Tattered Wings #EQ2

When Fortune League for facebook came out, I knew it wasn’t really going to be a game that I got super involved with because it’s not really a game per say (I’ve already written about this, and directed folks to Tipa’s wonderful post about it). I did pretty well my first run through, not so well my second. It doesn’t matter how well you do, you’ll still win little potions to use for experience / achievement gain and those are pretty worth while to me.

There are still a lot of glitches. You still need to petition to have your EQ2 account linked to your facebook account and more often than not when you claim a prize it will tell you that there’s been an error – but then it will show up in game if you type /claim none the less. The game IS in beta, or maybe alpha, I can never remember. In any case do NOT go in expecting things to work or even to understand how to play. It’s confusing and annoying. My rank has slowly been decreasing as more and more people figure out how to play so I count myself incredibly lucky to have won these at all. Plus not only did I win them, I discovered them for my server.

I do think those wings are custom made for Ratongas, Goudia wears them especially well. Have you been playing Fortune League? What are your thoughts so far? Let me know in comments!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Love Is In The Air – Erollisi Day Festivities #EQ2

It’s that time of year once again, where we annoy and disgust our closest friends by drooling all over our latest love interests. EQ2 started their Valentines Day celebrations this week although it was not without glitches. There is a long list of patch notes for today about them, in fact. Just one problem, the issues that I was experiencing don’t seem to be common nor are they listed here. I use the streaming client and I am unable to see any of the new Erollisi Day items – this includes the gazebo, the new divider, the crafted books, tables, chairs, and candles. I posted on forums but no one got back to me about any of the issues nor did I see anyone mention that they had the same problem so I really have no idea how to fix this. I’ve scanned twice without any luck. Hopefully the patch today brings some light to the matter. The items are in my inventory, they’re just not able to be placed / seen.

If you’re interested in a rundown of the events for 2011 you can find some great write-ups over on Eq2.wikia:

My Romantic ReputationEdit My Romantic Reputation section

Shortly after you log in this Erollisi season, you will receive the quest My Romantic Reputation.

Your Secret AdmirerEdit Your Secret Admirer section

Once again your admirer is back, mailing you a fresh-cut rose. This will help you get started on My Romantic Reputation and earning Titles of Love (see below).

CollectionsEdit Collections section

New with 2011 Erollis Day festivities is the collection quest, Romantic Flower Petals.

Gift MerchantsEdit Gift Merchants section

The merchants (Douglas and Steven) are once again to be found next to the mailboxes outside the taverns in East Freeport and Qeynos Harbor. New items this year include Blushing Lover, Puppy Love Plushie, Shard of Love Stag Plushie, and the amazing Pink Unicorn steed.

Titles of LoveEdit Titles of Love section

Earn one of several suffix titles by gifting others with fresh-cut roses. You can harvest roses in the Enchanted Lands.

Find ’em a Find, Catch ’em a Catch!Edit Find 'em a Find, Catch 'em a Catch! section

The quest Find ’em a Find, Catch ’em a Catch! returns again to Norrath (see 2009 section below).

Love LinesEdit Love Lines section

The two NPCs Dalron Pinot (North Qeynos) and Dalron Pinot (East Freeport) also return this year (see 2009 section below).

Total Eclipse of the HeartEdit Total Eclipse of the Heart section

New for 2011, Priest Aaronolis Swornlove offers the quest Total Eclipse of the Heart in New Halas. You will find Aaronolis near the shrine of Erollisi. You will need to complete his previous questline (Bouquet of Trust, Harts Full of Trust, and Sacrificial Trust) before he will offer it to you.

What’s Love Got to Do With It?Edit What's Love Got to Do With It? section

Priestess Annalisa Swornlove offers the quest What’s Love Got to Do With It? in New Halas. You will find Annalisa near the shrine of Erollisi.

Since I skipped Erollisi Day last year almost all of the quests were new to me, and I had a fun time completing them all. I didn’t experience any of the other bugs that players had such as crashing in Halas or having issues completing quests – but again I’d really like to be able to SEE my rewards.

Do you have any special in-game plans for this Erollisi Day? Let me know in comments!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Destiny of Velious Developer Chat – and Musings #EQ2

Posted above is the 2nd EQ2 developer chat regarding DoV which is due to release February 22nd (pushed back from February 8th). There is still an NDA in effect for the expansion, but I wanted to talk a bit about what we know so far. We learned from the first dev chat that there will be an in-game calender added. I am incredibly excited about this as it’s a feature that I’ve /feedbacked numerous times while playing. From what we’ve been told it will be able to track things like the Moonlight grotto events, and you’ll be able to add guild events to it. You can liken it to the WoW calendar that they’ve had in game for quite some time. What surprises me is that it wasn’t added when the EQ2 guild window underwent a revamp. In specific the guild window allows you to track “DKP” and assign numeric values to each member in the roster. It’s not very fleshed out and I don’t know if any guilds actually USE this feature aside from goofing around but it’s there none the less. I think adding a calendar at that time would have made sense, but it’s better late than never.

