A Little Spending

My accounts all have shadowlands, game time has been topped up, and what’s the point of just having gold sitting around for no reason! So I decided to get into Hearthstone. I’ve played off and on over the years, but nothing seriously, and I’ve never purchased any of their limited edition packs before. Since I was paying in gold, I didn’t mind in the least.
I bought 4 tokens this week which is why I’m in the red, but sales have actually been pretty steady. I know we’re all eagerly waiting for the 13th and the release of the pre-patch which includes the level squish and all of the crafting changes. I’m not sure if any actual events are going to be taking place (like the supposed zombie invasion) but we’ll see what they have ready, I suppose.
I also finally gained the remainder of the faction I needed to craft the Onyx Panther mount from Pandaria. That one was a long time coming. I just absolutely can’t seem to get into the habit of doing dailies.
Here’s hoping next week brings me back out of the red!