recruit a friend

Recruit-a-friend goodness

Yesterday the trio veered off of the path and did something different for the evening. While we would typically be headed to Obelisk, Vaults, and Najena – this time we hung out in Fallen Gate and Runnyeye. Ultann is partaking in the recruit-a-friend program and leveling up an inquisitor to play with the group. I decided that I would also sign up for a month and level up a fury + my paladin who benefits from the 200% bonus experience when they’re together. 

Here was my thinking – you get a free month added to your account when your recruit purchases the game (up to RoK) for $15. They get all sorts of neat claim items, and you get a mount. I can use the 3rd account to level up my characters – and at the end of the month I can simply close the account. I am not out any money so much as I am purchasing next months subscription now. Does that make sense?

If I happen to grow attached to the fury (or whatever else I create on the account) I can pay the $50 for a character transfer later. Since the recruit-a-friend account does not come with TSO it does limit what I can do but the experience is amazing especially since it’s linked with an account that still has lower level characters on it. I created a fury last night and paired her up with my paladin who was level 38 by the time our trio decided to take a break in RE – the fury managed to ding level 31 in the remaining two hours that I played and the paladin also benefited from the experience, leveling to 41 while she was mentored. 

It will be nice to have a second tank around for those days where Ultann simply wants to be DPS and it’s a lot of fun going back to the older zones that we haven’t been to in a while. Another reason why I wish that zones wouldn’t grey out to people. 

We have hopes of attempting some level 50 raids with our make shift group, I have no idea if it will come to pass or not, but it’s been fun to talk about which instances we want to try to do. There’s the Trembling Lagoon and other raids in Ferrott, and then there’s also some talk of doing prismatic 1.0 for appearance slot weapons and I REALLY want to do the Godking weapons which people call prismatic 2.0 – and then there’s claymore which we’d still need an actual raid for. It may not be too bad though as pick up raids are frequent on Kithicor (so many people trying to out do one another). In any case, we’ll just have to see!

Today is FRIDAY and I hope everyone has an amazing time – oh! Don’t forget that Fan Faire registration has also started!

Party Time!

The news spread like wildfire, and people started joining in faster then halflings eat pie. Kiara from the community team held a party last night on Kithicor to celebrate EQ’s 10th anniversary – the screen shot is shoddy because with over 200 people in the zone I had to turn down my settings and even then I was looking at the ground most of the evening as I delt with 5fps. I love these type of events, and I make it a point to attend. Not only do I spend lots of time bothering Kiara on twitter, but it’s great to show support for these sorts of things so that they happen in the future. 

Ice cream trucks were set up for those craving a fancy treat, and there was trivia with prizes as well as lots of goodies handed out including a music box that plays music you may remember if you ever played EverQuest. 

Nearing the end of the party – Nagafen made an appearance and started battling party-goers. Since most of them had begged and pleaded to have the mighty dragon there to begin with, it was no ones fault but their own. The scent of faintly baked skin hung heavy over the party for the remainder of the night. 

The fact that the Kithicor party coinsided with my own birthday was great, I just pretended everyone was there for me even if no one said a word or knew who I was. The imagination is a wonderful tool.

Aside from the party, my trio has expanded some! A friend of Wpus has decided to start playing EQ2, and though he’s on a trial account currently he plans to upgrade. Ultann also decided that the recruit a friend program is the perfect way to start boxing a 2nd account. If we can level both of these characters up a little while we’ll have a full group of 6, which would be great. Ultann created an inquisitor for back up heals and buffs – not to mention they have verdict. I’m not sure what the newer player is going to use yet, he was enjoying his necromancer and his assassin last I saw. 

We did a quick Obelisk run last night again with no shield. Actually had a few deaths too, it just felt like an off night. 

I also decided that I would betray the coercer over to illusionist and spent most of last night purchasing very expensive spells. My sage is over on Najena. Ah how I wish they’d allow us to transfer characters for free just for a short while. Wishful thinking!

Aside from that, it was a quiet day, and a quiet night. Today will involve more of the same since I have no deadlines to meet this week for work, which is great. Still trying to pick up another freelance job (or two) but it’s slow going so I’ll just have to be patient. Hope everyone has an amazing day, no matter realm you find yourself in!