mini games

A Little Free Realms

Of course I had to jump on the Free Realms bandwagon and add a post about the upcoming game here! The NDA was dropped yesterday afternoon and since then there have been posts galore (not to mention tweets) about this brightly coloured world.

There’s really nothing new I could add right now that others have not already said, so I’ll point you in the direction of a few friends:

Tipa writes about creating a character and the basics of this kid-friendly game.

Cuppy gives the low down on the good and bad points of Free Realms, adding her personal thoughts to each.

Ogrebear talks a little about the specific jobs available and a brief review following cuppy’s good and bad points.

My own thoughts on the matter? I’ve been playing the beta a little while now and I’m really enjoying the overall game. Do I think it will ever be my personal number one game, no not really. It’s great as a secondary game, something you can dip into for a short period of time and have a little fun with. I’m not exactly happy that you can only obtain a permanent pet through purchasing one for real money but as Cuppy states in her post above, that could always change.

The price is certainly right, and adding this to the station access plan is a great idea. If you’re a parent who already plays any of the other SOE titles you may want to subscribe just to bundle it all up together.

One thing I noticed (and Tipa has said a time or two before) is that the mini games are quite mouse intensive. I realize that I am a minority here but I’m left handed, with a right handed mouse (mostly because that’s how I grew up and now it would just be incredibly odd to use a left handed mouse) and that means that for these games I feel that I am constantly under performing due to using the ‘wrong’ hand in order to play them.

So what I did was plug my wacom tablet in so that I could use the pen to play the games with my left hand rather then my right. This worked out far better and I’m having a much easier time with it – not to mention I’m enjoying playing the games more rather then struggling to spin a pot with the wrong hand.

I’m looking forward to seeing the game go live, and it will be quite a treat to see it grow from there.

If you’re looking for me in game, remember you can find me as Stephanie Stardreamer – though both people need to be in game at the same time in order for you to add them to your friend list. You can contact me via email, twitter, or Xfire to meet up!