
How a Saturday Should Be

Despite the heat wave Ottawa seems to be going through lately (ugh I’m eager for snow) yesterday was a fantastic Saturday. It was one of those days I could just play whatever game I wanted, I had no obligations anywhere, and I had a blast. I love days like that. In fact I love them so much I think Sunday will be following in Saturday’s footsteps.

I started the day out in World of Warcraft. I’ve settled down on the Ravenholdt server where I have four characters, one actually being a main. I play a blood elf priest the majority of the time tagging along with a friend who plays a troll warrior. I love playing my healer classes, and we’ve just hit level 47, almost 49. With the latest patch giving us epic mounts at 40, we’re now running all over the place at light speed. I’ve never gotten a character over level 50 before even though I’ve played off and on since release, so we’re coming up to content that is still quite new to me. I enjoy it. I also have a 38 shaman, 38 hunter, and 21 mage. They’re mostly just craft characters, with the hunter being my ‘farming’ character. Skinning and mining so I can make some coin for the others. We joined a small little guild (I mean, maybe five people in it) and it’s actually been a lot of fun. WoW still won’t ever be my main game of choice, but when I want to just kick back for an hour or two it’s certainly fun and easy.

The remainder of my day was spent patching Aion (ugh it had been a while, there was a lot of work to do) for their last beta testing weekend, and then playing some EverQuest II.

In EQ2 a few things happened. First of all, I decided to switch from playing my illusionist to my troubador. I know, I flip flop more then, well, pretty much anyone I know. I had a line of thinking for this, and it still (so far) makes sense (in my head). The illusionist has far more gear then the bard but if I concentrate on the bard for a bit that’s easily fixed. I was wearing two sets of T1 gear, and with my spare shards decided to switch so I was just wearing the bard set. Now I need more shards (as usual). I really miss being able to trade shards via the craft system.

There was a pick up leviathan raid going on, and I decided since it’s my troubadors next update I should try to get in. After sitting in group for 30 minutes we discovered that no one in the raid actually had access to leviathan – and so I decided to leave and free up room for someone who DID have access.

Many people don’t realize that YES you do need access to enter the Leviathan raid. So what is this access?

You need to kill the Overking, and you also need to kill Venril Sathir. I had already defeated Venril Sathir the previous week, it’s the first encounter I needed for my epic. All I needed was the Overking. Low and behold Paradise Lost decided to head to Chardok and take down that Dizok, so I tagged along to get my Leviathan flag.

There’s no quest involved, and there’s not any way (currently) to tell in game exactly what you have access to and what you do not have access to. This day in age I think that’s very important to a game. How do I know if I can get into Poets Palace – while there may not be a whole lot in EQ2 that requires access, there are still things. Not to mention those blasted druid rings, how on earth do I keep track across so many characters who needs what. It’s frustrating to say the least – I did hear that they’re adding a keyring type command in an upcoming patch / expansion, so we’ll just have to be on the lookout for that.

We had two groups of guild mates and two groups of PUGS who needed the update. The raid was incredibly smooth, no wipes. Exactly the type of raid I enjoy! I was starting to get a little irritated at the heat by that time, with both the fan and the AC going, so I logged off for the evening and decided to spend an hour or two in bed reading before I fell asleep. All in all, it was a perfect Saturday, and I had a great time. Hopefully everyone else had a fantastic weekend thus far as well, looking forward to hearing all about it!

See you in Norrath!

Thoughts on Raids, Characters, and Randomness

I’ve been doing quite a bit of raiding lately, nothing too heavy but still far more in the last week then I’ve done in the last year. There are up sides and down sides to this – it’s a lot of fun exploring content that is new to me but it’s also an indication of just how behind I am in some aspects compared to people who ‘really’ raid.

Because I have so many alts it’s difficult to gear them up – I have the mystic as the only character in her full T2 set, with shards to spare. She’s also on my second account, with no alts so there’s no one to take advantage of those extra shards. On the main account shard gear is spread between 7 characters, and of course I don’t have enough shards for all. Take into account that when I moved from Kithicor to Antonia Bayle I also switched from playing my kerran coercer to my dark elf (and then betrayed the kerran over to illusionist) the process slows even more.

In a lot of instances I can get by without having ‘top notch’ gear because the stuff I do have isn’t THAt horrible – but when those AoE’s start to rain down wow do I feel it.

Looking past the gear, there are the achievements. These are almost crucial to any group these days, and again the mystic is sitting at 174 (which is the most I have on any character) while my other characters hover between 120-150 or so. RoK almost completely ruined the “quest grind” for me – and after that expansion I pretty much never wanted to touch another quest again. The only way to level was by questing, and after doing that on so many characters I just completely burned out. As it stands now if I quest for any more then an hour or two at a time I can very literally feel myself falling into a coma.

Having so many alts again slows down the process of questing, as I tend to play whatever I feel like when the mood hits instead of concentrating on a main.

Gear and achievements are just two aspects of preparing for end game raiding – then there is also spells. Now, I easily have expert (the new adept3, crafted) spells of everything, on all of my level 80 characters. A few (the mystic mainly) have the majority of their masters, too. The important ones in any case. A lot of characters do NOT have many of their master spells though, and when you start trying to take down orange encounters, this again proves to be an issue. Master spells have a lower resist rate, and the higher level the mob, the more they will resist. While I may have been fully mastered in EoF – things have changed over time and that is certainly no longer the case.

Trying to gear up everyone, get aa, get spells – is an impossible task. What other option do I really have though if I WANT to raid? Realizing just how far behind I am is not fun. I’ve been exceptionally lucky to take some under geared characters along for the ride lately for raids, but I know this will not always be the case (not to mention my illusionist on Oasis is getting fairly well geared now, slowly. She just really needs to work on achievements and spells).

Last night I visited Korsha – and took down the Overking for my warden’s mythical update. That just leaves her with the Cinder Wasp Queen (and Leviathan in order to gain access to Veeshan’s Peak). I’m happy – but the warden is not a character I’ve been playing aside from these few raids, so she is EXCEPTIONALLY under geared, not even wearing T1 (mostly decked out in RoK quested legendary and some instance gear). After Overking was done and a quick Crucible run took place Paradise Lost noticed that there was a contested epic up in Fens of Nathsar – The Tangrin.

Short their real raid force, I tagged along first on the illusionist and then swapping over to the warden to help with heals. If they had of had their typical force on (Saturday nights are not a raid night for them usually) things probably would have gone different. After giving the mob a few shots, the other raid guild in the area managed to take him down. Ah well, that’s how contested work, and hopefully they will have better luck next time.

Friday night also saw me in Ward of Elements for the first time – the illusionist picked up a T3 chest piece as well as a T3 shoulder piece, and a necklace. It was an exceptionally fun run, and I had a good time. Of coures I had to stand way far back for the majority of the fights so I didn’t get killed at the start, but it was still pretty fun.

Hopefully everyone has an amazing Sunday, and has a great time gaming no matter where you find yourself. See you in Norrath!