
Nintendo Transitioning to Mobile Games


Mobile games are overtaking console games and south african online casinos in popularity. There is a need for traditional developers of console games to reinvent themselves. Maybe reinvent is too strong a term but there is a need for them to start developing games compatible with mobile devices. Failure to acknowledge that mobile games are the future of gaming could have dire consequences for the firms.

The top management at Nintendo have realized that there is a need to move into the mobile market. As such they have started to create mobile versions of some of their popular games. This is in the backdrop of the release of the Miitomo App for Android and iOS. The app is not a game in the literal sense. Although the app was only released in March 2016 there are already more than a million users.

The video game developer announced that they will be releasing two popular games. These games are Animal Crossing and Fire Emblem. Animal crossing is a community simulation game series that has an open-ended game play. Fire Emblem games are tactical role playing games. The Fire Emblem Fates game was released for their hand held console which makes the game ideal for mobile devices. You can get games and Casino reviews at Online Casinos – Find the Best Online Casinos in the USA in 2016

There has been no announcement on the official release date of both games. This is despite the fact that it is now more than a year since they announced the intention to release the mobile versions of the games. Nintendo is also silent on the release of Mario based games but rumours are that they will be making that announcement soon.

It is undeniable that mobile is taking over. There are now mobile versions of everything. Even the online casino industry is shifting to Android and iOS compatible online casino games. The whole world is going mobile because the convenience that is offered. Apps for mobile devices is where the money is and that is where game developers have to go if they wish to continue being relevant.