My Biggest EQ2 Mystery

I know, it’s been a really long time since I logged into EQ2, and it shows. There are a few reasons for that. Number one I have been incredibly unsatisfied with the new “EQ2X” idea. I think the pricing plan is horrid, and that it does nothing to populate the already-somewhat lacking servers that are in desperate need of a boost. Not including Antonia Bayle where the population thrives. Before or around the grand reveal of EQ2X a bunch of my friends stopped playing for whatever personal reasons. This left me with even less of a reason to log in. For the past few months I’ve barely played and it’s actually been refreshing.

When Gu58 went live I logged in all of my characters just to make sure things were in order, and I came across the letter posted to the left. Now, on first glance this may seem like your typical roleplay letter, nothing unusual. It was addressed to Stargrace on Antonia Bayle, my inquisitor.

Giving that letter a second look one thing may pop out from those who know me well – it is written by Ellithia, who is a character of mine that I moved off of Antonia Bayle and over to Oasis. When I first read the letter (supposedly from my own character) I had to ask myself if I had some how written it myself. A quick search on EQ2 players showed no other Ellithia characters aside from my own that I had moved to Oasis. I can’t even reply to the letter because the character does not exist.

How creepy! Awesome, but creepy.

I don’t have the faintest idea who wrote it, or how long this letter sat in my mailbox before I finally logged in and read it. I don’t know what became of my ‘sister’ but this totally made my day and reminded me that while I may not enjoy the game of EQ2 itself right now – the community? Is by FAR one of the best I’ve ever encountered (second only to that in EverQuest).

After being away from the game for so long I find it difficult to know just how to get back into the swing of things, or if I even want to try. Then there is also the fact that my friends are all off playing their various games now, which leaves me quite sad. We’ll just have to see I suppose.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Festival Of the Sands

If you play on Antonia Bayle (and these days it seems like almost everyone does) you’ve probably heard of two large player run festivals. One is the Festival of Unity, and the other is the Festival of Discord. This year, a third festival has made it into the play list. The Festival of the Sands. It takes place from August 15th to the 21st in Sinking Sands, and has even had some help with setting up thanks to one Gnobrin.

I decided to go to the opening ceremonies last night, and while there was not quite as large a turn out as I have seen for the previous festivals, it was still a sight. The week is split up into numerous events – and if you’re interested in meeting some fellow role players I highly suggest you check it out.

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Remembrance of the First Sultan and Founding of the City

Blessing of Ro and Opening Ceremony
Location: Fires of Ro
Sponsor: Rhana
4:00 CST

Battle of the Bards
Location: Poet’s View
Sponsor: Sihayya
5:00 CST

So You Think You Can Belly Dance

Location: Poet’s View
Sponsor: Hipolita and Meridyth
6:30 CST

Wishing Well
Sponsor: Tregarde
9:00 CST

You can find a calendar with a list of events, as well as a map of locations on their web site. Player run events like these take a lot of work to pull off, and I really appreciate the guilds that are working to put it together. If you’ve never attended a festival like this before I highly suggest you take a peek. They’re always a LOT of fun!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Castle Mistmoore

My favorite zone, in both EQ and EQ2, is Castle Mistmoore. I just love the way it looks and feels. It’s pretty much empty these days, but still holds as much excitement as the first time I went through.

I recently took my shadowknight in to look for shinies and work on achievements. Memories of Soulfire danced on the edge of my mind. I loved that quest chain, even though I’d only completed it once.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

My Paladin is a Shadowknight

For anyone who has read this blog over the past five years I’ve been writing on it, you’ll be well aware of the fact that I betray my characters in EQ2 – often. In fact I don’t think there is a single character I’ve ever played that I haven’t betrayed at least once, and some of them multiple times. It doesn’t matter what level they are, or how many masters they own, when I start to get the urge to betray I typically go through with it. In fact just two weeks ago I was betraying my warden over to a fury.

I enjoy my ‘quiet time’ in game. That’s not to say that I don’t like talking to others, I do, but there comes a time where I prefer to solo and do my own thing. Sadly, none of my characters were really optimized for that sort of play style – until I created the paladin. With the bonus experience this weekend I managed to gain a bunch of achievements, and on a whim decided that paladin was not really my play style for a solo character. They have fantastic aggro management making them optimal in tanking for groups. They have great heals, both single target and group.

However, shadowknights have a lot of tools available to them for soloing – such as feign death, and evac. I decided that I’d like to make better use of the ‘solo’ tools, and thus began my betrayal. I spent 450 plat on kaborite clusters, made all my new adept3, and spent an hour or two working my way through Neriak doing the simple quests required to move my faction. I’ve played a shadowknight before (though I’ve never had one of my own) so they’re not exactly new to me – and they play a lot like the paladin did. I mentored down, headed to Ruins of Varsoon and quickly farmed myself a few masters and some achievements. It was a nice pleasant quiet night, and I’m looking forward to seeing what other trouble the shadowknight can get into. I know that a lot of people are playing crusaders this expansion for various reasons, but at least while I’m playing by myself it doesn’t matter how many others are playing one since I’m doing my own thing.

Happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer