Ravenscale Repository

Congratulations, on Everything!

The guild had been sitting at level 39 for a few days now – so close and yet so far to three new amenity. Later in the afternoon, Wpus and I decided we would start to grind writs in order to gain that level finally. Ultann came home from work and logged in to help, and as we were a smidgen away from level 40, Hamal also logged in to help! It was great. Our guild consists of 5 people total, four of us are regulars as Calreth is away during the week for work, so we’re not a large guild (nor do we have any desire to be, there’s a reason we’re this small). Now that we’ve reached level 40, I don’t miss the guild level on Kithicor quite so much. This level opened up a lot to us, including three new amenity, and a new row of guild bank usage.

As for amenity, so far we have:

Recall to guild hall, Druid ports, Shattered lands bell, Broker, Banker, Merchant, a craft supply box and for our three new ones we purchased a rush order writ giver, a fuel merchant, and a mender. I believe we’re going to work on getting the harvesting NPC’s next once we hit 45, and that will put us on par with the guild we left behind. None of us are regretting our decision to move to Antiona Bayle, and while at times it is very bumpy, we seem to be settling in.

Since it is a rare occurrence these days that we’re all on at the same time we decided to take full advantage of it and head to a few instances. First on our list was Evernight Abby. This is an instance that we can easly do with just the four of us, I boxed my coercer and Ultann boxed his inquisitor. Nothing of note dropped, but at least it was a shard to add to the collection. Afterward we decided to head to Ravenscale Repository, which is the most difficult of the three Loping Plains TSO instances. I had never actually been there before, though the others had. This is a zone we can not box in, so we picked up an illusionist and an inquisitor from outside of guild.

The downside to looking for group members, especially for this type of zone is that when Wpus was sending tells to players LFG – most of them replied with “are you going to be able to clear it, because I don’t want to waste my time other wise”. What ever happened to a players sense of adventure? How do you ever get to know what your limits are if you’re not always constantly pushing them? We were exceptionally disappointed with the results from looking for more to add to the group – but at least we found people. We’re not poor players by any means but that doesn’t mean we should have to ‘sell’ ourselves as gamers when we’re simply looking to add two more members to the group.

As it turned out the run was pretty much flawless. We wiped once on the massive encounter that involves a number of named, there’s pretty much nothing at all you can do during that fight (especially since I was playing my mystic) except heal your little heart out. We had the enchanter lock one down, tried to root one in the corner, and took them out in order. The illusionist went down twice but I managed to rez them. Fantastic work by all, and it was a lot of fun. Compared to everyone else, I was VERY under geared on my mystic. The shadowknight (Ultann), assassin (Hamal), inquisitor, and illusionist all had their mythical and were wearing raid gear. My mystic is wearing T2 gear, and her fabled epic, her jewelery is quite poor as well. Those are things I want to work on, but I find it hard. Speaking of which, I am contemplating moving my mystic over to my main account, and closing down my 2nd account. I haven’t really been in the mood to box, and there is nothing else on my 2nd account of note aside from that one mystic. However, my character slots are full on my main account, with all level 80’s. I could get station access to try to open it up, but I’m reluctant to do that. Something to think about in any case.

Tonight will be Venril Sathir on my troubador, and this weekend I’ll be heading to Ward of Elements (my first visit), both of which I am looking forward to (even though VS has been nerfed and is quite easy now). Hopefully I’ll get to take a few screen shots, and post all about it!

Thursday! Only one more day to go. Happy gaming everyone, and see you in Norrath!