A Peek at Vanguard Changes

After reading other people’s impressions and ideas on the new changes in Vanguard after the latest game update, I decided it was time to delve back in myself for a bit. My characters don’t look especially different from last time – except the ones who wear a dress. They’re supposed to be ‘sexy’ and I’m not sure if it’s my settings (I know the screen shot quality is horrible there) or what, but their clothes just sort of.. were there. They didn’t look like they were actually wearing them. I suppose showing off some skin now is sexy though. Oh, and how come they still look like they’re all wearing their helms in the character selection screen when I have them turned off in game. Just a little thing I know, but a thing none the less.

My house is still there, with 6g in the escrow. I’ll have to stick more coin in eventually, it’s 60s a week in upkeep and I worked too hard to make that house to give it up any time soon – even if I don’t play a great deal. 

There were people chattering in channels, both in the lower level area of Tanvu, and on the crafter channel that I belong to. Maps and UI all worked fine which surprised me because I’ve been gone for a little bit now. It was nice to see some life. I don’t belong to a guild in Vanguard, so things are slightly quiet. If I play any amount at all I’ll see about finding one. No, I’m not giving up EQ2, and no I’m not picking up any other games, readers by know should know my habits and where I wander, hehe. 

Items in my bag don’t make sense to me any more, and I forget where I was questing or what I should be doing at level 41, but I’m sure I can figure it out before too long.


The harbor of Khal is an amazing sight. Especially when people’s boats are all parked in various places along the docks (as pictured above). Last night I dipped into Vanguard for a short while with Gozad and Growlius. Not on mains this time though – for once we all played lowbies. I was on my 18 psionicist, Growlius his 22 disciple, and Gozad on his 22 necromancer.

We all got the diplomacy necklace we needed to work towards our mount, and headed to Qalia to work on hunter’s league quests. We did not have a tank, but things went fairly smooth anyhow.

Shoulders were first, and it was very little effort despite the more interesting pulls we had from time to time.

Psionicists work slightly different then enchanters in EQ1/EQ2 in that they can only mez one mob at a time (or at least, that’s all I can do right now at level 19) but we can also charm one mob, and AOE stun for 8 seconds. When we mez (I’ve mentioned this before) we actually phase the mob right out of exhistence – and in order for anyone to actually attack the mob again, we have another spell that phases them back in. That’s right, no more breaking mez – at all.

One of my favorite tactics is making sure I cast my duplicate spell (it taunts the mob and replicates it, but basically does 0 dmg) before I unphase it. That way when I do unphase, the mob is already attacking the duplicate of itself, and I have a chance to snare it and nuke it a few times before that breaks / wears off.

Psionicists also have a world wide channel attached to one of their spells, it’s called ‘mind’ and it’s great. When you have the buff on you’re auto joined to it. A handy tool to ask others questions you may have about your class.

After we’d completed the shoulder quest I decided to take a break for a bit – being exceptionally worn out after a fairly exciting day. Thanks to Tipa over at Westkarana, I’m now writing for Beckett Massive Online Gamer – about EverQuestII. A writing opportunity came up and she happened to mention my name. Wow how amazing is that? I have my first interview next week, and yes I’m very nervous. These newsstand magazines are actually printed and sold in multiple places, you may have heard of them before for their sports magazines. My first two articles (as long as everything goes well) should come out for the September issue.

I think I’m still stunned over that one.

Figuring out the Vanguard Racial Mounts

Since I wasn’t in game when these mounts were implimented, I’ve been scatter brained trying to figure this stuff out. Thankfully, there’s some wonderful resources on the web. Lets start first with this site here, they explain to you the steps you have to take in order to start working on getting a racial mount.

Visit the related city-faction registrar and apply to work for their city. Doing this you’ll be handed out a Kamelott Inc.+diplo-necklace, which you have to equip in order to loot socalled faction-coins. You do not need the ring to do this.

This should work at regular combat as long you

1) gain xp for the kills AND

2) you equip the necklace.

The coins will not be shown in the loot-window, but directly appear in your inventory. For the start you receive as well platin-coin for the faction you chosed. So far known copper-, silver- and gold-coins stack to a kinda additional currency meant  to buy faction with.  The platin-coins come as lucky loot out of boss-mobs only and should be saved in  order to later buy the mount.

