A Few Signatures



Since the game is down I decided I needed to update some signatures. I’d made one for Ishbel when I was playing her as my ‘main’ but decided it was time for an updated Satia one. I was also asked to make one for Tazikor who is a warrior in guild, and he sent me some amusing screen shots to use. I’ve always loved making signatures for people, and will probably continue to do it so long as an opportunity presents itself. I know mine are not nearly as nice as some people out there, but I’m still learning.



As if crafting in Vanguard were not difficult enough, there’s no way to sort your recipe book. They don’t even follow any real order, aside from when you’ve picked up the recipe from the vendor maybe. You can’t sort by tiers, or continental styles. Each continent has their own recipes. They have different effects, and looks, and in some cases, stats. So I looked for a UI mod that would help me sort my recipes to some degree. Low and behold, I found MaddyCraft. It doesn’t craft for you, that’d just be wrong, but if you’re willing to take the time to do it right, it WILL make your life simpler. What Maddycraft does most notably, is allow you to create macros under each style category, that will target a specific recipe. The macro in vanguard to select a specific recipe is /refinesetrecipe “name of recipe here” so the resources were already in game. In fact I’d been using that command in a macro to select my housing bricks (since I need to make so many of them) for a while now. Along the bottom of each continental category, is a number button. Those represent each tier (up to 5) and you can create macros for each page. So the three pages I have up there, are Kojani style tier 1, then Qalian style tier five, and Thestran style tier two. Click the recipe name (such as focus) and it will pick the slate focus recipe out of the huge list I have in my book. Without me having to scroll through that mess. I have over 150 recipes, finding what I need, especially by continental style, is a huge pain in the arse. Hopefully, SoE will fix this craft book issue before too long. In the mean time, I’m thankful people take the time to create these sorts of mods. Doing the data entry for each macro was a bit of a pain, but I’m thankful I did it none the less. The only other issue is that I’ll be inputting the data for each crafter, as they’re all different. A huge thank you to Photons from guild who suggested I try Maddy, and also sent me the updated version of DroxUI, which is the basic mod I use.

The one bad part of these mods, is that they are of course made by real people with real lives. Wait, how can that be bad? Well, a lot of them give up the games for whatever reasons, and the mods are no longer updated as releases come out. So my advice is don’t get *too* attached to any mod, unless you’re the sort who can code yourself and you’re confident that you can fix whatever’s gone wrong (like riftways, this previous patch).

Last night Growlius, Kalaso, and I did some Wardship quests, netting ourselves a nice earring (heroic) reward. The quest was easily soloable, but we decided to group up anyhow. It had 10 parts, fairly simple, a little running around, some killing. I was so distracted by other things going on that I didn’t even have a chance to actually read the quest and find out what we were doing. I know at one portion we had to pray at some alters for a few minutes, so I guess it was something religious. We had a new recruit join the guild last night, who was also completely new to the game so it was basically my responsibility to not only see that they were made comfortable in guild (how can you NOT be comfortable when our guild members /bite all those who join?) but that they were getting along well enough in game on their lowbie characters. They’d come from various other mmo’s (most new recruits do) and I always try to make it a personal goal to ensure that people are at least having their questions answered. I’m about half way through 33 now adventure wise, and level 45 for crafting. I made something this morning and apparently discovered it (disco’s do get re-set with GU’s though) which I found amusing, just a ring for Growlius.

Last night Eleyn poked me in Vanguard from EQII, which was a huge surprise (and a pleasant one at that) and mentioned that maybe he’d poke into VG some time to say hello. Krai (also from EQII) mentioned they’d also activated their VG account, and may use it to ‘escape raids’ some nights. Hey, whatever brings people to the game, I’m for it. Mayadhros wanted to do a little adventuring on alts, but alas I was swept up already with my group, that’s the one problem I suppose. Managed to get Lunestra tagged in the guild as well, and tomorrow there’s a guild meeting. Thus far, things are going smoothly, even though I do feel (at times) a little over burdened and that things are quite hectic. I suppose that’s one good thing about playing during the days, there are less people around and generally it’s quieter, I enjoy my time.

Pantheon of the Ancients


This weekend the guild was busy, a few new members joined the ranks and we had 14+ people on no matter the time of day. I’m used to being the only one on until noon or so. Kalaso (paladin) Growlius (dreadknight) Photons (sorcerer) and Lanatra (on her sorcerer as well) and I decided to head into the depths of POA (Palace of the awakened? Plane of anguish? Plane of air?) and see if we couldn’t get some quests done. There’s some amazing gear rewards in there- or so I had heard. The group was a little rocky, we’d never really played as a team together. That’s the one thing about Vanguard that’s hard to learn. If you don’t start off leveling in the game with a group, when you finally get one you’re on rocky ground. We killed our way to one quest giver, had a few deaths from a soul eating snake that refused to let us kill her minions, then made it to where the quest was supposed to ambush us with 100 one dot mobs for our updates.

Except the ambush never happened. Apparently POA has been bugged for a long time now, and this GU didn’t fix it. Bleh. So we headed down another alcove, got yet another quest to lead some elder some place (I know, my descriptions are amazing hms?) and when we got to his location- he was also not there.


