Steam Game

YNAB, Zelda, Horizon and More

I don’t use a lot of programs on steam, most of my “stuff” is games (pretty understandable). One I do use though is called You Need a Budget (YNAB) and it is absolutely amazing. If you’ve ever had money problems but have no idea where your money is actually going, this is the program for you. It’s incredibly worth it, though I do suggest waiting until it goes on sale if you’re purchasing the steam version. In all of February and March I managed to stay on budget, tuck some aside into savings, and I still had enough left over to splurge on both Zelda and Horizon which is pretty amazing considering I’ve owned my PS4 for a while now and have maybe three games total.

I haven’t had a lot of time to sink into Horizon yet, but I absolutely love the game and everything about it. The world is beautiful, the story easy to sink into. Staying away from spoilers.

I just got Zelda yesterday (it was sold out for the WiiU) so I haven’t actually played it yet, but I’ve seen lots of twitch streamers playing it. Another beautiful world (if a bit washed out by my standards) with a pretty good story. I’m looking forward to sinking my teeth into it. I wasn’t interested in buying a Nintendo Switch since I don’t do a lot (if any) mobile gaming, and my WiiU works just fine. I’m also thinking of buying Just Dance. Guilty pleasure of mine, what can I say.

It’s another great year to be a gamer, and there seems to be something for almost everyone. I’m still hoping that an Animal Crossing type game comes out for my WiiU but I’m not going to hold my breath.

In between console gaming I’m still playing both RimWorld and Wurm Unlimited. The Sklotopolis server saw a huge influx of new players as 1.3 was released, and things have been really busy. I’m still crafting colossus for 15 silver, and trying to make money this way and that. I now own two deeds, Quail Ridge, and Dwarf Fortress. The second deed is completely underground with houses and all. I’ve built it below the steppe, and don’t plan on doing any terraforming above ground, leaving the area in its natural state. Below ground is another story. I’m also debating what I want to do to Quail Ridge, there’s a huge section that was just flattened, and I think tall iron fences may be incoming. I haven’t set my mind though.

RimWorld. What an amazingly addictive game. I LOVE the mods that people have come out with! I’ve added a bunch to my favourites, a few I don’t think I could live without. This game.. I just have nothing but good to say about it, and it’s still in early access.

I’ve also been buying the cheaper humble bundle deals so that I can add to my steam collection. I wonder if my kid is too young at 6 months to have an account set up for him, lol.

The little guy has been keeping me pretty busy and I’ve been taking a back seat to social media (and gaming) and I’ve realized just how isolating becoming a new parent is. You’re out of the loop on so many things, distant from friends and family, and you’re lost in your own little world that consists of sleep depraved nights, diaper changes, and milestones. I wanted to remind everyone that I’m still here, despite the fact that it may seem rare. If anyone needs to talk to me about something I’m still easy to get a hold of, and love to help out as much as I can. So, big hugs to everyone out there!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

RimWorld Mods

I love the steam workshop that allows people to create and post their game mods up for others to use. I think it really adds to the community, and of course it adds to the playability of the games that these mods are created for. RimWorld has a few “quirks” that I’m not very fond of – but no worries, there’s a mod for that.

The first one I use increases stack sizes. I believe the default stack size is 75 – and when you’ve progressed in the game that becomes a huge annoyance as you collect more and more items and have to keep expanding your stockpiles. I suggest this mod as a must.

You’ll notice that most of my mods don’t make the game ‘easier’ but only enhance the game, add content to it, or are simple quality of life items. I prefer it that way, but you can hunt down mods for pretty much anything.

The other mods I’m using include:

Realistic Rooms – this makes it so that I don’t need gigantic rooms in order for my RimWorld colonists to be happy. They’re much more realistic sizes.

FishIndustry – adds fishing to the game. You can create a dock and basically ‘hunt’ from it.

RimFridge – just like it says, it adds fridges to the game. Great when you want to keep food in the same room as a prisoner (just one example).

More Furniture – adds (you guessed it) more furniture.

[T] More Floors – adds more floor options (a LOT more).

Tilled Soil – gives me better growing options if I till the soil first.

Vegetable Garden – A huge mod that adds new meals to cook, new ways to cook them, and new research branches to unlock even more options.

Fences and Floors – pretty self explanatory.

Have a favourite RimWorld mod that you use? Be sure to let me know in comments and I’ll check it out! I’m only just getting started with mods, so I’ve just been going by those most popular and ones that interest me. There are thousands out there that can change so much of the gameplay that I just haven’t really known where I should start!

I started up a new game last night (on rough difficulty, classic gameplay) and so far it’s going very well. I’ve had a few pirate invasions, I had a chunk of spacecraft fall from the sky that I had to destroy (and two scythers popped out of it, scary!), I’ve had animals go mad, I’ve had a muffalo rampage happen (I had to keep my colonists indoors for that one), and various other smaller difficulties have all been faced and overcome. Two of my colonists are now in love, no one has died (yet), and we’ve expanded from the original three to five. In other words, things have been going relatively well, and any moment now I expect things to go batshit crazy and fall apart. I’ve just entered into my first winter. We’re well stocked with food and medical supplies – we’ll see what we come up against, and how well prepared we were in the end.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


Guilty Pleasure Games

We all have them. Those games we like to play, but we don’t really advertise that we play for whatever reason. So what are your guilty pleasure games?

Mine are pretty easy, you can see them on my steam profile, I’ll log in an hour here and there in between life when it allows me a break from nursing / various other baby happenings.

Faerie Solitaire – a really simple cute card game where you can collect animals and evolve them. There’s really nothing to this game, but it’s adorable, fun, and easy to play in spurts. Definitely one of my guilty pleasures.

