Plane of Fire

Taking down Valdoon 1.0

I remember Valdoon first, from EQ2. In that instance. Where he just would NOT stop talking. You remember the one too, right? In Loping Plains? Well, last night I got to extract some revenge on him and I’m trying to decide where this persona was worse, in EQ or EQ2. 

In EQ Valdoon is located in a Lost Dungeon of Norrath raid. Specifically: Mistmoore Catacombs – The Asylum of Invoked Stone. Now, many people have heard of LDoN before and it typically garners a strong response. You either loved the expansion, or you hated it. I happen to fall into the first category, I loved LDoN. I find it a shame that people (typically) no longer do them. It used to be a great way to get groups. Now the dungeons are pretty much ignored, you can research all of the spells that you used to have to do LDoN’s for. I do have a few points that I used to purchase a ring so that I could put a type 3 augment into it (it’s a pet focus for my necromancer from Seeds of Destruction) but aside from that, there’s been no real reason. 

However. I’m blessed with having always played EQ with some amazing people, no matter what time I seemed to step back into the game. When I first started playing it was with a Beastlord named Fistinyereyes, when I returned a few years later it was with Nostalgia, and then again with Ninga and Ultann. Exceptionally lucky, I know. What’s even better is the amount of exploration and discovery I get to enjoy based on who I happen to play with. Ninga is always dragging our group off some place new – some place that most groups no longer do. Of course we do get to enjoy a good amount of the newest expansion as well (remember we just completed Oceangreen Hills progression not that long ago from SoD) but we spend a lot of time doing the older stuff too. 

So it was that we spent last night in the LDoN raid. There was nothing of particular value that we were after – but the mission did reward some pretty nice rogue gear by the end of it if we would be so lucky. 

There are two versions of Valdoon in this raid. You have to first kill the gargoyles that spawn much like you do in the EQ2 instanced version. Once these have been killed a fake version of Valdoon spawns. Now, if you’ve ever done LDoN raids before you realize how ESSENTIAL it is that you have alcohol tolerance up to as high as it can go. Pretty much all of the named (at least in Guk and a few others that I have done now) have an AoE that is based on your ability to handle drinks. If you have low tolerance, you will spend MOST of your time swerving around the instance, being unable to cast anything because it actually physically interrupts you, and feeling dizzy. This is of course how I spent my time because I’ve never worked on alcohol tolerance on any one of my characters. I believe it sits at a grand skill of 1. 

Once you’ve killed the first version of Valdoon it’s off to the second. Unlike EQ2 where you have to listen to his (very long) speech that drones on and one, this time you just kill him. Of course he does have a few other tricks up his sleeves as well. 

He has the alcohol AoE that goes off (and by the end of it I was worried my characters would NEVER see straight again) and he also spawns adds. He also has a large (ie: long) mez that’s unresistable that goes off. 

If his adds manage to get to him, he’ll life tap their essence and heal. He did this often. My girls ended up dying to him during the fight, but he was down to 5% or so and Ninga and Nocbot (the cleric) battled on like champs until finally when I thought all hope was lost, Valdoon fell. He dropped a clicky wizard item, a ranger bracer, and also the wonderful pair of gloves pictured on the right hand side. Why are these gloves so great? Well, the clicky can be used from inventory, and that was a HUGE bonus for Invis (my 73 rogue). That wasn’t the end of her fun though, of course not. She also managed to get a fabled blood earring of rage from Plane of Tactics yesterday and so did Ultann’s shadowknight, which was fantastic. We were trying to camp one for Ninga but alas he had to step out and missed the drop. While we were there Kameeko (my enchanter) also managed to get herself a very nice fabled shield. She’s been spoiled lately, she’s now sporting a fabled 1hb from Bastion of Thunder, a ranged item from Plane of Earth, and the shield secondary from Tactics, as well as a ring from Earth. 

The group also headed to Plane of Fire to see if we could not get the final fabled piece I needed for the gate necklace – and it dropped without too much issue at all! Now I need to pick up the container before fabled ends, and then I need to get started on the regular version of the necklace. Once I’ve completed the regular necklace I can turn in the 5 pieces for the fabled version. It will be a very nice upgrade to Minxes and while I may not actually need the gate portion I’m still excited. I’ve always loved doing these types of quests. 

Yesterday was also busy on Drinal as it was the location to the 10th anniversary party for the evening! I hope everyone had a fantastic time, and enjoyed all of the firework goodies that they got! 

It’s been really busy in game lately, and I’m still loving every minute of it. 

See you in Norrath! (and Middle Earth, tomorrow!)

Sverag, and lots of Planes

Yesterday was another combination of things in game. I decided to stick with the necromancer and the enchanter. The first portion was spent in Sverag, Stronghold of Rage. 

Part of the Plane of Rage, access to this stronghold is gained by breaking down a door in the wall surrounding the tower of Razorthorn in The Devastation. Which faction of mobs you encounter in Sverag depends on which faction “controls” The Devastation. They do not get along with one another, and can be any of or a mixture of: 

Barbarians (Furies of the North); Bolvirk Giants (Legions of Sverag); Drachnids and Spiders (The Venom Swarm); Dwarves (Stormbreaker Furies); Evil Eyes (The Irebound); Kobolds (Wildfang); Ogres (Bonecracker Furies); Orcs and Goblins (Redfist Legionnaires); Shiliskins (Deathshed Legion); Trolls (Blood Furies); Vah Shirs (Furies of Shir); Werewolves (Ragefang); and Zombies, Spectres, Knights (Ravenous Undead

At the very center of this stronghold is Razorthorn, the Tower of Sullon Zek, host to numerous tasks. Most mobs see invisibility, travel in packs, and hit for a wallop. The experience in a well-balanced group, however, is quite worth the effort in establishing a camp here. – Zam

This came out with the Prophecy of Ro expansion, and we spent a few hours there last night waiting for a named who drops an augment that would really be nice for our fellow shadowknight (a weapon augment I believe for that nice swarm weapon we got him the night before). Alas, the named we needed decided to be reclusive and didn’t spawn. It was fun to watch the npc’s all fight with one another though. About half way through our camp the Drachnid invaded, and we had 20-30 of them on us all at once. Not through any real fault of our own as we didn’t spawn them or even agro them but they were the invading force and we were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Thankfully, a monk, shadowknight, and necromancer could feign through the invading army. The enchanter didn’t fair so well and was smushed part way through the first invasion, and I believe the cleric gated out just in time. Oh, and the monk didn’t actually feign, he decided it would be smarter to put on his gate hammer and escaped to The Overthere. Sneaky!

Afterwards we decided to try to find some more fabled to take down, and we headed to Torden, Bastion of Thunder. The zone was not too camped, but all of the ‘good’ fabled were. We did manage to find one up, and it dropped a new 1h weapon for the enchanter, a nice one at that. There were a few other items in the zone I would have really liked but we decided to head to Plane of Air next, and then following that, Plane of Fire. Why those planes? Well, I really want to get myself the fabled gate necklace. It requires having completed the regular necklace which I can do any time (although it will take a good amount of time) and it also requires 1 fabled piece from each plane as well as a container – which you can only pick up during fabled season. I have 3/4 pieces so far, the final one I require is the one from Plane of Fire. There was a raid headed through the zone when we showed up, and then afterwards it was quite camped so we didn’t stay long. Not to mention by the end of the evening I was feeling quite tired and so I decided to call it early. 

There’s still so much to do in game that I haven’t even started yet. I do want to do the anniversary events before they are gone for another year, but keep getting side tracked with other projects. Ah well, I suppose there are worse things that could be going on in game aside from being too busy!