Vaults of eternal sleep

A Shield! I finally got a Shield

Last night against all odds almost everyone was online (aside from Calreth who can typically only log on during the weekends) – so it was Ultann, Hamal, Wpus (on his berserker Ibeogur) and I who decided to venture down to the basement of Sebilis once more in the hopes that the Spore King would drop the fabled shield. We had one small incident on our way down, I flew through a water pipe and ended up dropping down on a bunch of mobs after Ultann had been dispelled which made for one very squashed group. Thankfully the revive point happens to be downstairs so we didn’t have to run back, and we picked ourselves back up and were on our way once more.

Earlier on in the day Ibeogur tanked Vaults (Jarsath Waste version) for us for the first time – even though he was only level 76 and he was trying to keep agro off of a mythical assassin, he did fantastic (well, we all did, as we trio’d the zone). It was a lot of fun even though nothing of use ended up dropping.

We made it to the Spore Kings room, killed him – and a metal chest dropped. My heart was in my throat. Would this be the day I actually won a shield – or was this just a teaser chest with a master spell in it like we usually get teased with.

Kasul popped open the chest and finally after months of wearing a fairly horrible shield, I won the beautiful one on the left. Sure, it’s not the one from Obelisk of Ahkzul (which I have all but given up on) but that one is legendary and not fabled. I was exceptionally happy and made sure to thank all of my guild mates for making the trip down to the basement. Ibeogur managed to ding 77 before we headed down there, and he had used a potion that we didn’t want to waste, so we decided since we were already in Sebilis we may as well complete Crypt of Agony. It was a relaxing run though the loot Gods were not smiling on us, it was another great chunk of exp for Ibeogur.

His potion was not quite done by then and we all had a little time left so we decided to make a quick trip to Deep Forge and see how we fared. My mystic has the necklace that allows you to see the TSO shinies, so for the first time I was able to harvest them as we made our way through the zone. We didn’t have any issues – but again the loot Gods were not very nice to us and we didn’t see anything of any real use drop. It was a good run none the less and we did get a handful of shards for our efforts (in this case a handful = 2).

All in all it was a pretty productive night. Ibeogur managed to inch his way through most of level 77, the experience is VERY slow, hopefully it picks up for him. I logged off early and decided to get some cross stitching done before bed (it’s very relaxing!) and hopefully everyone had a fantastic time. I’m looking forward to all of us being able to explore a little more together, it hasn’t happened nearly enough lately.

Happy gaming, no matter where it finds you!

Simply Gaming

Aww no screen shot to go with this post because I spent the majority of yesterday bedridden again and the screen shot quality of the laptop is just not that great. Snuck onto the computer early this morning before I have to go back to my cave for the rest of the day, at least it’s comfortable (even if I don’t have digital cable in there and the channels I do have suck!).

Despite being confined to my room I did get a fair amount of gaming done yesterday! It’s not like I’m going to let a few little problems stop me, eh?

To start it off Satia (the dirge) is now level 79 and 40% into it! This will mark my 8th level 80 I believe. I already have an 80: Coercer, Illusionist (x2), Templar, Warden, Troubador, and Mystic. The 50% bonus experience for the (US) holiday weekend has been nice in helping me along, plus I had a few smaller experience boosting potions, and I mentored with my mystic. In order to get that bit of experience the guild and I headed to Crypt of Agony, Maidens Chamber, Vaults of Eternal Sleep, as well as Unrest and Shard of Fear. Oh, lets not forget Chelsith too!

Crypt of Agony, Madiens, and Vaults were slightly disappointing as none of them dropped a single item that any of us were searching for – however Ultann managed to get his choker from Unrest finally, and Wpus managed to get his ring from Chelsith (you know the one that procs a huge aoe when a mob dies). Hamal (Kasul) also inched his way closer to 72 and gained a lot of achievement points from the instances, so that was good for him.

At 79 my little dirge had a lot of gear waiting for her, she can wear some new weapons and her new gi and a handful of other random items. I believe I have a few shards saved up so at level 80 she can get a piece or two of void gear (T1) until I can farm some shards on her. She’s still quite far behind in achievements, but is almost at 100 which is better then some of my characters (like the illusionist, lol). Of course this character isn’t even 80 yet and I’m already debating who to level up next, probably the paladin and then who knows, I may just create something new. I only have three characters on my 2nd account, so there’s lots of room over there still. Maybe a pure dps class of some sort. Suggestions?

