Sims 4

Sims 4 – Get Together

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Another Sims 4 expansion has been released, this time it’s called “Get Together” and includes a new feature called ‘clubs’. Just like in real life, your sim character can join a club, earn points by doing ‘club things’ together, and even lead their own club if they want to.

I wanted to take advantage of some of the new styles in-game, along with traits, so I decided not to start with my legacy family (more about how they’re doing later). I created a new character and moved her to Windenburg (shake your butt-enburg to the locals). The map is a European inspired world that has ancient ruins, cafes, and discotheques. Unfortunately the game also comes full of bugs, some of them really annoying like the one pictured above.

My character and a bunch of strangers just gathered around this counter and stood there forever. They were talking to one another and just frozen in place. It happened twice before I decided to just automagically send my character home which freed her up. I believe the bug occurs when you have so many people gathered in one location. Hopefully EA fixes it before too long (yeah, right).

My sim browsed through the clubs that would accept her without having a whole range of skills and eventually settled on joining the Garden Gnomes. This is a gardening group – at night. At least I think they only operate at night because any time they have a meeting it’s dark. Their last meet up was at a local park, dead of night, complete with a child playing on the playground (that’s not creepy or anything). The group typically gets together (in the dark) and then performs some group farming rituals over some thriving plants, or goes fishing. Yes, that’s exactly what my sim wanted to do on her Thursday evening, go fishing in the city in the dark.

As you go to these gatherings and complete tasks together you earn club points, and these points can be spent on all sorts of things to enhance your club experience. Clubs come with a few by default, and if you’re the leader of the club you’re able to customize it even more. Secret handshakes, cool outfits and accessories of course.

Besides all the fun club things that comes with the expansion there’s a whole range of new items and skills to play with. I’ve been working on my dance moves and have every intention of trying out the new DJ options one of these days. Overall, I’m pretty happy with the expansion so far – minus the bugs, of course.

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Do You Need Combat in your Games?


Spurred on by a conversation on twitter with Belghast and Adrel I started thinking about the games that I play that I enjoy more than others. Two immediately came to mind, Wurm Online and the Sims franchise. Both are games that (due to my play style) have very little if any combat – and I love that about them. Yes, arguably you can combat as much as you want in Wurm Online but that’s not how I tend to spend my time. In the Sims games there’s almost never any combat, not in the traditional sense. Of course there are ways to encourage combat if you want (you can make enemies and start fights) but for the most part the game is pretty peaceful. Then there’s all of the visual novel games that I enjoy playing, games like If my Heart Had Wings, and Dandelion – Wishes brought to you. Mindless games I enjoy just because like Cook, Serve, Delicious. Building games like Cities: Skylines. These are the sorts of games that entice me the most and I suppose until I sat down and looked through my games it’s not actually something I noticed before.

That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy combat in games, too. I do. Diablo 3 is pretty much nothing but blowing things up. The thing is I get very bored of those games very quickly – just like Belghast tends to get bored of games that don’t have combat in them (per our conversation earlier). I think that in the majority of games I play I spend my time equally between combat and no combat depending on the game. EVE Online is a good example. There’s combat, and I do combat via missions, but a lot of the time I’m running delivery missions or I’m mining or I’m doing industry things that don’t involve any combat at all. The same can be said for EQ2 and WoW, sure, there’s combat, but a lot of the time I’m harvesting, decorating, or crafting and none of that (at least for me) involves any combat at all.

Do you have a preference or are you about equal in terms of combat vs. non combat gameplay? Would you tend to fall asleep if one or the other aspect was missing from your game of choice? Let me know in comments!


The Legacy Continues

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I was a bit worried that I had lost all of the progress I made on my latest Legacy family in the Sims 4 when I reinstalled windows after upgrading to an SSD – thankfully that wasn’t the case, I actually saved the files and just put them back when I installed, so I was able to pick up right where I left off. In that time EA came out with another feature pack, this time involving spas. I’m really hoping for a pet expansion before too long. I know Sims 3 didn’t get one until 2011, but I hope EA realizes that pets are an almost universal love. More waiting to see what comes next.

