However, having never seen that room before in my life I’m not exactly sure where Nagafen would be in there, even if they were up. Hopefully Nostalgia was victorious, and it ended well.

In EQ2, earlier in the day saw Kasul reach level 63. I boxed a tank and my templar (who is also fairly close to level 75, but I just can’t bring her to solo it) and did Nest in Barren Sky, which Kasul had never been to before. We also did Vaults, in the same zone. Alas no class hat dropped which I had been looking forward to. Silhouette also managed to climb to level 71 carpenter, this weekend is double exp weekend so take advantage (not that I did last week). I believe it’s the last one with the living legacy promotion, so now is the time.

Summer Cleaning and Nostalgia Fun

It was well past time. Every so often (typically when I get low on cash) I decide that it’s time to sell most of my rares and rebuild the section of rares in by shared bank. I love the way shared bank is combined now between not only accounts, but good and evil. Especially coin, too. Anyhow. The image above is all my rares that I’ve been stock piling for the past little while. I have two more boxes filled with transmuted dusts and shards and infusions, which I’ll keep.

I decided everything would go – almost. I kept the pelts, and roots, and hard metals for my lowbie armorer and tailor. I kept the T8 rares since I’m using them for furniture a lot, and I kept the T5 items for crafting epics since they use those and I don’t want to harvest them again. Hmm. It’s beginning to look like I didn’t sell anything at all but instead kept it. Hehe. Seriously though, I did sell a lot of them. I also stocked up on food and drink to sell, and odd bits here and there. A few shinies that I didn’t need.

In EQ2 I never find that I NEED money. The most I’ve ever had at one time is 200p and I’ve known people with well over 1,000. There’s rarely anything I NEED to buy, master spells being an exception when they actually drop down into an affordable price range. Gear comes from quests instances and raids. Masters too if I’m lucky. I actually end up spending money on alts for the most part and that’s just due to needing the gear RIGHT NOW instead of going out and harvesting for it.

Tonight is Nostalgia on Luclin (EQ1) and I’m looking forward to it. We’ll be smushing some dragons, so long as they’re up. I’ll have to log in a bit early and make sure my spells are all saved and set up the way they should be. It’s been quite some time. I also have no idea if I’m playing the druid or the cleric yet, and I know the druid needs her level 51 spells. I may team the beastlord and druid up to get them a little into their level, and get the druid working on some aa (or get her closer to 52) or the beastlord and the cleric, same idea. The beastlord probably needs a spell or two too, and I’d like to get them a little further into 48. Idealy I’d have them around 51 too, but Dulak is getting old and the killings are starting to slow down some. I haven’t decided where I’ll be headed next.

Nizara, VoES, and EQ1 Fun Too

This weekend has been a lot of fun so far. Deciding that Saturday would be my ‘slack’ day (and I’d actually get things done Sunday that I needed to do? Right…) I spent most of it in one game or another with a long break between the two. I started off in EQ1, and I felt like playing my druid a little bit. This of course was after I spent a few hours watching Kuron fail work on bits of his Dwarven armor for Urtog. Cultural armor is just fantastic (if not a little expensive when your skills are quite low). Anyhow. It’s not often I play my druid, I don’t even remember playing her way back when, though she does have a few leadership points, so I must have played her in a group at one point or another. Gozad was on and wanted a few levels as he’s going to be moving into a new house and won’t be around for a few days, and Kragz, a paladin friend of mine, offered to come tank and off tank our mobs while we let them die on the wonderful druid damage shield.

We headed to Blightfire Moors, zone of choice for levels 20-40 it seems, though Stone hive would have been fun, it would have also meant death with my little group. I make it a point to know limits, as a healer, and there was no way my little druid (who only has one direct heal and no regen until level 34) was healing that place. Once Gozad hit 34 (and me a little into 33) I got a plea from EQ2. Group of friends wanted to do a quick Nizara run, but had no idea if an enchanter of some sort was still required.

