Another Week, More Sales

Auction House sales this week haven’t been too bad, with almost 500,000 gold worth of items sold. This doesn’t include any vendor sales or paragon chests I get.
Auction House sales this week haven’t been too bad, with almost 500,000 gold worth of items sold. This doesn’t include any vendor sales or paragon chests I get.
There have been some bots on my server lately that have posted all of their spirits of harmony for around 50g a piece, and each day they stock 30,000 pieces. I decided to buy them out one day for a bit over a million gold. I should be well stocked for a good while now.
This pattern is no longer in game, but I picked it up for a few gold and there were a number of sellers already, so I’m quite happy with the profits!
I bought my auction house mount back in January (or so records show) and since then I’ve purchased a second one for my husband and I’m back up to 9 million gold after purchasing some TCG pets for my personal collection – so what do I DO with all that gold?
These days I’ve been using it to shuffle characters around through the battlenet store. Anything digital that you can purchase there can use bnet balance (I wish the physical store also employed this, but that is not the case) so I’ve been moving my horde characters that were on Hyjal (some, not all) over to my main server of Argent Dawn. Over on AD I have my collection of alliance character, and I’m trying to build up my stable of horde characters. Ideally, I want 1 of every class as each faction.
Honestly, I wish Blizzard would just do away with these factions all together and let us mingle, but since I doubt that will be happening any time soon, this is my method to make sure I don’t miss out. I bought over a million gold worth of tokens this week and moved 5 of my characters. I like to have everyone together for crafting / harvesting purposes, so it feels good to have them all gathered again.
What about you, if you’re making gold what are you spending it on these days?
I can’t say I’ve been playing very steadily, but I AM enjoying watching the graph go up (it will take a few dips, I need to pay for some accounts coming up). My goal is to hit gold cap on one character before Shadowlands comes out. Why? No real reason, it’s just a goal I set for myself. Will I obtain it? I’m honestly not sure. I’ve been swaying to and from gaming lately, I’ve not been feeling the greatest and I’m pretty tired some days so I end up staring into space not doing much of anything. Hopefully it’s just the heat and summer that has me down.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!