Another Quiet Weekend

Things have been a little quiet in EQ2 as of late. Quiet isn’t bad per say, but it’s just different (for me at least). Battlegrounds have been pretty much down since release, a lot more then they’ve been up. I’m sad but not surprised by this. They were down all weekend, and hopefully, maybe, if we all wish really hard, they’ll be up some time soon. I, however, will not be holding my breath.

I managed to reach 30,000 faction with the kerra outfitters, which granted me the ability to purchase a book filled with recipes for ‘casual’ garments. They’re quite nice looking – but they all take a T9 rare, and right now those are through the roof. The chances of me making one any time soon are pretty slim. At 40,000 I’ll be able to make the higher tier battleground gear, which is something I’m quite looking forward to. Don’t forget the Isle of Mara has new recipe books, I found a level 79 book that allows me to craft level 80 BG gear. I stuck a suit of it on my coercer (it takes T8 rares) in the hopes that I’d get to experiment with ‘toughness’ to see what (if any) difference it makes while you’re playing against other characters. I managed to loot two T9 masters this weekend, and that put another 400 plat in my wallet. There isn’t a whole heck of a lot that I want to purchase, so for now the coin accumulates. Knowing me, I’ll spend it on house items.

I have been working on two characters, my warden and my coercer. While most people may prefer an illusionist in their group (I can hardly blame them, the illusionist has a LOT to offer a group) I find the coercer a lot more fun. I’ve been running around charming mobs to figure out their strengths. The coercer is sitting part way through 83, while the warden just managed to grab onto 81. I’m taking my time with these characters, there’s no rush to have another 12 sitting at 90 after all.

I’m still in awe at how pretty SF is. I love the expansion as far as graphics go. I still just really wish battlegrounds were working. It was a nice quick thing to do with a few spare moments, as opposed to having to plan around a couple of hours of play time.

What was everyone else up to this weekend? Let me know!

Saturday Book of the Day

(( I’ve slacked with posting these lately, but. Here’s another book of the day for people to enjoy. These are all books from my Norrathian Library on the Oasis server. You can visit me in the North Freeport mage tower, bottom floor, under the  name of Ellithia. If you’d like to donate a book to my library you can mail me in game and I’ll send you supplies, I eagerly accept books from other servers as well, I’ll give you blank books and some coin to use on Oasis ))

The Tale of Iuselia

Recounted by Luceia Fer’Re

Long ago in an era of antiquity, there was a bitter feud between two noble families. A house of light against a house of dark.

Neither side would be satisfied until the other had ceased to be. And so, the conflict lasted for centuries upon centuries.

This struggle finally came to an end when, one day, the house of dark’s defenses were rendered compromised by an unidentified traitor from within. In the night that came to follow, the house of light infiltrated the grounds and burnt them to ashes, leaving no survivors.

Following their victory, the house of light would find that they had recieved a most unexpected visitor. Iuselia, said to be the eldest daughter of the house’s matriach, had returned after what was explained as travels abroad to fellow cities of their people.
Having now returned home, Iuselia would begin her training as a knight pledged in service to the house.

Iuselia learnt fast and was initiated swiftly, soon entering active duty to her mother and matriach.

In time, war would reach Iuselia’s homeland. The capital was represented by a warrior who had previously departed the city after despairing of the inner conflict that had wracked it in recent centuries, having returned in the hope of persuading his people to join the side of his newfound allies whom were carving a trail of victory across the continent.

Iuselia was soon assigned to this warrior’s contingent by her house in the hope that the war could end the schism that continued to plague the nation.
Iuselia’s warrior captain, now a lord by order of the crown, departed his homeland with his newly formed contingent of soldiers and began leading them to the front lines.

However, before the contingent could even arrive, the army at large was devestated by a struggle that was greater than any they had known prior to that point, leaving the newly appointed warrior lord without allies to whom he could return.

Despite the loss of his allies, the warrior lord did not return home just yet. Realizing that he was still capable of waging war against the enemies of his homeland, the warrior lord led his soldiers into battle nontheless and began to achieve many victories in the name of his people.

As Iuselia’s mother and matron had hoped, war indeed brought unity to their people.
But on this battlefield, heritage was law. In the eyes of the crown, alleigences were determined by blood and could never be changed, save by becoming an enemy.