For the racial mount you’ll need both:
+ a certain amount of faction points (rumors say 13k)
+ 50 platin-coins to buy the lvl 30 version of your racial mount
+ 100 platin-coins to buy the lvl 50 version of your racial mount

if you bought the lvl-30-mount you’ll pay only 100 platin for the lvl-50 ones”

Ok. That seems easy enough. So you’ll want to start getting faction towards a mount as soon as possible, and you’ll want to try to earn these platinum coins in order to purchase the mount. Vanguard has done a nice thing by bringing back KoS to cities through working on these faction mounts. You can also switch city factions, and go after whichever mount you’d like.

So what are those mounts? Well, further searching lead me to this site here. They have a very comprehensive site on where you can find the mounts, what the mounts look like, and oh yes did I mention WHERE you can find the mounts? This was the one thing I couldn’t figure out as I ran around Tanvu. Turns out I wasn’t looking in the right place.

So, all those ancient coins you’re getting from MEST quest rewards? You take them to a city registar, and they will exchange them for platinum coins. Those coins are used towards purchasing your mount. Sounds simple enough. Oh, except for the exceptionally long grind of purchasing those mounts.

As of now, I’ve managed to get Faydai started on her Tanvu faction. I believe she’s a half elf but I could be wrong it’s been so long, and she’ll be (eventually) riding around on a battle turtle. Or something. My thanks to both wonderful sites in explaining all of this! It’s some very handy information.

Vanguard Patch Notes

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes

Vanguard Build 2064 Patch Notes July / 16 / 2008

– Some items (too many to list) that were previously marked as BOP are now BOE. This should give you some additional flexibility on items you may want to re-purpose.

– Factional vendors are now available in most cities. If you are level 30 and higher you should receive an email from Kamelott, Inc. with more details to purchase armor and

other future items.

– Possible fixes for a couple of crash bugs

– Possible fix of Quests not updating correctly from trigger locations

Plains of Anguish

It was time to get out of the sand, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. Growlius and Faydai (dread knight and blood mage) have been in Qalia for the past few levels working on quests. After all that bright blinding sand (and it’s not any fun having that grind against plate armor, or so Growlius complained) it was time to head some place darker. Some place spooky. There’s only one place that came right to mind when we thought of that.

It was time to head to Plains of Anguish.

PoA is located on the North Western section of Thestra. It’s dark, rains practically all of the time, and there are always scarey things poking through the woods. After grabbing a rift, we wandered around.

The starting area of this is such a nice change from Qalia. We picked up 14 quests, and I was pleased to see that this quest hub had a banker, exchange (broker), and general goods all relatively close to one another.

Once we’d taken care of the basics, we set off to find undead to smush. Not difficult, they’re all over. Even the quest givers were some form of undead. I admit now, that I know absolutely zero lore about this chunk. I don’t have any idea why I’m smushing undead, because yesterday was about levels and not about actually reading the quests – which was fine by me.

Blood mage and dread knight are a fantastic combination. We were taking down three dots and four dot adds our level (and higher) with relative ease. It helps (a great deal) that blood mages basically have an endless supply of power to heal with – so long as we’re not being hit.

We managed to clear out a lot of quests – even though we’re not the fastest of killers, it was a lot of fun. Just being out of that sand meant so much. It was a refreshing change of pace. There were plenty of people around in other groups and duo’s also working on their PoA quests, which was nice to see. The regionsay channel was alive and well as always, and the craft channel too. I haven’t started looking for a new guild yet – but I will eventually, as it’s getting lonely not being in one. For some reason my UI is completely missing the guild tab, and I’ll have to look into that (and perhaps install the default socials window to get it to work). Dang I hate all that technical stuff.

On a side note, I downloaded Daz Studio, and Victoria4.2 (base) and I’ve been playing around some with that. I know absolutely NOTHING about the program though and it’s going PAINFULLY slow while I try to teach myself. I am not a computer person, at all. So if there’s any Daz Studio guru’s reading this, please drop me a line!

Anyhow – by the time all was said and done, Growlius and I reached level 41, and 30% or so into it. Fantastic! I also managed to complete one of the MEST collections, though I haven’t turned it in because it’s so far out of the way. I’ll start on that tomorrow or later today maybe.

I hope everyone else’ weekends are going just wonderful!

Nomadic Gamer