My Invisible Line

TW for sexual harrassment talk.

Yesterday a bunch of news dropped about a lawsuit being taken against Activision / Blizzard for their ‘frat boy’ culture. I doubt very much that it came as a surprise to anyone, but I went and read through the legal papers for it and the details were disgusting.

What was even more disgusting was the response from a spokesperson of Activision that said that the statements presented in the court document were “distorted and in many cases false” and this is where Activision crossed over an invisible line I have as far as supporting their games go.

We all have those invisible lines. Something that tells us “you know what, I just don’t want to support them any more”. Mine, I will admit, is pretty broad. I like video games, I enjoy supporting developers, and it’s ingrained into my entire life. I’ve played World of Warcraft since the start. I’ve weathered some pretty nasty storms with them – this time, I just can’t.

As a woman, my entire life I’ve been told that if I speak up about sexual harassment I was doing it for the attention. On two distinctive occasions I did the right thing and I talked to the right people and no one believed me. They told me I was trying to get attention. So on the third (and arguably biggest) occasion when I was raped in a washroom after work in a shopping mall I told no one except my boyfriend at the time. I did nothing. I never went to the police, what would be the point. I quietly quit my job, and never went back to that mall again.

It’s an enormous deal to me that so many women are standing up and being strong enough to share what has been going on or what has gone on in the past, and they are being told that their statements are distorted and false. There is nothing as heartbreaking for a victim than to be told that they are lying – when they are not. It is one of many reasons that women just don’t feel comfortable to speak up and talk about this sort of thing to begin with. There is almost always some sort of punishment. Whether it’s burning bridges, missed job opportunities, or something else. There is zero incentive for victims to come forward, and so much to lose.

So yes, Activision has crossed a line. I’m not willing to continue to support a company that can’t support female co-workers, or even ex co-workers. I’ve cancelled my account, and I can only hope that the victims are able to get some sort of closure from all of this.

Making an Effort to be Better

When it comes to my characters, I’m pretty OCD. I like them all on the same server. I like different servers for different factions. I’ve been playing on Argent Dawn for a few years now, but I used to play on Hyjal with horde. I left when my husband started playing. Except he’s not playing any more, and I’ve been really lonely.

As much as my anxiety would like people to constantly reach out to me, I realize this is unreasonable and the fact of the matter is that I too have to put forth effort if I want to find a ‘home’ and connect with people.

I recently returned full time to Seaghyn, a guild I’ve been in for many years as a casual – horde, on Hyjal. I’ve started moving my horde characters over using tokens, and so far I have 4 moved. It’s a full population server (or at least high population) and VERY different from my quiet low population of Argent Dawn. I’m making an effort to get involved with things, help people, and be present. I’ve been lurking in discord for years now, but I don’t really say much. All the channels they have make me feel overwhelmed.

I need to make my own efforts, though. I can’t expect everyone else to do that for me, it’s just not fair. I just hope I’m up to the task.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Short of a Million

Another 28 days has passed, and while last month I made a profit of 1.9 million gold, this month (28 days) I’ve only reached 900k profit. This comes from a number of reasons including a lot of spending.

I purchased two tokens, and I also purchased the Yak mount that allows you to transmog your gear on the go (120k). This would have pushed me up over the 1 million gold in profit mark, but honestly the main reason is that I haven’t felt motivated to make gold. I have been playing other games, focusing on doing just my dailies for faction, and exploring other characters. I re-post my stock, but I have no Shadowlands stock, and while a lot of fellow goblins are out there making millions each day, I’m content to take a back seat approach. I already have millions of gold that I’m not using, I don’t exactly need more.

Still, a 900k gain is nothing to sneeze at. It’s just not quite as good as I could have done.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Goals: Week Two

I spent a lot of gold this week and haven’t seen a whole lot of return yet, but I’m hoping it pans out. My gold making pictured above is one of my servers, and represents horde & alliance (I play both on the same server). I am on other servers too, but I figured for this purpose I’d just track one.

Anyway, horde pulled ahead since I’m playing them more these days, earning 180,870g profit. I did a few emissary and paragon quests so that helped a ton, and I restocked some cloth transmog which has been selling pretty well.

Alliance would have pulled ahead by a small margin but I bought a bunch of bloodfeaster mounts once I heard that the farm had been nerfed earlier this week. They were going for 10-15k on my server and I’m hoping I can get the price to inch up as we get closer to Shadowlands. I also made a silly purchase worth 36k of Tidespray linen. Why? It was 1g09s which is still actually low enough to profit on (plus I could use a bit more expulsom for my jewelcrafter).

One of the strangest sales I made was someone who paid almost 6k for some green winter clothes – with the event coming up in the not too far future I figured they would have held off on that but who am I to complain! I spent maybe an hour total all week working on the sales aspect of things this week so it was fairly hands off. Instead I’m focusing on cleaning up banks & inventory, and leveling up alts in preparation for Shadowlands. I’m trying to organize logical teams of characters since I want to switch from 5 boxing to 2 boxing (although now I’m wondering if I just want to go back to 5 boxing or at least 4 boxing).

All in all I’m happy with the goldmaking progress for the amount of time I’m dedicating to it (which is almost none). Room for improvement? Always. Earning at least a token a week on each horde & alliance is pretty good for me, personally.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!