In any case, legacy family is doing well. You might remember I started with Jessica Little, and she met Alonzo, and together they had Emily. Alonzo died shortly after, and his tombstone rests outside the home in the backyard. It’s in a really pretty place, under a tree so his girls don’t forget him, though I am not sure how attached Jessica actually was. Emily is a teenager now, and has started discovering her true calling in life, which centers around art. She’s sold a number of paintings to collectors, and between her art and Jessica’s writing, they are living in a fairly comfortable home worth about $90,000. Neither of them has made much progress on the romance front, for some reason no one seems interested in Jessica (does she smell? Maybe..) and Emily is too young. In 9 more days she’ll become a “young adult” rather than a teen, and my legacy family goal can continue on. Remember the goal of the game is to have 10 generations in one family. That’s a lot of game time on the default settings.

EA also fixed one of my biggest problems. Each time I went to place an item from the menu, my entire screen would turn black. I would have to change the resolution of the game and then swap it back, and somehow that fixed the glitch temporarily, for that session. Now I’m able to swap without having to change the resolution or use some other workaround, which I am incredibly happy about.

The family is in a spot now where I don’t need to send them out every day to  harvest collectables just to be able to afford their next meal. I’m both happy and sad about this, happy because it was a lot of work that left very little room for anything else, but also sad because the game gets much easier from this point forward. Unless of course I donate all their money to charity or some such, which I am likely to do just because I can.

While Sims 4 doesn’t have nearly the same amount of content that I had in Sims 3, I am enjoying myself quite a bit. I’m eager for more content and can’t wait to see what they come up with next.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Legacy Family Shenanigans in The Sims 4

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What’s new in the realm of The Sims 4? Well, they quietly released another ‘stuff’ pack. This one is ‘Perfect Patio’ and costs $9.99. Included is 32 new items, and 12 new outfits. The previous stuff pack was Luxury Party, and included 12 new build items, and 40 new outfit items. It was also priced at $9.99. The game still has a lot of bugs (at least for me). One of them has been around since release, and it’s where my screen goes black every time I try to place anything I buy in build mode. Of course there is a work around (I can change the resolution, save it, change the resolution back, and it fixes the issue for that gameplay session) but I shouldn’t have to do that every time I want to build anything in-game. Of course mine is just one smaller problem with a workaround, where there are many others who have bigger issues (and who have no workarounds). Yes, I bought both stuff packs. There are stuff packs for $9.99, game packs for $19.99 (Outdoor Retreat), expansions for $39.99 (Get to work) and the base game. Right now these are all on sale, too. Unless you happen to be a big fan of the franchise (which I am) I wouldn’t go spending money for anything other than Get to Work, and the base game.

My legacy family ended up bugged in my last session. I threw a party, and everyone who attended that party decided to stay on the lot, forever. I attempted to move to a new lot and move back – bam, people there. I took my Sim off to a little mini vacation, and when she returned, yep, people. Eventually I ended up selling the lot and moving to a new map all together, which IS against the legacy family rules, but I didn’t want to have to start my game completely over. My sim already has a pretty robust history, and is established with her family (or what remains of it).

So Jessica Little lives with her daughter Emily. Her husband has passed on, his grave sits in the backyard under a lovely tree. They managed to save up enough money for a lovely home, and Emily goes to school full time. Jessica hasn’t found anyone to replace her deceased husband, but that’s alright because he rises out from the grave every night to keep the family company when he can anyway. I haven’t gotten very far with my legacy, only on the first round of children, but I’m hoping with a few gameplay sessions I can expand that. Now that they have a comfortable nest egg, it’s time to see who Emily is interested in as a potential mate..

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

What am I playing? LOTS!

Screenshot_20150305_164319I’ve probably played more games in the last week than I did most of last year. Part of that is due to having a bit more time on my hands than normal (hopefully a temporary situation that will be resolved by the end of this month) and part of that is because there are just so many wonderful games out there.

