A Balance Between Group and Solo

I mentioned in my previous post that I don’t have a lot of free time and that what free time I do have is pretty sporadic, so I can’t really LFG in EQ2 to any great extent. The thing is, I WANT to play more, and I want to do group content, and I want to experience all of that. I just can’t, at least not right now.

So how do I progress my character in the meantime?

Well, in Kunark Ascending that means a lot of solo and advanced solo dungeons. Over and over. I pass the gear to my alts, and when the alts are full I salvage or transmute it.

It means doing the signature line, getting my ethereals, and then working on ascension which is pretty easy because it just requires experience. Doing the public quests in Jarsath Wastes and Fens of Nathsar contribute a huge chunk of that daily.

Then there’s faction grinding (pretty boring) key quests (timed, I can’t always do these), and the crafting grind which includes more factioning. There’s collecting status and leveling the guild, and – well. That’s about all I’ve found to do, aside from some meta achievements like running old zones, collecting shinies, or trying to make coin. Truth of the matter is that without the time to dedicate to first finding and then completing group dungeons there’s not a whole lot I can do. This game isn’t like world of warcraft, with queues and LFRaid. It’s one thing I really miss about WoW. No matter how much (or how little) time I had I felt as though I could still experience a large portion of the expansion and I didn’t have to dedicate more than an hour here and there to it. In EQ2 there’s no way for me to participate in any raids at all and so most zones are places I will only see if they turn them into a non-combat zone (has happened a few times, Daybreak is pretty good at re-using zones).

Does this make me sad? Does it bug me that I paid for a subscription to a game where I can’t actually experience all of the content it has to offer?

Not really. I knew what I was getting into. I knew I wouldn’t have the time to dedicate to it that I might once have had. It won’t always be that way, either. In the meantime I’ll live vicariously through those who are doing the group content and go back to my crafting.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Throwback Thursday

It’s amazing how we look back at things we’ve done throughout our lives and suddenly realize just how much time has passed. 8 years ago this month I was writing articles for Beckett Massive Online Gamer about EQ and EQ II. Today I took a bunch of time to go through some of those articles and just reminisce. One of my favourite features was doing the class guides, especially bards. I got to interview some really fantastic people (some who I’m still friends with today!) and I had a blast doing it. The four years I spent writing for Beckett was (I feel) some of the most rewarding writing I ever did and not only because I could pick it up from a local book store as a physical object (how cool is that), but because of the leeway I was given in my articles to write my way and not have to follow a lot of strict rules. Ah, memories..




Beautiful, but Slightly Annoying


I’m questing through Altar of Malice right now in EQ2. It’s the expansion that took us from 95 to 100, and it’s a few behind these days so everywhere I go is pretty empty as players opt to get to 100 by experience grinding elsewhere (I can hardly blame them). My first days in Tranquil Sea were uneventful. I didn’t enjoy the quest lines and the story didn’t pick up until I got to Phantom Sea. Then it all got much more interesting.

One of my least favourite type of quests are the ones that require you to harvest something but as you’re harvesting you get a message like the one below.


That’s right, you managed to pick up the item but OH NO it crumbled to dust! Now you have to harvest another one. Honestly, these quests are nothing but annoying, especially when (as I have mentioned numerous times) RNG and I are not friends. There’s a handful of these types of quests scattered throughout the Altar of Malice timeline, and every single one made me groan. Just let me harvest double the amount instead of tossing in these failures! At least then I have some idea of progression and achievement instead of feeling bad that I’ve failed, again.

With that annoyance out of the way.. the expansion is amazing looking. It”s probably one of the prettiest places I’ve seen in EQ2. The dungeons are beautiful, and I found myself taking a lot of screenshots.


Now I continue to work my way to level 100, so I can at least have one character at the cap. Sure, I’ve got two crafters (out of 9) at 100 already, but that doesn’t really give me the same sense of achievement. Ideally I’d like to get a few more characters to 100, but we’ll see how that goes (as always). It’s nice to be playing in Norrath again, even if my subscription is up in a month. I’d like to be able to afford a krono or some other means of subscription but at 100,000 plat that’s just a bit out of my range.

Still, I’ll enjoy things in the meantime.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Comfort Gaming


I’ve talked about this before in-depth, but this week more than others I find myself drawn to “comfort gaming”. Basically just like comfort food, we all have games that we’re very comfortable with. Maybe we don’t give them as much attention as we wish we did, or maybe we’ve moved on over the years to something more shiny, or maybe we’ve just stopped playing for whatever reason. Whatever the case may  be, this week  has been all about comfort gaming for me, and nothing gives me that feeling like EverQuest 2.

