
Glimps At Sentinal’s Fate – The Hole

Once upon an evening dreary, while I gamed, weak and weary,
Over many a dead void beast, I admired gore,
While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a beeping,
As of some one gently sending, e-mail at my mailbox door.
“‘Tis some spam,” I muttered, “tapping at my e-mail door –
Only this, and nothing more.”

Presently my urge grew stronger; hesitating then no longer,
I’d just check the e-mail,quickly, and implore;
But the fact is I was PvPing, and so gently mail came sending,
And so faintly it came beeping, sending e-mail at my door,
That I scarce was sure I heard it- here I opened wide the e-mail; –

These screen shots there. And nothing more.

(( Please click the images for full view, and enjoy! ))

Lore for the next EQ2 Expansion – in a book!

Curious about the new expansion? Want to hear a cool new way that it’s being implemented into game? Well here’s what I found out yesterday:

Kiara says: “we’re going to be doing something fun with the lore leading up to the next expansion”
Kiara says: “with the introduction of the player written books, we’ll be putting lore installments in those books and putting them on random vendors”
Kiara says: “the books will only be available for about a week”
Kiara says:  “and we’ll be giving clues on which vendors are carrying them on the forums.  sort of a treasure hunt sort of thing.”
Kiara says:  “and they’ll be written by our lore dev :)”
Kiara says: “we thought it would be a fun way to introduce the new lore :)  the first installment should be coming the week of fan faire.”
Kiara says: “so you guys will have to keep an eye out :D”

How neat is that!

For more information on GU52 and little tid bits that came out during the tour I participated in yesterday, be sure to check out the Beckett MOG forums! I’ll be adding a whole lot of screen shots and other great things that I got to see on the test server later today.