Another One Bites the Dust

One of my GW2 goals has always been to get over 5,000 achievement points (AP as they’re called by others in game). This week I finally reached 4,000 – and thanks to a bunch of events in one of the PoF zones, I’m closing in on 4,100 already. There’s no real reason I want to earn these points aside from telling myself “yay, I did it” so I am not sure what the attraction is, but it’s a strong pull and keeps me going when I am not sure what else I want to work on.
Anyone else hunt down achievement points like this?
Since the quest for Skyscale (latest mount) released, I’ve been listening to people in game and on reddit complain about the timegate aspect.
They were complaining about something that took a week to complete. A week. Personally I appreciate the work Anet put into all of this free content they’ve been releasing, and I wish the quest took longer to complete (note, for some people it WILL take longer, it requires currencies from other maps) but the timegating aspect is nothing to be concerned over and certainly did not deserve the fuss that everyone made.
I crafted a lovely new ascended axe for my mesmer – I’ve been using a specialization that is a combination of axe and pistol (greatsword for range) and am absolutely loving it. I feel like my mesmer is pushing out fairly nice dps and she isn’t a glass cannon. A much different feeling than my guardian (who I love to play, but mesmer is probably my favourite class).
I also crafted an ascended backpack – next I’ll be working on a pistol but that requires a restocking of supplies since I am out of some essentials. In the meantime it will be time to work towards my legendary, and obtain ascended gear for the rest of my slots. I have two accessory, but want the rest upgraded too.
There’s no real NEED to upgrade all of this seeing as I do not raid or even do group content (I’d love to, it just never works out) but it’s still nice to have goals to work towards.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!
With the help of my wonderful husband, I was able to obtain my jackal mount. It wasn’t a particularly involved process, we needed to have 200 contracts on us (zone currency), along with 20 gold, and complete a heart in an area. I had enough contracts after to also purchase the mini (I’ve been collecting them at a snail pace) and then it took a bit of time to get used to the actual mount, but I think I like it more than my raptor. When you hit the space bar (twice) your jackal turns to sand, allowing you to dash forward. Instead of having only two jump abilities before requiring recharging, you have three by default (no idea if this can be extended with PoF masteries, I haven’t looked into it much yet).
We also progressed our personal stories quite a bit and entered a really neat tomb and then a personal library that was amazing. I spent some time collecting books and I’m just shy of 4,000 achievement points, which don’t really have a meaning but are something that I like to work on and it lets me see some progress in a game that doesn’t really have gear or level increases.
Over all, I’m really enjoying my time in GW2, and of course a huge portion of that is because my husband is managing to find time here and there to play with me. Games without subscriptions are certainly an easier way to go for a busy family. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!