Lets face it, we all have a really bad week here and there. Mine started out with a doctor appointment that I was pretty sure was going to be bad news. Turns out, it was. There’s potentially something wrong with my pregnancy so now I have to fly to Vancouver for testing (in approximately a week) so I can find out what’s wrong, and how sever it is, and what (if anything) I can do to prepare myself for whatever comes next. Getting bad news sucks. Getting bad news and then having to wait a week before knowing anything sucks even more. Getting bad news, having to wait, and then having to take an unexpectedly expensive trip to find out results is even more stress. Then I found out my friend in EQ2 passed away after losing his fight with depression (which I wrote about here, too). Needless to say my weekend and the beginning of this week has certainly been filled with far more downs than ups. I’m ready for something good to come along.

That’s why turning to these comfort games is something I fully embrace. I’m not saying ignore the world or pretend the problems don’t exist, but give yourself a bit of a break. You’re dealing with some pretty rough times, you need some space to step away and collect yourself.

I decided nothing really gave me that feeling as much as leveling up a new character and so I created two. One is Milay, a berserker, and the other is Quails, a channeler. I logged in a second account and decided to power level both characters (one at a time) because what I really wanted to do was just plow through content without any thoughts at all.

So that’s exactly what I did.

Both characters are now at level 50, brokers are stocked with lots of yummy items for sale, and I feel a bit better about things (or at least calmer). Is it a perfect solution? No, of course not, but I can’t stress enough how much gaming has helped me keep my sanity in otherwise impossible situations. I had a lot of fun, and got to relax. It’s a great combination.

Goodbye, My EverQuest 2 Friend

I have a habit of always wishing people happy birthday on whatever social media they happen to use (that I also use). Facebook, G+, twitter, you name it, I’m there obnoxiously wishing you a happy birthday, year after year. Even if we don’t know each other that well. It’s just something I always do.

So like every other year I wished my friend Jean a happy birthday.

Then his daughter contacted me to tell me that he had lost his battle with depression back in March, and was no longer with us. His wife posted the same message, just weeks earlier.

I had no idea.

I felt.. well, I don’t even know how to describe what I felt. I felt ashamed that I hadn’t kept in touch better. That I didn’t know that he had died. That I had posted a chipper happy birthday message to his facebook wall for friends and family to see and probably stir up some memories. I removed my message right away, ashamed.

Instead I posted one expressing my condolences, and telling Jean and his family that I won’t ever forget our talks in EQ2.

Yep, another gamer. Just like all of us.

I “met” Jean in EQ2 years ago. I don’t even know how long it has been now. He was instigating arguments on the public channels of Antonia Bayle. Arguments that I didn’t agree with. It was something against the US military, in a time where that was (I suppose it always is) a pretty volatile statement to make. Needless to say, the entire server ganged up on him to try to ‘take him down’ due to his harsh statements.

I felt like it wasn’t fair to gang up on a person just because of their opinion, whether or not you personally agreed with that opinion. I didn’t like that a mass of players were verbally attacking one single person due to the tone of their comments (whether he deserved it or not). So I started sending him tells. I had never spoken to him before that but something told me I should reach out, so I did.

We were never really ‘close’ per say, but I knew he was battling depression and that he had been for years. I knew about his family, and we became friends on facebook. I thought I’d share one of our last conversations. His part is in italics.

  • You were there for me when I was in dire need of some human contact and I know I’m not easy to deal with, lotsa obstacles: low self-esteem, anti-social, etc. I know it’s awkward to even talk to me. anyway, just in case I never said it, thank you for being there when I needed it. For you I’m sure it seems like a sordid memory. I know it was a weird time for me.
  • You’re more then welcome. I’m always there for anyone I consider a friend or who needs it. I try, at least.
  • like I said, a saint

Our final conversation was about some anime, back in January 2015, followed by (you guessed it) the typical birthday wishes. I think about how many people out there are suffering in silence with depression and I constantly wonder “what can I do?” it seems like an impossible task to take on.

You never know what someone’s personal situation is like, so please, be kind to one another out there. You just don’t know what it will turn into one day.

I’ll miss you, Jean.

Nomadic Gamer