Aside from that, I’m expecting a fairly quiet weekend. Hope everyone enjoys their Sunday, and their holiday Monday (for those who have it off). Chances are I’ll be some where in Norrath.

Runnyeye The Gathering (and of course others)

I was feeling slightly more like myself yesterday and the trio gathered together for some instance goodness. We decided to do something completely new for us and we headed to Enchanted Lands to take on Runnyeye: The Gathering (RE2).

It had been a while since I had done the zone, and my partners in crime (shadowknight and conjuror) had never been there at all. I played the illusionist on the pc and put the mystic on the laptop, Ultann played the MT (main tank) and played Nocbot (inquisitor) on his laptop. Essentially we were a group of five, with the two healers on autofollow. What could possibly go wrong, right?

Well, by the end of it I was quite surprised.

We managed to beat the entire zone except the last encounter with the 4^ and the epic x2. We took down Slamhammer on the 2nd run (after dying to the million hammers before). We took down the mob that spawns noxious gas clouds also on the 2nd run once we found a better strat for our boxed healers. Everything else was a 1st pull 1st kill experience.

We didn’t get anything of note, none of the fabled cloaks dropped (which would have been so nice) and no gear was an upgrade but it was still exceptionally satisfying to be able to take down those sorts of encounters in that particular zone with just our group.We all got a few aa, and managed to complete a few quests relating to the zone. I’ll have to remember to pick up the two quests we missed outside of the zone next time.

Now we’ve been able to clear all of the RoK instances (we headed back to Vaults and Maidens after RE2 to clear those) as well as RE2 and a few TSO instances. Next? We’re going to attempt to clear the guk TSO instances. Or see how far we can get through them in any case. I try to keep a positive outlook even when I think we’re going to get completely owned, so it will be interesting to see how things go. I keep reminding myself that we’re not exactly the best geared players out there, we have a mixture of TSO T2 gear and dropped jewelery, a few masters (with myself far behind in that department, I have one master spell). Again, this is a great indication that you do NOT have to be fully raid geared (or raid geared at all) in order to complete these things. Talent does surpass all else in the rare occassion. This idea is something I welcome openly.

In case you had not heard yet, player housing goes LIVE in Wizard 101 TODAY! That’s some pretty exciting news right there. It’s the only thing I wish we had in Free Realms too (which I spent a bit of time playing yesterday).

I hope everyone else had an exciting Tuesday, don’t forget Mother’s Day is Sunday!

Working on Epics and Instances

Ultann managed to get his inquisitor epic in two days. I was really happy for him but frustrated at the difference in ‘ease’ as far as epics go. Some are very easy to get (I finished the coercer one in a single day) and others are painstakingly long especially when you take into count the different pre-requisites they may have.

I’m trudging along with the mystic and illusionist epic though and I’m confident that some day I’ll get them. We’ll just have to see.

Yesterday evening was the first chunk of play time I’ve had steady in a bit, so the trio headed to instances of course. First on our list? Maidens. Now, we’ve never cleared this zone as a trio before, mostly because my enchanter at the time was too small to hold down the adds for Sandstorm as well as the sisters.

Yesterday it went flawlessly and we took down sandstorm (with four adds up) as well as the sisters (on the 2nd attempt, first attempt we had the order wrong) without any real issues. I was exceptionally happy because the zone is also one I need for the illusionist epic, and I’m glad that we can trio it. Plus some pretty fantastic loot drops there.

Speaking of loot for once it was on our side! No, we didn’t get any gear upgrades to drop but for once a few masters did. One of which being my all important power / health buff for the mystic. Premonition. I was so very excited. This spell typically goes for a huge amount of money. Ultann also managed to get his group taunt to drop, and a few masters dropped for folks to sell.

Once we were finished in Maidens we headed to Vaults, and then to our good friend Obelisk of Ahkzul which refused to drop the healer shield (again). We spent a little time in Chelsith but that zone is so incredibly long and the Leviathans tend to drop nothing but treasured so we like to avoid it. I wish it followed the ‘named will drop legendary’ rule but alas it does not. This zone COULD be so wonderful if just a few tweaks were made.

All in all it was a great night, and I had a lot of fun. Here’s hoping tonight is more of the same! See you in Norrath!