Working The Rime Faction Timeline #EQ2

A friend told me that I may want to actually do the Rime Faction timeline before Velious comes out. These quests were added during The Shadow Odyssey and I just never got around to working on them. I didn’t (at the time) see a use for the faction, and although the mount is really neat looking I didn’t want to fork over 40p just to purchase one. The zone quests start in an annoying manor, you working faction up for something that isn’t Rime. For example the Kylong Plains starter has you working faction for Teran’s Grasp. Once those introductory quests are finished you can move on with working faction for Rime. I finished off the chains in Kylong Plains and moved to Fens of Nathsar. Once I hit the repeatable quests in that zone I moved to Kunzar Jungle where I stayed grinding out quests until I hit 50k faction. I obtained two titles which means I did over 50 repeatable quests. You get titles for doing 25-50-75-125 repeatable quests.

A huge thank you to Pennie who kept me company during the last few quests where I would have other wise lost my sanity. My arms were aching from running to and from the quest NPC so many times. This is NOT how I enjoy working faction, I wish EQ2 had a method similar to WoW where you could sport a tabard and work on faction while you do other things like dungeon runs. I realize busywork is important in any MMO, but there have got to be some better ways. On the plus side by the time I had finished working up my faction I had earned the 40p required to purchase the mount – pictured above. It really is a neat looking ride, and grants my character some pretty nice bonuses like health, hitpoints, and casting speed (for the caster version at least, there are two versions). I still felt like this was not enough of a reward for the amount of work required.

Next on the to-do list? Clearing out old heritage quests that I never bothered to do before. I’m at 29 completed right now, and I’d like the achievement for doing 30 of them (and the title, and house item that goes along with). Restoring Ghoulbane is one that I’m currently working on, I don’t even want to know how long I’ve had it in my quest journal.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Hero of Kugup #EQ2

Yeah, I’ve been playing EQ2. As much as some times I dislike the game an incredible amount I DO have some fantastic friends there too, and I miss them. This weekend was a reminder in why I enjoy gaming to begin with. Despite the love/hate relationship with game mechanics and policies friends is what it really comes down to. I have had one quest in my journal since 2005 – and it was to help free the Frogloks. It required heading to Spirits of the Lost (raid zone) and defeating whatever monsters lurked inside. I have been to this zone a handful of times now but never on a character who had the quest and clearing this from my journal was a huge deal since I had it on me for so long. A huge thank you to Lilt and the crew from Wandering Souls who let me tag along (Oasis server). The zone was trivial to us who had mentored down to 55 but I still had a lot of fun. I love working my way through older quests and content, the mentor system is one thing I think EQ2 does very well.

I’ve also been working on my Rime faction; something that I have neglected for a very long time now. In fact everything in EQ2 has been neglected for quite some time and it’s refreshing to be getting back into it. I’m still playing multiple games (LotRO and EVE come to mind, and I’m contemplating diving into STO) and as long as I’m having fun I imagine I’ll continue that way. I’m really excited about the next Rift beta, although I am contemplating holding off a bit so that I don’t burn out before the game goes live at the end of February. We’ll just have to see how it goes.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

If you happen to be on the newly merged Oasis/Befallen server you can find me there as Arysh.

A Video Tour of New Tunaria #EQ2 #EverQuest2

Everyone has their favorite ‘spot’ in a game. Whether it’s that house you spent hours decorating, that raid zone that you just can’t get enough of, or some other magical area that only you seem to know about. In every game I’ve played I’ve always managed to find a location or two that just seems to draw me in for whatever reason, and of course EQ2 is no different. Today I wanted to post about one of my favorite locations, New Tunaria (also called Felwithe). The zone released with Echoes of Faydwer and is located off of Greater Faydark. There are 6 quests located within the zone:

It is meant for players 55-70 and my coercers have spent many hours charming the vampires that roam at night and using them to defeat the elves. I even made a video about it which you can find on youtube on my channel (along with the rest of my gaming videos). What makes this zone so special to me? I’m not exactly sure. I’ve done some fantastic role playing with friends here which may be one of the major reasons. The art style really appeals to me, even if it does look slightly out of step with the rest of EverQuest 2. The music and tranquility of the zone, the peacefulness. It all speaks to me on a very personal level. Should I be surprised? No, not really.

If you’d like to see a video tour of a specific EQ2 zone, then don’t hesitate to let me know! As soon as I get my voice back I’ll start adding commentary to them as I film, for now you’ll just have to make due with the beautiful in-game music.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer