WoW Classic MailBox Update

WoW Classic has become a bit of a sour point for me. My guild completely fell apart once the whole Blizzard & China thing happened, and I lost all motivation to log in. The whole point of playing was to be there with friends. I felt bad that I gave away gold and items to people who left – and I get it, it had nothing to do with me and was completely their own decision and choices, but it left me feeling sorry for myself. I use gaming as a means to be social when I spend the majority of my days watching out for my two littles, and I was sad that it was taken away from me. I know why lines in the sand are drawn, but my mental health plummeted.

So I avoided playing until today. I decided to return to making a little gold and seeing what I could acomplish with limited play time. I’m sitting on around 211 gold at the moment, with about 150g worth of items in the auction house. Here’s hoping some items actually sell. I’m a small time goblin compared to most, but every little gold helps.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nice Snipe

I purchased these for 2 gold, and sold them the next day for 100,000 gold – which is well below what they usually sell for if you’re patient, but I just wanted a quick turn around because I’m already sitting on a lot of transmog gear.

Still, 100,000 gold for spending 2g is nothing to sneeze at (IMO).

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!