Nizara? Sure, I haven’t been there in ages, and never with the 79 coercer. There’s PLENTY of aa in this zone, and it’s still green at level 80. In the past, this zone was death. The mobs have an attack called Flame Claw – and you never used to be able to cure it. It’s been ‘dumbed down’ some since then, and now you can. I decided for once I would keep a charmed pet. There are stories about the bard mobs in that zone being able to take on anything and also give your group a nice buff. I couldn’t seem to find myself one of those though, so I just settled for a caster. It’s not often I actually get to play in a group with a charmed pet. In fact, I’d say it never happens. Since I knew the group though, I felt comfortable doing so. There’s always the ‘what if the pet breaks and eats a healer’ situation, which I never want to happen.

We got a few legendary chests (nothing impressive, like the belt off of the first named that I had my fingers crossed for) and a lot of aa, and had a good time. I was expecting it to take 2h still, but we flew through it. Shadowknight, Guardian, Bruiser, Templar, Dirge, and myself, Coercer. After we made quick work of Nizara, we decided to continue with the group and head to Vault of Eternal Sleep in Jarsath Wastes.

I’d also never been there with my coercer (hey, did I also mention I went to Stormhold last week and my map for Antonica was black? Oh yes, slacker coercer indeed) and decided again I’d take a pet.

Who broke about 15 minutes into the zone and dropped me to 1% health, then turned on the healer. The ex-charmed pet also summoned little pet adds, who ate and chomped until I slapped down a mez and re-charmed. Bad pet, bad!

By the end of the evening I’d walked away with 118aa (5 more then I started with) no gear upgrades but lots of stuff to transmute, two chromatic shards (which will come in handy later when I decide to craft items with them) and just had a lot of fun. It was nice to be back playing EQ2 a bit — though I’m still spending most of my time in EQ1. I can’t help it, that game just appeals to me on so many levels right now. If there was housing I’d probably be strictly playing EQ1.

The coercer is now 60% into level 79, and quickly coming up on level 80. She’s got two interesting spells ahead of her, that should help dps a lot. I’m not in a great rush to get there (did I mention last week she finished her workers hammer to port to Jarsath Wastes?) but it would be nice to start working on her epic. We’ll see how it goes.

Not on the Schedule

I’m one of those people who work best with a schedule. That’s one of the reasons why I knew I’d love our Friday night Nostalgia group. I like being able to log in, and know what we’re doing. We don’t spend hours in game wasting the Friday night away doing that (which is the point, I’m sure). I’ve always been a follower more then a leader, so logging in and just being told where to head, is perfect for me too. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just my play style.

So me and a friend talked for a while and decided that since we’ve both got station access, why not pick two days a week to play Vanguard. The game *is* great and I still love it. It just wasn’t quite enough to hold my attention as a “one game only” sort of deal. There are three games I play now with station access, Vanguard, EQ2, and EQ1. So on Monday and Tuesday nights I’ll be playing Faydai, my level 37 blood mage, on the Seradon server in Vanguard. So far it’s just me and Growlius who will be playing, but more are welcome to join of course. We’re not starting from scratch or doing anything unusual aside from setting two specific days to play.

Then on Friday nights I’ve got the Nostalgia group which is coming along fantastic. I hit level 15 on Ishbel (cleric) which was high enough for me to wear the DoN cultural armor I had made. The game is down for 6 hours today, I had hopped to make my necromancer a set of gear as well. I made Lackey some yesterday, though he still has to add the augmentations to it.

At first I was leery about having a schedule for games. In the end though I think it’s exactly what I needed. That doesn’t mean things can’t change, or that everything is planned out, but at least I won’t run around wondering what to do so much of the time. The schedule is flexible enough that I still have four evenings a week to do whatever whim I may have. I typically game from 7-11 nightly, since I don’t watch tv I game. I do pop in a few times during the day (mostly afk, especially in EQ1 where I tend to leave a trader up to sell) but aside from that my days are filled with ‘real life’ whatever that is.

This morning I logged into Vanguard briefly, I don’t have much coin there any more since I gave most of it to guild mates before I took my break – but I didn’t want my house to run out of rent and then lose the T5 house I had built that I am still oh so proud of. Logging into game made me remember why I enjoyed it. I noticed I had mail — oopsie, a guild mate who hadn’t heard that I had switched games (again) sent me 150 dusky timber to build their components for a house. Suppose I’ll get to that later today. I’m hopefully also going to be doing some harvesting, so I can make a little more coin. My house is paid for the next 20 weeks, at least that’s one concern taken care of. Being able to afford my spells (since I get some at 38) would be a nice thing. We’ll see how it goes!