
A Little Spending

My accounts all have shadowlands, game time has been topped up, and what’s the point of just having gold sitting around for no reason! So I decided to get into Hearthstone. I’ve played off and on over the years, but nothing seriously, and I’ve never purchased any of their limited edition packs before. Since I was paying in gold, I didn’t mind in the least.

I bought 4 tokens this week which is why I’m in the red, but sales have actually been pretty steady. I know we’re all eagerly waiting for the 13th and the release of the pre-patch which includes the level squish and all of the crafting changes. I’m not sure if any actual events are going to be taking place (like the supposed zombie invasion) but we’ll see what they have ready, I suppose.

I also finally gained the remainder of the faction I needed to craft the Onyx Panther mount from Pandaria. That one was a long time coming. I just absolutely can’t seem to get into the habit of doing dailies.

Here’s hoping next week brings me back out of the red!


I don’t usually do a lot of stockpiling between expansions, even though I know a lot of other goblins do. The biggest thing these days seems to be getting ready for relics in Shadowlands, but with no updates as to when pre-patch is hitting, I’m not even sure that relics will make it in as we know them right now.

They work simple enough. Craft an item, apply a relic to said item, and something changes. When you add relic V to an item the vendor price goes up to its maximum value. It takes time to craft the items, time to craft the relics, time to sell. gold per hour is calculated on all of that.

Right now the most popular crafted goods and relics seem to be linen and copper. I’m stockpiling a little of everything that I find for cheap, but I’m really not going out of my way. The rest is just stuff I’ve had in my banks forever that might actually get some use. I’m not stockpiling sky golems either because I think there will be a huge influx of those as people realize how quickly alts can pick up the recipe and begin their sky golem army. I predict the price will drop. I do have a few in reserve, but no huge amounts. I would rather make my gold from Shadowlands items, but still branch out a bit into the older markets too. We’ll just have to see.

A week of Sales

A bit over 300,000 gold in the last 7 days from auction house sales – this doesn’t include any vendor flips I did or any other ways of earning gold (like paragon chests) – and I’m pretty pleased with that amount of gold flowing in this late into an expansion. Most of my costs are low, I’m trying to sell off inventory that will become a bit less valuable as soon as the pre-patch drops (when will that be, exactly, blizzard?!) like uncanny gear that has a lower ilevel if you craft it early (why? I have no idea).

The previous week I picked up 26,000 spirits of harmony, so that’s going to take a while to work through. I’ve been buying ghost iron ore with some if it and then using that to transmute into trillium – then transmuting THAT into living steel. I still have one more mount to obtain on my jewelcrafter, she only has the four base colours and doesn’t own the recipe for the onyx mount yet.

Still, it wasn’t a bad week by any means for my ultra casual gold making self!

Sales in a Year

One of my favourite Tradeskillmaster features is just being able to look back on the past and see how I did. From the graph above you can see that I didn’t really play from October to April of 2019-2020 – that’s when we were moving to our new isolated post and doing all that stuff that went with it.

In that year though, I did make 14 million gold. almost 7 million of it was profit – and that is mostly because I spent 5 million gold on the brutosaurus auction house mount. Otherwise it would have been 2 million gold spent, and 11 million gold profit. Would I have tried to make as much gold if I wasn’t going after the mount? I’m not sure, I’ve always been interested in gold making, so I like to think I would have still put in the effort, but maybe not.

In any case, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer