
Dragonstone Shawl Update

I’m on the last part of my shawl, which is two alternating rows of a 4 stitch lace repeat. It’s easy enough to memorize, but the stitches are tricky to pick up with my wooden needles, and there’s over 400 stitches so it takes quite a bit of time to get a single row done. Right now I’ve just started row 4/30. I’m also working with silk which has its own issues (like being even more slippery, being thick and thin, and some splitting). I’m hoping it will add a long luxurious ruffle to this shawl once it’s completed.

The thing with lace is that it’s always difficult to see how it’s going and what the pattern will look like until you’ve actually finished the piece and blocked it. Before that point it just looks like a mushed up collection of yarn. I’m liking the two colours together more now than before, and I can actually pick out the mosaic pattern better. Here’s hoping the rest of this shawl doesn’t take too long. Saturday is the start of Tour de Fleece, and I’m hoping to get a sweaters worth of spinning done – we’ll just have to see.