Tripple Town – another really easy puzzle game that doesn’t require too much brain power to play it. I can easily step away if I need, and it’s cute. After all, who doesn’t like ninja teddy bears?!

Anything Otome – A few friends of mine have started playing Otome games and they’ve gotten a bigger audience over the years which is fantastic to see. I’m a sucker for a good story, and if the artwork and the voice overs are good then it’s all the better for me. Some of my favourites include Seduce Me, Always Remember Me, Date Warp, and Long Live the Queen. Sure, they’re not for everyone, but hey it wouldn’t be a guilty pleasure if it was!

So how about the rest of you out there. What games do you find yourself playing that you never imagined you’d be drawn to? Is maybe World of Warcraft that guilty little pleasure that you don’t want to admit to your friends that you find appealing (there’s nothing wrong with that, by the way, I love playing WoW, and I also play numerous other games. We’re beyond the point of only being allowed to like one single game at a time)? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Latest Game Obsession? RimWorld

While watching twitch I happened to stumble across an amazing stream of RimWorld, and ever since then, I longed to play it. It reminds me a lot of Stonehearth (which I have been playing a lot of lately), but far more complicated and involved which is absolutely fantastic.

The game is heavily story driven – perfect. You pick to start out on a planet with one, three, or five colonists based on the story line you’re going after. I started out with one, a rich lady looking for adventure. Your belongings are scattered all over the ground and you have to build yourself a base for survival. You can set the difficulty of the game to various levels, I picked one below rough – you can also pick a story method. Random events, story driven events, or a mixture. I decided to go with random on my latest adventures.

Your colonists have stats, they have personalities, they have flaws. They come with wounds (some of them) from previous adventures. They have skills (or they lack skills).

You finally move all of your items to an area you’ve designated, only to realize you’re going to need shelter – and fast. While you’re trying to set up your basics for survival, the environment is fighting against you. Vicious animals, raiding pirates, toxic fallout – this game has it all, and you need to be quick on your feet and plan ahead in order to survive.

Sometimes the game doesn’t seem to play fair. I had a colony with five people in it, and was raided by three pirates. Two of my people died, and just as the other three were getting ready to vanquish the pirates – the pirates kidnapped them, and thus ended my game since I had no people left. I didn’t have a choice about the kidnapping, the only ‘solution’ would have been to kill the pirates before they were able to kidnap, and unfortunately I failed at that.

Toxic fallout is another really vicious occurrence. Your colonists won’t be able to go outside without getting very sick. Toxic fallout can last from days to months. When it happened on my section of the map it lasted 12 days. 12 very long days. Crops die, and every animal outside also eventually succumbs so that when the toxic fallout is finished, you have nothing to hunt, and no crops unless you planted them indoors with hydroponics. Your colonists will be able to research new items as the days go by, things like a drug lab, or automatic doors.

The game is incredibly involved. Your people take mood hits if they’re not pleased, and they’ll slowly go berserk. Have a nudest around? You’ll want them naked asap. Night owl? They better be sleeping during the day. The variety of personality is amazing, and it adds so much depth.

I was a bit put off by the price tag of the game initially (roughly $35 Canadian) but having now played the game for many hours, I can say that it’s completely worth the price. There’s tons of replay and the story is different every time. What makes this game even more perfect for me is that I can easily pause or slow down / speed up the time based on my RL requirements, so if I need to feed the little one, or get called away for some reason it’s very easy to do so. The game also works either streamed from my PC or installed on my MacBook Pro – all extra benefits.

Honestly I just can’t say enough good about this game. It may be in beta but it’s more of a complete product than many other betas I’ve bought into. I am not sure what the company is waiting for, but it’s ready.

As if the game didn’t already come with loads to do – there are tons of mods in the workshop just waiting to be tried out. Enhancing this game is very easy, and there’s a great player base working towards that.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Planet Coaster

I love simulator games, and I’ve always been a big fan of games like sim city or cities: skylines. When Planet Coaster first came out I was a little bit cautious because while it looked really pretty I was afraid it was only a rollercoaster simulator, and I wasn’t sure how much creating a single ride would interest me.

Then I started watching others play it, and I watched items being created for it in the steam workshop and I absolutely fell in love.

You don’t just create rollercoasters, you create an entire theme park of your choosing. Sure, there are themed items and pre-set parks (space, western, etc) but how much (or how little) you decide to do with your park is completely your choosing. You can play in multiple ‘modes’ (sandbox etc) or you can follow along with a ‘story’ and complete challenges that get more difficult as you go on. There’s little bits of humour tucked into every corner of the game, from the mascots to the responses of the people who will visit your park. Trying to keep everyone happy (staff, visitors, etc) is just part of the meta that you’ll get to experience.

I’ve been watching CleaveTV on twitch as he creates different theme parks and his work is just absolutely amazing and incredibly meticulous. This attention to detail astounds me, really. Plus he’s one of those lovely streamers who don’t end up shouting and yelling sporadically into the mic, which is something I brought up yesterday on twitter.

So far I’ve just been playing through the story mode version of the game, completing bronze, silver, and gold challenges on various maps that get more difficult as you complete each round. I’ve had fun developing my own rides and creating uniform parks, and I’ve downloaded a few modded pieces from the steam workshop – there are some pieces there that just blow me away.

You’re given quite a few parts to work with, and in sandbox mode you’re pretty much only limited by your own creativity. Of course if you play on the other m0des you’ll be limited by things like money, but hey that’s what adds flavour to the game.

This game was gifted to me, but even for the price I think it’s fantastic value. I know for some of the “official” sim games (I’m looking at you, Sim City) I’ve paid far more and gotten way less play time out of it. If you’re looking for a good theme park sim, this may be one you want to check out!

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself. If you haven’t added me yet on steam, what are you waiting for?! You can find me there as Stargrace.

Nomadic Gamer