Slow Sales

A bit slow with sales today, but crafting goods are usually a good bet. They all move, eventually. Especially if any dailies use them.
A bit slow with sales today, but crafting goods are usually a good bet. They all move, eventually. Especially if any dailies use them.
I decided with my lack of time it would be best if I started over as a hunter, so I’ve created a new character along with my husband who is playing a mage. So far we’re level 8 and 12 respectively, but I hope to catch up to the druid before too long.
I WANT to be able to tank and run dungeons, but that’s just not going to happen. This is a much more relaxed and realistic goal, I think.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!
I’m still making gold slowly while the market establishes itself and people level up which is to say that I’m doing a linen bag flip. I buy all linen over 20c, and make bags and sell them to vendor for 50c profit each bag (or more, if I get linen for under 20c). It’s slow, but it’s what I can handle game-wise.
I’ve also been searching the AH for deals that I can hang onto until sometime in the future. Herbs that will be used in PvP potions when battlegrounds come out, gear that will be used for the 10-19 twink bracket. The problem is my server is HEAVILY slanted towards alliance, there are about 8,000 horde to 30,000 alliance in fact. That makes things harder. Well, not harder per say, but sales are slower.
On the plus side that also means competition isn’t QUITE as stiff.
All this classic gold making has me itching to go back to retail servers and work harder there at making some gold too, so I might do that from time to time. I’m paid up on my account for quite a while, so I don’t need gold to pay for my subscription any time soon, but I love playing the market. I’m learning a lot just by being in the WoW Economy discord and reading chat. It’s all about doing whatever brings you joy, right? I might only be level 15 (still) but hey, at least it’s something.
As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!
I’m only level 14 in classic, not having found much time to level, but I do stand around the auction house trying to get a good bargain. They’ve slowed down slightly, but there are still some deals to be had. I expect with the weekend wrapping up it may slow down even more. I’ve had a few conversations like the one above where I let players know they were actually pricing items for less than vendor value.
I’m not interested in being cruel to people or making fun of them for their mistakes, but I do see this happen a lot and if they tend to price a ton of things for under vendor value I send them a tell to let them know. I donated some gold towards the guild getting a tabard (10g is a lot) and besides that I’ve just been hoping to get some actual play time in, eventually.
The first week of WoW classic was spent trying to make gold in a very simple way. Taking items people have priced less than vendor price, and reselling them to the vendor. The auction house fees are 5% and that’s actually quite a bit, so I’m avoiding posting items and instead just focusing on cheaper ways. Leveling is going to make you more money than staying at level 1, so I’d really like to find some time to do that but it’s slow going with my limited playtime. I’ve been trying for at least one level a day, but even that is slowing down.
Tradeskillmaster combined with auctioneer are the two addons I’ve been using the most. TSM has updated their latest version to classic, and while you still have to use a manual scan, they are working on it containing historical data. Right now auctionator and TSM do NOT use historical data – auctioneer does. I’m very glad the developers of these apps have taken the time to update and keep track of bugs. I’ve been hanging out in the TSM discord since I started using it and I’ve picked up on tons of tips and tricks from long time goblins. It requires a bit of paying attention and keeping track of questions and answers but it’s well worth it.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!