
Finishing off DoD Missions

My gaming session started off some what poorly yesterday as I completely forgot a key fact in crafting. Specifically when you’re working on baking, and brewing. My enchanter has been some what neglected in the ways of food and drink, and of course I had a whole bunch of supplies stored on her to make misty thicket picnic baskets when I had a few free moments. The key word there is had

I finally had some free time – and harvested an egg so I could make dough (finally) and 10 veggies which was all I was missing. I logged the enchanter in and began doing my combines. I sort of shook my head as I noticed some ingredients I had previously purchased were no longer there. In fact, NONE of the edible ingredients that I had purchased were there. No food, no drinks. Nothing foraged.

Ack! I’d COMPLETELY forgotten that if you store food and drink supplies on your character – your character will EAT IT if you don’t have a supply of regular food and drink placed before all of the crafting bits. Dang it!

So I spent a few hours re-collecting all of the supplies I needed (I was attempting 100 combines, which is 400 baskets and needless to say requires a lot of room). Once that was done I proceeded to work on my baking skill, and while I didn’t get nearly as much done as I would have liked I did get a great deal of space back in my inventory by the end of it. 

When Ultann and Ninga were around it was off to finish the Depths of Darkhollow missions for level 70, and subsequently get my last spell on each character. I was excited, it was all stuff I’d never done before. One of the prettiest zones I’d been to was the one pictured above. I can’t remember the name of the zone, but it was one of the last ones needed for the level 70 spell. The mobs were all very cool looking (like the dragon pictured above) and the whole zone actually reminded me of the void shard zones in EQ2 where there’s open sky with stars all around. Apparently this zone is not used for anything else aside from this mission, which I think is a shame because it’s really spectacular. Another of the 70 missions included being transformed into a mob and finding hordes of Drachnid which was fun but frustrating. It’s hard to learn how to play a new character and even harder when the mobs you’re trying to take down hit hard, and when you revive you have rez effects. It was still fun, but required a little patience. 

The missions were painless, and before too long both my enchanter and my necromancer were sporting their level 70 spell. We also killed Gloomfang again who dropped another greater and glowing rune for the enchanter, who finally got her group haste. Next glowing I get goes towards her group mana regen spell, another nice one to have. She’s about 75% into level 72, while the necromancer is 40% into level 74. 

Once we finished those missions we had to do 69.1 in order for the enchanter to get a spell she had missed. It was pretty quick, and we rounded up the evening doing the DoN missions for Ultann so he could get his 250hp/mana aa that he apparently missed out on the previous time we did it. This included “raiding” Emoush again, who we took down before he even respawned his shaman buddies. 

I believe we’re going to be working through The Buried Sea next, something about a whole lot of faction needed to purchase spells (and gear) and earning lots of orux. I have explored a little through this expansion and done a few missions as well as some quests in Katta, but I haven’t ventured too far into it yet. After that is Secrets of Faydwer, and then of course the latest expansion that released in October, Seeds of Destruction. There’s still so much of this game that I haven’t explored yet, and I’m loving every minute of it.

Tier2 DoN Progression

I spent most of yesterday (and I will today as well) transcribing the remainder of my SOE interviews that I did while in San Diego, so I didn’t have a whole lot of time to play. Ultann and Ninga logged in and we decided to start working our faction for the Dark Reign again – of course it seems that I missed a very small part of the progression that may (or may not) have made this all easier. 

Apparently once you finish tier one and obtain your 2aa and new special aa (grants you +10 to all of your stats for no cost, constantly) you need to hail the commander once more, and say the key word (work) in order to get your flag for the next tier. In fact zam specifically says: 

Head back to the Commander and speak with him. This will flag you for the next step in progression. You will also get flagged for the Tirranun raid (not required for progression). “

Well, I didn’t do that nor did I suggest to my friends that they do it. So when we could not get the next portion, I assumed it was because we needed faction (and I’d read further down in the post that mentioned something about needing amiable with the Dark Reign before progressing further). We spent the majority of the evening working on creator missions (which are fast) and alternating with another mission. I didn’t mind because it was a nice amount of aa for Minxes – I kept Kameeko parked in Lavastorm to turn in the faction tokens. 

After growing increasingly frustrated, by a random chance Ultann happened to hail the captain and say his text and then received his flag, and spoke with the next npc in line who very easily gave him the next tier of progression quests. Woopsie. 

It still was a fun night – I hope everyone else had fun too and doesn’t hate me too much for all that work we did. 

So tonight we’ll be working on Tier2 for real – and why are we even doing these older expansions? Well first of all they’re still all fairly new to me. I have done the DoN missions before but not the faction or the main quest arc that went along with it. Getting spells and aa and unique aa is a lot of fun, and hey, why not! The goal for tonight is the following bit of quest (taken from the walk through at Zam) 

Tier 2: Tenacity of the Dark Reign 

Speak with Officer Sirrikus Ryktor and receive three tasks: 

“Army of Stone” — Loot five Animated Guardian Essences from Stillmoon Temple 
“Blood from Sand” — Loot seven Impure Goblin Bloods from Stillmoon Temple 
“Reap the Kirin Mind” — Loot three Pristine Kirin Brains from The Ascent 

Head back to the Commander and speak with him to receive a flag. Now speak to Officer Vacax Rol`Tas, who gives you yet another mission: 

“Drake Eggs” — In The Ascent, kill drakes until you are able to loot a Drake Egg. This will spawn a Goblin Guard at the zone-in. Kill him, and give the Drake Egg to Celrak Blightblood in the Lavastorm Mountains. Upon doing so, your task is completed and you receive 29-38 Ebon Crystals and a Dark Reign Token. 

Speak with Captain Aleeth Zyrv to gain information on the Calling Emoush raid event. 

“Calling Emoush” is a 24-player raid event in Tirranun’s Delve. A fairly straight forward event, you need to kill Emoush’s three guards and then take him out. Loot a Glowing Stone Fragment his corpse. Bring this to the Commander for a flag and: 
-Two AAs 
-Tenacity of the Dark Reign (250 hp/mana/end) 
-Your 69th level spell/tome. 

Class – Spell/Skill 
Bard – Spell: Storm Blade 
Beastlord – Spell: Growl of the Panther 
Berserker – Tome of Destroyer’s Volley 
Cleric – Spell: Blessed Touch (scribes as Ward of Retribution spell) 
Druid – Spell: Earthen Embrace (scribes as Serpent Vines spell) 
Enchanter – Spell: Rune of Rikkukin 
Magician – Spell: Summon: Molten Orb 
Monk – Tome of Dragon Fang 
Necromancer – Spell: Shadow Orb 
Paladin – Tome of Guard of Righteousness 
Ranger – Spell: Earthen Shackles 
Rogue – Tome of Assassin’s Feint 
Shadowknight – Tome of Soul Shield 
Shaman – Spell: Spirit of the Panther 
Warrior – Tome of Cyclone Attack 
Wizard – Spell: Claw of Vox

It should be a lot of fun, and needless to say I’ll try to read the quest information a little clearer next time so we don’t end up spending the evening grinding faction mindlessly for no reason at all. Sorry about that again guys!

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing EQ again. A few friends have been giving me some jeers about playing such an old game (happy 10th birthday almost!) but it really does give a sense of accomplishment when you take down an encounter or work on crafting or obtain a difficult flag. Since it was my very first ‘true’ MMO it holds that special place in my heart that no other game can come close to. That’s not to say that I won’t be playing other games (I’d like to get some Vanguard time in soon and I will be working on a 14-day project for work with regards to Final Fantasy XI) but for my leisure time for now, EQ is where I’m at. 

See you in Norrath!