EverQuest2: My defiler is still only level 95, but she did manage to reach level 100 in tailoring. Crafting is an odd duck with the latest expansion, Altar of Malice. Doing the crafting quests themselves won’t get you to level 100, and grinding out writs goes quite slow – however, doing the daily craft mission will easily net you 30% experience, and doing the weekly got me an entire level. Missions re-set on Wednesdays. You can find me in game on Antonia Bayle as Stargrace.

Cities: Skylines: This game just released, and it’s so much fun. In fact it’s everything that I wanted from SimCity, at half the price. There’s an enormous mod community and enough content to keep me satisfied for quite some time. Well worth the cost, and I highly recommend it if you’re into the city building games at all.

Elder Scrolls Online: I just started playing this. It apparently starts going free to play on Tuesday. I’ve had a subscription for quite some time because I did some alpha testing on their billing system, but I never actually played. It wasn’t because of any drastic reason, I simply didn’t have the time. The game is beautiful but I’m not far enough into it to make any other calls about the game quite yet.

EVE Online: Still training skills, still working on faction, PI, and all of that good stuff. EVE Online is still one of the best games I have to relax with. That’s right, even though the skies are filled with pirates and horrible people looking to scam and pod you, it’s still relaxing.

FFXIV: I’ve started a new character on Cactuar. I’m hoping to go white mage, but I’m taking my time and things are moving along slowly. I believe my character name is Velours Reveurs for those looking to add me to their friends list. This game is absolutely gorgeous, and I’m hoping to keep it on my rotation. We’ll have to see how things go though.

Minecraft: I’m running The Dark Trilogy as a server right now for some friends. I’ve created a portal to the Twilight Forest, as well as a portal to the Nether. There are some really awesome mods in this pack, and I’m having a blast. I’m hopping to get some nether quartz so I can make some furniture that comes in a specific pack. Furniture like refrigerators and televisions. Mods really do make this game.

Sims4: Still working on my legacy family. Tristan is going to be the next person to carry the legacy name, and so I’ve been preparing him for adulthood. Right now he’s best friends with a feisty redhead neighbour girl, and they’re promised to each other. Meanwhile Jessica will probably just move into the basement (that’s right, Sims 4 is patching in basements!) and Elizabeth will age gracefully, as she watches her children carry on.

Wizard101: My life wizard is level 27, and I’ve been questing in Marleybone. It’s the home of cats, dogs, rats, and proper manners. Based on 19th century London. It’s also my favourite zone to date. It has been some time since I’ve played and it’s interesting getting back into things, but this is still a fantastic game no matter your age.

WoW: This has been taking a back seat to other games, but I still log in to check my garrison resources and to trade and do the dailies. As others have mentioned, by the time you take care of all of the garrison chores, my game time is already spent for the day. On one hand it’s great to have a reason to log in every day but on the other hand it would be lovely to play the game instead of just playing the garrisons.

The Secret World: A handful of combat wombats have decided to start up in the Secret World. We’re playing the Dragon faction, and while the game has never been a genre that I’m completely comfortable with, it does have one of the best (IMO) quest systems and story lines that I’ve ever participated in. Playing with friends makes it seem a little less scary, and even though I’ve just started (again) I’m looking forward to playing.

Wurm Online: Now that my guard tower is completed, it’s time to work on the rest of my deed along with taking care of my horses. I’ve been trying to breed 5 speeds for a while now and to also breed out the grey colour. It’s coming along well, but it requires time. In between that I’m trying to decide which skill to work on next.

Those are the games that came to my immediate mind when listing what I’m currently actively playing. There’s others I’ve left off the list on purpose – like GW2. I want to get back into the game but I just can’t seem to find the motivation to keep playing. Since it’s a buy to play game, that’s alright. I’m also still playing WildStar, but again it’s very casually and sporadic, so I don’t feel comfortable putting it up there with my ‘most played’ games. What about everyone else? Where are you spending your time these days with so many options available? Let me know in comments!

Nomadic Gamer