So we decided to give up on POA (5% experience in four hours of game time is never a good thing) and we headed to the Wardship, which is on Thestra. Have I mentioned lately I love the new rift changes? Well, I do. We spent a little bit of time picking up the quests, needed 30 trogs or some sort. They were on a very long respawn timer and competition showed up, so after finishing only one of the quests the group decided to call it a day. Started doing a few of the quests later on, which also had competition (why not just group up?!) and I spent the rest of the night watching “August Rush” (wow, very inspirational) and completed my T5 house.

That’s right, finally completed a new home for myself. It’s much larger then my previous one, and can hold 5 chests for storage. Screen shots will follow once I get myself settled in. For now furniture is just scattered about as I decide what to keep and what can go. Tonight hopefully I’ll get some more exp, I’m inching up on level 34 and I get a few spells that level.

Was nice to see Tipa poke in game over the weekend as well, didn’t see any of Anakh, saw Borgio quite a bit (uhms, very drunk, might I add) and Mayadhros was there as well later in the evening. Oh, and Lunestra, if you’re reading *waves* and welcome to SH.

Now THAT is an ugly Vulmane


Things have been busy lately, so I haven’t had time to update. In game I’ve now hit 45 mineralogist, as well as 33 bloodmage. I’ve also gotten 5,000 faction with the Kojan Artisans which means I learned the T5 granite brick / cornerstone / beams / panels / shingle recipes. Gozad from Safe Haven also gave me the brick manual for Journeyman, which helps a huge amount. It means on houses where I need to make 300 bricks, I can make them 20 at a time instead of 3 at a time (5 at a time next level). I’ve been building a T5 house for Skaara, and myself. One for Gozad in the works, and a T3 house for Growlius.

Speaking of Growlius, above is by far the most amusing glitch I have ever seen. Growlius is my vulmane friend (dog like) and we were doing a quest to incriminate Old Woman Sparrow for treason against Lord Hugo. Hugo gave us all disguises to wear to sneak into the Redsparrow camps un-noticed. How on earth Growlius could be considered to be “un noticed” I’m not sure. None of our faces changed at all with the other outfits, except the poor Vulmane. Tipa, be thankful your eyes don’t look like THAT above. His face is also still fur-covered, which is hard to see from the screen shot. Amusing, to say the least.

We’ve gotten a couple more recruits in guild which is great. Nightly now we have between 10-16 people online. Raids in Vanguard are 18 people only (why so SMALL, gah the population thing takes it’s toll after time) so we are closing in at least on that.

Random pet peeve is people who think classes have to be played a specific way or else you’re not any good at it. Other then that the game has been fantastic thus far. Hopefully tomorrow or Tuesday I’ll have a post about my new T5 house. Oh, and I’ve decided to level up a carpenter next, go figure.

Safe travels!

Moving On Up


Satia glanced around the dismal forest of Eastpoint, her hands hanging limp at her sides. Blast those halflings! Or dwarves.. or whatever they were who’d moved in next door. The swampy muck under her feet could barely be considered grass any more. The log cabin her neighbour had built was leaning to one side. It was time for this Kojani half elf to return to her roots. Thus it was that Satia packed up her meager belongings and moved to Daegarmo Isle, off the coast of Tsangs Tomb, in Kojan. She’d received a letter refunding her the rest of her house payment, and immediately sought out a prime location to build a new home.

After hours of searching, she’d found it. Located on the top of a giant hill, with the island below her, she could gaze at the other homes as the sun rose (if the sun ever came out, so far she’d seen naught but rain). Crafting was just out her backyard, and a Pegasus vendor sat close by. Ah yes, now THIS would be home. She figured the last limestone house was a little small. Her eyes settled on the plot of land. Granite, that’s all that would do here. Besides, looking to her left was the intimidating guild hall of some clan. There was no way she could compete with that, but she didn’t want to be one of those run down shacks, either.

The construction of the home would be slow going. It’s requirements were greater then the previous. 220 Kojani granite housing bricks, a kojani skarn cornerstone, 22 juniper mortar (which the vendor kept in steady supply), 80 shingles, 100 prime panels, 50 prime beams, 15 mithril fasteners, and 15 vielthread window coverings. Oh yes, this would be quite the project.

What a huge difference between the size of a house, and the size of a guild hall. I’m still proud of my little plot, nestled on the hill. Along the backside of it is the crafting area, a little climb down. There are ruins on the island, and it’s got plenty of character. Most of the plots have been there a while, their homes completely built. I imagine that this one’s owner must have moved on to greener pastures, or maybe their business fell through, allowing the plot to come back up for sale.

Feel free to visit. Chances are I’ll be on the island, crafting, getting my Kojan faction (I need 5,000) in order to learn my brick and cornerstone (and shingle) recipes. That’s the difference between a 2.5g and a 10g plot (no offence to Borgio, who bought the old plot I owned). 10g is close to pretty much everything. Much prettier, and a good excuse to build a T5 house. It was a pain to take everything out of the house though, and store it some place. That includes everything inside of my chests.

Nomadic Gamer