And so, the warrior lord earned their ire and that of the nobility at large when he forged an alliance with a former enemy in order to combat an even greater enemy.

Back home, Iuselia’s house was thrown into discontent when the matriach voiced her approval of the warrior lord’s actions. On the other hand, the youngest of the matriach’s two daughters were deeply affronted by the warrior lord’s choice of allies and aghast by their mother’s stance on the issue.

This became a moot point when the matriach died of a sudden illness days later. In her eldest daughter’s absence, the second of her daughters became “temporary” matriach.
The second daughter would remain in the position until such a time as Iuselia was able to return to the capital and take her place as the rightful successor.

Upon the warrior lord’s arrival at the capital, he was called before his sovereigns and sentenced to execution on the morrow for both his choice in allies and in faith.

When Iuselia returned to her house, she would discover that her younger sister and “temporary” matriach had just recently uncovered a document signed by their late mother which stipulated that it was in fact the second of her daughters who was next in line to the house, not the first daughter as had been expected, meaning that the second daughter’s “temporary” position as matriach had just been rendered permanent. The late matriach’s one son, however, accused their newly appointed matriach of treachery.
The late matriach’s son denied the validity of the document upon which his second sister based her claim to the house, declaring that it had been forged in order to cement her position. Furthermore, he accused the new matriach of assassinating their mother in the first place in order to enable her subsequent rise to power.

Without proof, however, these remained but baseless accusations. The newly appointed matriach charged their brother with slander and ordered Iuselia to execute him on the spot. As Iuselia had pledged loyalty to the house itself, not to any one person, whoever was currently in charge of the house was Iuselia’s liege by default. Therefore, it was an order that Iuselia was honour bound to obey, no matter what. However, Iuselia was saved from having to carry out the order when her brother used his talents as a bard in order to vanish right before the room’s very eyes.
Iuselia’s brother fled his homeland after that and never returned. Some say he eventually found love in a faraway country.

Although her brother had escaped, Iuselia was troubled nontheless. She had been mere seconds away from striking him down for speaking what she strongly suspected was the truth. She had become a mere hound of a mistress to whom her honour and her pride meant less than nothing, her owner deeming her to be naught but a commodity to be used and thrown away as she saw fit.

Iuselia’s new liege sent her out in pursuit of her brother in order to complete the order which she had been moments away from fulfilling prior to his escape. This led Iuselia beyond her homeland and into the world at large, yet she found no trace of her brother, no matter where she looked. Yet there was a constant in all the places that she visited.
No matter where Iuselia went, she found assassins at every turn, waiting to catch her off-guard. She suspected that they had been sent by her house’s matriach in order to get her out of the way before the basis for her claim to power came under too great a scrutiny. That way, even if her document was exposed as a forgery, she would still have right of succession, just so long as her older sister was dead.

Eventually, Iuselia was able to defeat one of the assassins whilst still leaving them alive for questioning. Her worst suspicions were realized. Iuselia’s own house had indeed ordered her demise. And yet, Iuselia still remained bound by her word nontheless. Although her house had proven themselves her enemy, she could not become an enemy in kind. For this reason, Iuselia continued her search for her brother, yet still finding no trace of him wherever she went.
Back in Iuselia’s homeland, her house had attracted the attention of rival families who noted it’s weakness now that there was only one direct heir present to take control in the event that it’s current matriach were no more.

A purge ensued that only Iuselia and her brother survived, the house’s rivals seeking to remove the family in one fell swoop.

Iuselia had now been robbed of everything. Her home, her comrades in arms, the pride she was to defend. Only hatred remained.

She was a stray, no longer bound by chains of loyalty.

Latest Round of Patch Notes

(( Have you read the latest round of patch notes for EverQuest II? I’ve highlighted those that were of particular interest to me, if you have any comments please leave them below! ))

Wild Swings will now persist through death.
The switches that open and close doors and barriers on the Vigilant: Final Destruction should now function on PvP servers.
Killing several Dreadnaught guards in South Freeport will now cause them to learn some respect. The same applies to Thexians in North Freeport.

Effects that can only be obtained on PVP Servers will no longer work in Battlegrounds.

All raid dropped armor now has red adornment slots.

