I’ll get to 5,000

I’m close to 4500 achievement points, but I really want 5,000. I am hoping I can get it by the end of June. Lets see how it goes! It helps that I still have a lot of jumping puzzles to complete, and they reward 10 points each.
I’m close to 4500 achievement points, but I really want 5,000. I am hoping I can get it by the end of June. Lets see how it goes! It helps that I still have a lot of jumping puzzles to complete, and they reward 10 points each.
I’m getting close to finishing the first collection (I think there are 3 or 4) for the precurser to the axe that I want to eventually get. Legendary weapons are something that I have dreamed about since I knew they were a thing, but I have never actively worked towards one. So far it has been alright – I do need to complete a fractal, but I’m hoping I can get that done on the weekend. The other item I need takes 12 days of merchant purchased items, so while it’s simple, it’s timegated.
The final item I need is to just turn in all the other items – not too big a deal. I hope.
Wish me luck!
The GW2 API has been having some massive issues lately that have affected how the value of my account is shown on GW2Efficiency. Shame, because I keep looking to metabattle.com to get some gear for my mesmer, but with the API down, it never works properly.
Hopefully it’s back up and running before too long.
There was a new build and a small patch yesterday for GW2 which was great, but when I logged back in to Lion’s Arch I also saw that there was a global quest going on.
The quest wanted people to donate mithril ingots to the mystic forge, for science. No other reason was provided, no rewards aside from the achievement point ones I posted above (there are a few others that I didn’t actually get because I ran out of mithril). Ingots quickly started rising in price on the market. People started getting impatient, because every time a shipment departed the counter would re-set. They were throwing gold directly into the forge with no idea about why, or what (if any) rewards there would be.
After a while it seemed like something was wrong. ArenaNet confirmed this and then while I was afk making lunch for my family a series of events happened. The quest was taken down (or completed?) and players (some, not all) who participated were granted a chest with 5k karma.
ArenaNet apologized for their issues (what those specific issues were, I have no idea aside from some people missing out) and that was all I heard. I have no idea what the point of this quest was, if it was leading to something bigger, was the 5k karma the intended reward, how long it will take the price of mithril to balance again, and why they were holding a world event in the middle of a work day on a Tuesday of all times. The whole thing was just very odd.
I’m glad we get these weird unique events, but this one probably needed a bit more testing first before it went live.
I feel like I’m a bit all over the place when it comes to completing things in GW2. There are some things I need map meta to do, other things that are simply too hard. Looking through my inventory I have bits and pieces of random things all over the place. In PoF a few masteries are actually collections, so I have the starter item for those and they’re on my list of ‘many things I need to do’.
I’m also still trying to work on converters to get rid of extra currency that I have. The ones I want involve HoT, which of course is an expansion that I don’t exactly enjoy.
I also want to work on the cat collection, to get cats to my housing instance. The roller beetle collection is one I want to start. Working on the legendary bow so I can get a tiger backpack, and a legendary axe because I want the axe. World map completion because I’ve never finished it before. LWS2-4 because those stories are ones I’ve never done. Finishing PoF. Working on Skyscale. Collecting miniatures. Working on unlocking armour skins.
There’s just so much to do! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.