Sign up for EverQuest: Veil of Alaris Beta #EverQuest


I’m really excited about the next everquest expansion, called Veil of Alaris. Above is a video for Argath, Bastion of illdaera, one of the new zones that come with it. There are a handful of wonderful changes also coming with the expansion including:

  • Guild halls with trophies
  • Resizeable hotbars
  • 12 buttons per hotbar
  • The ability to link items and clickies directly to the hotbar, including from inside of bags
  • Customizable guild ranks
  • A new guild rank system
  • The ability to mail items in game

The level cap will also be increasing from 90 to 95, and that means new spells and aa. There are 12 new zones, and if you have an active EverQuest account and want to sign up for the beta, you can visit the sign up page here. You must log in to your active EverQuest account in order to sign up. I have to admit, I’m more excited about this then the EQ2 expansion. Fingers crossed that I’ll get into the beta and when the NDA drops I’ll have some interesting stuff to share with readers.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Hardcore Heritage Coming to EverQuest! #EQ #EverQuest

Thanks to the 45-day ‘welcome back’ program that SOE is currently running, a few of my friends (and I) have returned to our roots in EverQuest. It wasn’t that long ago that we were playing and doing the 12 year anniversary tasks, but we had taken a bit of a break (and then the nasty business happened with SOE being down for a few days). It feels good to be back, and as you can see by my screen shot above, there’s a lot of other players who feel exactly the same way. The screen shot is of the Drinal server, which is where I play.

There’s also some exciting news for EverQuest in the future, as they prepare to start their ‘Hardcore heritage’ event once more this year. Basically this is where they take numerous old world zones of lower levels and adjust them to be end game zones with all new loot tables and mechanics. Here are the details to the event this year:

Are you ready to revisit some of your favorite classic zones and experience all new challenges? Well Hardcore Heritage is almost here!

Hardcore Heritage, one of our yearly events where we revisit some older zones and update them to provide a more challenging environment, is coming to a server near you soon! Spread over the months May to July, you’ll have an opportunity to visit the old stomping grounds with entirely new foes to battle.

The schedule for events is as follows:

5/23 – 6/12

  • Blackburrow (Level 80)
  • Cazic Thule (Level 80)


  • Lower Guk (Level 85)
  • Unrest (Level 85)


  • Crushbone (Level 90)
  • ?????????? (Level 90)

This year we’re presenting two newly revamped zones, Crushbone and one other yet to be announced. Nostalgia and loot will abound, make sure you stop by and visit all the old spots from Trainer Hill to Emperor Crush’s throne room itself! There’s even a new challenge for two to three groups of players, can you defeat Emperor Crush and his stalwart allies?

I’m pretty excited, I have participated in the event previous years and it’s always a lot of fun. It’s also nice to see players gathered together in zones instead of always running missions which has been the fad as of late – especially with the bonus experience in place. Ultann has returned to the game and we’re currently attempting to help him level from 85-90 so he can partake in more of the House of Thule content. It’s a slow process, but at least he has bonus experience to make use of this week.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Miniature Action Lashun House Item #EverQuest #EQ

I love house items, it doesn’t matter what game I play (although to be honest, only so many games I play actually have housing). House of Thule (the latest EQ expansion) introduced player-housing to the game and while there are a lot of merchants as well as the market place that give players some creative purchases in which to build their homes, there are very few quests in game (yet) that reward players with house items. There are a few! Don’t get me wrong. My first experience with these quests was actually the April Fools day quest – it rewarded the mini jester for my home. Yesterday I discovered three more quests while browsing the forums, including the quest for the action figure pictured above.

The incredibly neat thing about these quests is that the house items have very detailed lore explanations added onto the item. What I mean is that when you examine the item they have two tabs, one is the general description, and the other is a lore tab with the details. The action figure pictured above also happens to have adjustable poses, talks, and plays music. It is one of two rewards from a quest involving The Nonad Brothers which you can begin in Sunrise Hills. You also receive an awesome looking replica of a shield with the Qeynos crest on the front of it. The quest involved one of the older ones available in game, collecting taxes from random NPC through Qeynos. My favorite part was when I had to collect taxes from one disgruntled Halfling – he actually stole the tax money from another, and made me tell him that I was a gnoll loving weakling unfit to comb his feet. After I gave him a good chuckle he kindle handed over the coin.

There are two other housing quests as well, but I won’t get into details about them in this post, going to save that for another day. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

EverQuest Emergency Update Notes #EQ

*** Emergency Update ***

– All EverQuest servers have been brought down for an emergency zone crash fix. We apologize for the inconvenience.
*** Items ***

– Newbie weapons on Progression servers will now start at 60 percent of their normal stats and gain 10 percent per unlocked expansion.
– The Jagged Orc Slayer Sword will now behave like other newbie weapons on Progression servers.
– Merchants have raised their sale prices on many potions that were mistakenly re-priced. They have not changed the price they will pay for them.
*** Quests & Events ***

– Fixed tradeskill combines for Felwithe Defender, Pine Scout, and Pine Druid armor on Progression servers.


1-300 Brewing Guide #EverQuest #EQ

One of my favorite places in EverQuest would have to be Brell’s Rest. It’s an amazing looking zone, and of course with Brell’s own house not that far away, looming over the rivers, well. It’s just outstanding. I’m still working on my crafting, and there’s still a lot to go before I hit 300 in all my trades and then attempt to work on the prayer shawl 2.0 but I look forward to it with an odd excitement. I didn’t get a lot of gaming in this weekend due to some health complications, but hopefully once I visit my doctor on Tuesday everything will be back to normal. I’ve found a number of guides for leveling up tradeskills, but none are exactly up to date with the latest and greatest recipes. Where most crafts have plenty of House of Thule additions, I found that Brewing, was quite lacking. This was the method I took:

Quick Trivial List
Tradeskill Trophy Quest
Brewer Charm

Brewing Freebie: Work for Yitimis
0-122 Fetid Essence (can be used later in Smithing Bile Spine)
135 Ol’tujim’s Fierce Brew
162 Jumjum Spiced Beer
188 Faydwer Shaker (all store bought)
248 Minotaur Hero’s Brew
335 Kaladim Constitutional (requires ground spawns)

Alternative Routes:
150 Sherry (all store bought items)
187 Shar Vahl Essence (requires foraged or ground spawns)
250 Clear Absinthe (all store bought items)
282 Fish Fungus Wine (requires fishing in Depths of Darkhollow)
295 Blindfish Pale Ale (requires fishing in Depths of Darkhollow)
300 Rose Absinth (requires ground spawn from Oceangreen)
335 Brut Champagne a bit more expensive but less farming

Right now my brewing is at 263, which means I’m working on Kaladim constitutional. The problem is, so are many others on Drinal, and that means the ground spawns in Kaladim are not always available. I attempted to make Brut Champagne, but it’s an expensive endeavor, requiring enchanter created parts (which I do make myself, but still a pain to gather). The other down side is that brut champagne is not something my characters will actually make use of, since it’s an alcoholic beverage and not an actual drink with stats. Most of the house of thule recipes I came across were for much lower levels of brewing, although the drinks have nice stats they’re not things I can use to skill up with.

For now, I’m content with the 500 jugs of Kaladim constitutional I’ve got on my main, and look forward to filling many (many) more casks with the sweet liquid. After brewing I’ve got the wonderful decision of what to work on next. It’s a tie between smithing, fletching, and pottery. The last three skills I need on my road to making out my crafting.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer