Goals: Week Two

I spent a lot of gold this week and haven’t seen a whole lot of return yet, but I’m hoping it pans out. My gold making pictured above is one of my servers, and represents horde & alliance (I play both on the same server). I am on other servers too, but I figured for this purpose I’d just track one.
Anyway, horde pulled ahead since I’m playing them more these days, earning 180,870g profit. I did a few emissary and paragon quests so that helped a ton, and I restocked some cloth transmog which has been selling pretty well.
Alliance would have pulled ahead by a small margin but I bought a bunch of bloodfeaster mounts once I heard that the farm had been nerfed earlier this week. They were going for 10-15k on my server and I’m hoping I can get the price to inch up as we get closer to Shadowlands. I also made a silly purchase worth 36k of Tidespray linen. Why? It was 1g09s which is still actually low enough to profit on (plus I could use a bit more expulsom for my jewelcrafter).
One of the strangest sales I made was someone who paid almost 6k for some green winter clothes – with the event coming up in the not too far future I figured they would have held off on that but who am I to complain! I spent maybe an hour total all week working on the sales aspect of things this week so it was fairly hands off. Instead I’m focusing on cleaning up banks & inventory, and leveling up alts in preparation for Shadowlands. I’m trying to organize logical teams of characters since I want to switch from 5 boxing to 2 boxing (although now I’m wondering if I just want to go back to 5 boxing or at least 4 boxing).
All in all I’m happy with the goldmaking progress for the amount of time I’m dedicating to it (which is almost none). Room for improvement? Always. Earning at least a token a week on each horde & alliance is pretty good for me, personally.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!