Flying mounts – I’m actually not excited about these, for a few reasons. Number one I’ve spent a lot of time collecting ‘ground’ mounts, and once flying is introduced it’s going to make those worthless (I could be wrong here, this is just me stating an opinion). I’ve also considered a lot of the EQ2 zones as being ‘flat’ with very little that I would ever need to fly over in order to get around. I realize that Velious zones will be tailored to suit this new form of transportation but I just don’t see it as a big deal.

Public quests really interest me and I’m curious about how well they’ll scale up and down as well as the basic mechanics. There are many spells I have as a healer that I can’t use outside of a group, so I wonder how the game will accommodate that. I also wonder how participation will be rated, and if they’ll even be popular in a game like this. We’ll just have to see!

Are you excited about DoV? What part are you most excited about?

For me personally, at the moment – it’s crafting. I’m looking forward to a new epic quest chain, new recipes, and owning multiple homes. As for the rest, well. We’ll just have to see when the expansion releases.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Trading for House Items in Legends of Norrath #EQ2

LoN has a new house item, a fantastic looking (empty of fish) aquarium. In order to make sure I got one, I took part in the promotion they had going on where you could purchase a tournament pack which included three boosters and the aquarium for $10. Since there’s no guarantee that a booster pack comes with a loot card (and that’s pretty much the only reason I play LoN, is to win goodies) I decided to trade my booster packs for loot in the trade area. I came away with 2 paintings, a pack of shrink potions, a tapestry (house item),  and a storm in a tea cup (another house item) from trading with other players. I may not be the best player, but I really enjoy LoN as a way of wasting time while LFG etc. and winning items I can use in game is always a plus.

I’m still working on my Norrathian museum and have obtained a few more books through donations (thank you!) which I’ve added. I think I am at 405 books now give or take a few because I’ve been slightly neglectful of adding titles to my list. There are a lot of items I still have to get, like the tapestries in Sinking Sands and I haven’t even begun to work on faction for that yet. I love collecting these items that continue to tell a tale of my character.

Once the multiple house ownership goes live (I expect it will be a few months after the expansion comes out) I’m looking forward to adding an “actual” house to the museum via portal. I’d like Stargrace (pictured above) to have a living area, which is something I don’t currently have because I’m always adding relics instead. Not that it’s a bad thing! I really wish more games took the time to implement player housing, I understand that it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but there ARE a lot of people out there who find this a nice relaxing way to enjoy their game when they don’t feel like quest grinding and partaking in PvP etc. Ah well, one day, maybe!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

City Festivals, Leveling, and other Games #EQ2

Looking over the ruins in West Freeport (can you spot my trusty billy in the shot?) I wonder when they’ll finally rebuild. It’s been a really long time now and I think Lucan needs to hire better city workers if they can’t repair a simple building.

This week the Kelethin city festival is going on which I am quite excited about. They’ve added some new housing items to the festival and I’m eager to check out the doors available. Remember each city festival only happens twice a year so if you want to stock up on your favorite item now is the time.

These past two days I’ve been leveling a new swashbuckler. I have one on a second account but decided it would be nice to have on my main account. I’m currently level 73 I believe, thanks to the awesome leveling powers of Ibeogur, a guild mate (berserker). It also helps that I have 120% bonus due to other level 90 characters, and typically have an experience potion running. Of course once again the argument of ‘why are you rushing to the end!’ comes into play, but I actually have characters at all tiers, and some I quest with some I craft with and some I just want to do current content with. It simply depends on my mood. I also deleted a 90 dirge not that long ago, growing bored with her lack of progression. I may end up recreating, I haven’t decided quite yet.

What has everyone else been up to? Playing your game of choice? Holding off for something else to release? Personally I simply can not wait until Sims Medieval releases. I’ve been playing games from the Sims franchise for years now and I don’t expect this to be any different. Dragon Age 2 is also another big title I am waiting for, but I haven’t pre-ordered it yet. I think I will pick that one up at EBGames when it comes out. Then of course there’s rift at the end of this month – and oh what a slow month it is!

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer