Figuring it all out – Again


The pre-legion patch came and went, and with it any knowledge I had of my classes. I’ve been slowly (we’re talking snail pace here) logging into each one of my level 100 characters to fiddle with their builds, set up their gear so they don’t look like weird aliens in helmets, and take inventory of what has changed.

So far the biggest changes have been to my main character, priest. I used to be a disc spec’d healer, but I found after the patch that there was just absolutely no comparison to the holy priest spec. So I swapped. Not a big deal, I used to be holy ages ago but they nerfed that into oblivion, so I guess now it’s time for a new spec to be awesome. The new disc priest spec relies heavily on dps and applying atonement to players before going all out with dps. I’ve never really been fond of dpsing in order to heal, so the holy spec is much more my level. I did set up a shadow spec too (I usually use it for solo play or when I’m bored of healing) but I haven’t actually played my character yet to know how it runs. It doesn’t bother me that disc is (for me) unplayable, so long as there’s something out there I can replace it with. There is, so all is good.

Next I checked out my druid. Very little has changed for restoration, I found her a bit easier to play, and got rid of a few hot bars. I haven’t tried the dps or tank spec’s out with her yet though to be honest I never really did THAT much with the character aside from heal anyway.

After that I wandered over to my shaman who is currently set up as a melee dps. Lots of options are gone now, and I only have 1 totem that I picked up as a talent. I haven’t actually played her out in the world so I’m not sure about how the overall feeling will be, but without totems it’s already pretty odd.

That still leaves the warlock, paladin, deathknight, hunter, and monk to set up and figure out. I’ve also been contemplating leveling up a warrior because why not. I keep saying I’d like to try one and then I never go through with it. Just not enough hours in the day to play all the things!

What do you think of your class changes? Do your characters still have the same feel to them or have they morphed into some sort of new class that you’re learning all over again? On the plus side – you’re not the only one.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Pre-Legion Stuff, and Wurm Unlimited


Even though I haven’t been blogging nearly as much as I’d like to, I’m still here, still gaming in between rounds of real life kicking me down. I’m 25 weeks pregnant now and things have become a lot more real. Since I have no family or friends out where I live now I won’t be having a baby shower or anything like that, so I decided to post a public baby registry for anyone who wanted to help me out with some baby items. It takes a village, after all.

In gaming news, I had to cancel my EQ2 account since it was up for renewal this weekend and I don’t think I could afford it for another year. Sad times, but hey that’s what making grown up decisions is about. I’ve got over a year of game time on my WoW account, and Legion is fast approaching, so that’s where most of my gaming excitement lay these days. The pre-Legion patch comes out on Tuesday, July 19th and I am incredibly excited for a number of reasons. Most of those reasons involve transmog changes, I won’t lie.

I’m also still playing through games in my steam library, and that includes Wurm Unlimited, where I don’t have to worry about a subscription fee and still get to enjoy one of my favourite games of all time. I’ve been working on a new little deed that I hope becomes a dainty fishing village. Most of the towns I’ve created end up being large elaborate stone homes with very little ‘small town’ country feel. Whether or not I can pull that off with this new place has yet to be seen, but it gives me a project to work on at least. Pictured above is a new-to-me Champion creature that I ran into yesterday, thankfully with some help I was able to take it down.

Even after all of these years I couldn’t tell you what exactly it is about Wurm Online/Unlimited that draws me in. The community fluctuates, there are a lot of really wonderful people but then again there’s a few less-than-nice folk out there too. These days I’m keeping to myself and just doing my thing, it’s easier that way.

Excited about Legion? Playing some new game you just have to share? Enjoying the summer months? Let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Forever Wandering Through Games


How long has it been since you stuck with a single MMO for at least a year? I remember when Tipa used to put out a challenge to people to stick with a single game for a year, and almost no one could accomplish it even when the choices were much more limited, let alone these days where there are games for every genre you could possibly think of. Sure, we may play one game at a time, or two games, or have some combination of F2P & subscription, but more and more I notice that we are ALL becoming nomadic gamers, bouncing between games when the mood strikes (or when that new shiny pops up on the table).

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s just something I’ve noticed over the years. I would love to be one of those people who stick with a single game for any length of time but I simply don’t have that in me any more (for a few reasons). One reason would have to be the price point. Money fluctuates throughout the year and my game choices will change based on that. A good example is EQ2. My subscription expires the 2nd week of July, so I find very little motivation to log in and play right now as I know I won’t be re-subscribing (baby on the way, I simply have to re-allocate my funds for a bit). I’ve never really enjoyed playing games with a sub as a F2P player, not because I think F2P is “bad” but because I’d rather have access to the entire game. Speaking of – why doesn’t Trion offer some sort of bulk subscription plan that offers access to all of their games, much like station access? Rift and ArcheAge would certainly be two games I’d love to check out more of, but I’m not sure how I’d feel about the F2P options (especially in ArcheAge where owning land is tied to having a subscription). Offer a package deal and those subscriptions become a lot more favorable. I blame Belghast and Bhagpuss for my sudden interest in Trion games, both of them have been posting about Rift / ArcheAge on their blogs. I was interested enough that I updated glyph though I haven’t actually logged in (yet).

Speaking of EQ2, a new server opened up yesterday. It’s the Isle of Refuge, and it runs just as all the other servers in the EQ2 line up do, except the majority of items can be sold / traded and don’t have the heirloom tag. There’s a great write up about it over at EQ2wire, and the server reminds me a lot of Firiona Vie, the RP server over on EQ. There are a few other rules to the FV server besides that but it was one that stuck out to me. Why Daybreak has added such a server I have no idea (nor does anyone else it seems if you read through the comments on the article) but it’s nice to see things are not completely stagnant.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Making Goals, Achieving Goals


I like having goals in games that I play, whether they’re goals I create myself, or goals the game creates for me. One of the goals I had for myself in WoW was to reach ilevel 700 on my main (who at this time I consider my priest) before Legion released. I consider myself to be a pretty casual player, I don’t group up very often but I spend a fair amount of time in LFR or searching through custom groups for something that catches my fancy. I’ve never done a mythic dungeon (let alone a raid) and while I did do a lot of PVP at the beginning of Warlords, I’ve since stopped. This meant that reaching that magical number was a goal that I wasn’t sure I could accomplish.

Except today I managed to do just that. It probably would have been sooner had I bothered trying to get groups for Kazz but I didn’t even know about that raid (blush) until a month or so ago.

My gear is of course a hodgepodge of stuff. A few set pieces (Felfume) some Kazz loot (trinkets, neck, cloak), and some empowered baleful from Taanan Jungle. While I’m out and about on my own my priest is usually spec’d as shadow – but when it comes to grouping or raids, I’m currently in disc. I’ve been playing a priest main for years now, and I’m excited to see the holy changes that are coming in Legion, it’s been a while since I’ve tinkered with that specific spec.

In the meantime as we wait for Legion I’m doing the typical “prepare for Legion” things. Milking my garrison while I can, collecting appearance gear in my bank / bags for when transmog changes go live, doing world events for tabards, and playing the alts here and there. I’ve also been working on my pet collection, I’m up to 551 now, but I want more to be level 25, and at least rare quality. Alts come in handy for this, I can earn enough tokens in a day to turn a few rare and to also level up a few levels just by doing the garrison pet daily. I know I could grind out the levels on the pets that I want at 25, but I have a feeling I would get bored of that pretty easily. At least this way I keep myself interested.

That’s one of the hardest parts about waiting for an expansion – keeping interested and busy. Since I’m such a casual player to begin with, it hasn’t been that hard this time around, but I AM very eager for Legion to release.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

What am I Playing? What are You Playing!


It’s that time of the year where people seem to be floundering in their usual game of choice, torn between the beautiful weather outside and hiding away inside to avoid the heat. I tend to be a restless gamer no matter what I’m playing, so it’s not really a surprise that I find myself all over the place.

In steam games I’ve been bouncing around between mindless clickers like adventure capitalist and the usual (Wurm Unlimited) with a brief stay in minecraft story mode. I have only completed the 4th chapter so far, and I love every second of it. I also installed skyrim thinking I’d finally get a chance to play through the entire game, but I haven’t gotten up the nerve yet. I’ve played it quite a bit (never to completion) only to have a computer issue that would cause my saved game to become erased, so I’ve started playing numerous times and then during the last incident finally gave up and said enough was enough.

I’ve also found myself playing a good amount of World of Warcraft and Sims 4. WoW is of course a nice comfortable game that I find very easy to fall into and I’m really excited about Legion. I love the friendly hype I’ve been seeing, and I hope more people return even if it is just a temporary visit until they get bored of things again. Sims 4 recently released a pack called Dine Out, and I’m having a blast with it. I’ve been playing my legacy family which is now on the 3rd generation and working towards the 4th. It’s the furthest I’ve ever managed to take a legacy family and I have high hopes of making it all the way to the 10th (eventually). Of course now that I’ve said that I’m sure I’ll start having issues with my PC..

What has everyone else been playing? Are you also bouncing around from game to game looking for something to hold your attention? Or are you outside, enjoying that bright object in the sky? I’ve seen a lot of folks playing The Witcher 3’s latest expansion, not my sort of game at all but I’m glad to see others enjoying themselves! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.