Critical Mitigation on many raid dropped armor pieces have been changed to be more in line with TSO numbers.
Many of the high tier armor sets have been renamed to reduce confusion.
Brellium resist jewelry items have been improved.
All raid dropped jewelry now has resists.
Many raid drop weapons and jewelry items have had additional effects added.
Some of Waansu’s items have had class restrictions added.

The quest “Swiping Scrolls” can once again be successfully completed.
The quest “Shroom Prune” now updates off of killing Coercer Pittles and Shroombis the Coerced.

Waansu should no longer appear inside a test tube if he has spawned as an encounter

It should be more difficult to get out of PvP combat after engaging someone in PvP combat.
You can no longer break PvP encounters by using /yell.
All raid mobs have had their damage and melee reduced by 10-20%

You will now only get a death credit in a battleground if you actually die.
Ungrouped members on the same team should be autogrouped after a few seconds.
The old group icons are back. So custom UI group icons should work normally now.
Russian names now display properly in the battleground leaderboard window.
Healing from wards will now count as healing given and healing received in the battleground leaderboard.

The descriptions for Clarissa’s Content Countenance and Criggle’s Chaotic Characteristics have been updated to resolve some confusion issues.
The following items have been changed from heirloom/lore-equip to no trade/lore:
exquisite woven boots
exquisite woven pants
exquisite woven shoulder pads
exquisite woven tunic
female tradesman boots
female tradesman gloves
female tradesman pants
female tradesman tunic
male tradesman boots
male tradesman gloves
male tradesman pants
male tradesman tunic
striking woven boots
striking woven pants
striking woven shoulder pads
striking woven tunic
dragon fastened robe
exquisitely stitched robe
female gold blouse
female gold skirt
formal wear female ensemble
formal wear male ensemble

Rewards from the ‘Shadows of the Betrayed’ signature quest are now correctly flagged as one-hand weapons.

Tradeskilled adornments would not work on a large number of low-level items. This has been fixed.
The Hua Mein daily crafting missions now include only 1 mission that requires harvesting, equivalent to the Kerra and Quel’ule factions.

Toxxulia should do less damage with her spells and melee.

Maalus Shadowfyre will now cast his AOE spells at least 12 seconds apart from one another, rather than 8 seconds, giving players more time to recover after the previous AOE spell ticks.

Perah Celsis should do slightly less damage with his spells.

Lets Talk Exploits

I am a firm believer in the fact that there is a difference between exploiting, and “taking advantage of a game mechanic” that is NOT exploiting. Let me specify. Killing a ring event over and over again so that you can get the drops from it doesn’t constitute as exploiting in my books. You’re standing in one spot, not doing anything outside of the realm of the game. You’re not manipulating anything, you’re not being sneaky about it. You probably should report it because you know it shouldn’t work this way, but you’re not doing anything specifically WRONG standing there killing encounters. If for some reason said ring event goes through a fix so that it only spawns every 4 hours instead of every 10 minutes that is a result of a game mechanic that has been fixed. If you stand there all day and get reported for it (we’re not talking about using any third party programs here) chances are you’re not going to get in trouble.

Now. An exploit. Lets say with the newly released battlegrounds you figured out that if you transmute an item on the battleground server from your inventory, it would then clone itself as you returned to the regular server and you’d end up with the item back in your inventory along with the transmuted result. In this case you are blatantly abusing a game mechanic,  manipulating it in order to make the game do something that it shouldn’t be doing. Cloning items is bad m’kay?

Lets take it one step further. Lets say you figured out a friend from your guild was taking advantage of this exploit, and heading off to battlegrounds every chance available so that they could clone items and mute them then sell them on the broker for huge sums of cash.

What do you do?

Do you bother reporting them? Do you just wait for the game company to look into it and take care of it? Does your opinion of your guild mate change at all?

Whether or not to exploit something is always a personal choice that every individual has to make for themselves. The truth of the matter is that in pretty much every game if there’s a way to break it or find a way to gain an advantage over someone else, there will be people looking to take advantage of it. Whether or not they actually get caught at it, is another issue.There are always stories about raid guilds trying to break the avatars in order to find an easier way to kill them, or break a raid encounter (pulling Veeshan’s Peak mobs through the barriers anyone?) in order to accomplish their “goal” easier. How do you decide whether or not you’ll participate in something like that? Are the risks worth the rewards?

Nomadic Gamer