Lost, Again.


Remember how just last week I was talking about video games that do a poor job at introducing you to what you’ve missed while you’ve been away? Well, World of Warcraft is another game that I’ve recently returned to – and I have no idea what I’m doing. I mean, I know how to play my character, I understand garrisons, that’s not the issue. I was around for that stuff. The issue is what I do with everything else going on.

So lets start with what I know. So far I know that they’ve added navel battles since I last played. These are like garrisons – on water. Plus you can lose your ship, and you can gear them up so of course when you lose them you lose all their stuff, too and then you have to start all over again. When you do the tutorial they do a great job of explaining about how much you suck. Thanks Blizzard!

The next thing I discovered was Warlord’s version of Timeless Isle – except it’s not as much fun, it’s much more pressure, meaner, and harder to get around. With that being said, I did get a pair of 675 shoulders last night, so that was swell. When I quit I was wearing 640 gear, and the new stuff is a big upgrade, plus I can upgrade it twice more. I haven’t figured out how that works yet, but I’m sure it’ll be revealed in time. The zone is awkward, the roads are narrow, and my map is FULL of stuff going on. Unfortunately most of it happened to be complete before I got there, and unlike Timeless Isle where people usually helped one another out, this place seems like a complete free for all.

Then there’s the Timewalking dungeons. Those reward various 660 pieces of gear, and for barely anything I was able to upgrade almost my complete set of gear to 675 from the vendor in Shattrah. I’m on my way to doing 5 dungeons, I just need one more. They’re fairly painless but not a complete cakewalk, one of the ones I went through ended up needing three replacement tanks since none of them were able to control their aggro. Happens, and I didn’t vote anyone out, but the rest of my group was less patient than I. Speaking of patience, the NPC who sells the Timewalking gear is currently completely covered by players in mounts with vendors, on purpose to be obnoxious so you can’t purchase anything. Isn’t that fun? There’s a quest to complete 5 timewalking dungeons, and so I did that and managed to get an ilevel 695 robe, yay! Now my ilevel is 666… that seems.. appropriate?

That’s where I’m currently at. I imagine I’ll do some LFR before too long, maybe on the weekend (though that has always been a poor day to do raids from my experience, best day is typically Tuesday when they re-set) and continue working on being able to fly in Draenor. If you want to group up or just add me to battlenet, you can find me as Stargrace#1783 – I’m playing horde these days, my alliance characters over on Argent Dawn have taken a back seat, and I’m playing over on Area 52.

What else do I need to know about recent changes? Have any tips / hints / tricks / guides to direct me to? Go ahead and leave them in comments as always!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

The Tickle of WoW


[41/50] It has been a while since I played WoW in any capacity. I let my account lapse a few months ago and moved on to other games. I really haven’t enjoyed the past few expansions, and actually spent most of my time going back and doing old raids more than anything else.


[42/50] The lure to play is still there. I really enjoyed pet battles and I really liked going back through older content. The problem was (and always has been for me) garrisons. Splitting the population into these instanced homes where no one ever talks to or sees another actual person in the game world. With the ability to access brokers, bankers, and crafting, there was no reason for me to step outside and mingle or interact with anyone else and I absolutely did not enjoy logging in simply to do my garrison quests out of obligation. I’ve never belonged to a very active guild, and it feels like it would be too late in the game to get involved these days. Plus I’m pretty particular when it comes to guilds, finding one that’s a good fit (both for me and them) is a long process.


[43/50] I’ve resisted the call so far, but we’ll see how long that lasts. Legion has some exciting things coming with it, and I was tempted to pre-order because the level 100 boost could come in handy (I already have a few level 100 characters, so I’ve seen the content) but if I’m not even playing there’s no reason to get it RIGHT NOW and I’m sure I’ll still want it when we’re closer to release.


Lets Talk AddOns (Again)


I love games that allow players to create 3rd party addons to help enhance game play or solve UI issues I may have. In many games I prefer to load just one overall addon that takes care of everything for me, but that isn’t always how things are done. Take WildStar for example. I use a number of individual addons there, and it works out great. Sometimes people wonder if addons make games too easy, or if they’re technically considered cheating. For example in WildStar there’s an addon that lets you relax when the simon says games are going on. Those are the challenges that flash a pattern of colours like a bop-it and you need to match the pattern. The addon responds automatically, saving you a lot of potential frustration.

In EQ2 I use DrumsUI. I used to use Prophet, but it stopped getting updated. Now, Drums hasn’t been updated in quite some time either, but it’s still a working UI, and it does everything I need it to do (which is replace the entire UI for the game). I could get by using the default stuff, but after so many years it’s just not comfortable and it feels outdated.

In World of Warcraft I use ElvUI and like all addons and mods out there, some people love it and some people hate it. This UI mod has a bit of a reputation because so many players use it and it’s seen as a ‘n00bs’ UI of sorts. Despite the negative connotations that I see floating around, it works for what I need it to do as a causal gamer. I also discovered HandyNotes which is by far the most amazing addon I’ve seen so far (especially with WoD).


HandyNotes updates your map and mini-map with every named, treasure, collectable (toys, pets, etc). As you collect the items (or kill the bosses), the icons vanish from your map. This is especially handy if you happen to hunt for achievements that require you to collect everything under the sun. Now, again this addon is not going to be for everyone. Some people really love the discovery and they don’t want any help at all – but others (lets say, completionists) want the ability to finish off these items, and that’s where this addon really shines.

I also have a few pet addons, deadly boss mod because it’s awesome, and an auction house addon here and there. Nothing all that fancy, but it suits my play style.

In games where addons are an option, my decision is usually to always go with one (depending on their availability and how easy they are to install). I like to have the option, even if it’s not for everyone.

Do you tend to use any addons in your games? Would you rather not have the ability to? Let me know in comments!

Wandering Around


When it comes to game subscriptions I tend to buy a few months at a time, even if I don’t plan on playing the game steadily. One, because even if I play it only a portion of those months it’s usually cheaper than buying one month at a time, and two, because I like to show my support. It’s not just about paying for a game I’m playing, but rather it’s showing the company that I’m invested in their product.

Of course with that being said I often forget that I have a subscription at all until the renewal date pops up on my calendar. I tend to mark it as a reminder to either renew again or to cancel for a while. Such is the case with World of Warcraft. I’ve had a subscription for the past 6 months, but I haven’t logged in for the past four (give or take). There’s two weeks left to the subscription at this time, and I decided to play a bit here and there. Mostly familiarizing myself with the entrance to WoD on the alliance side since I’ve only got one level 100 character, and they’re horde.

Looking over my friends list shows that people are still playing Blizzard games, but instead of seeing everyone in WoW like I have in the past, they’re more spread out. Some are playing Hearthstone, some are playing Diablo, some are playing WoW. I love that there is such a variety of games out there, and that there’s really something for everyone.

I’m not sure how long my stay will be, I’m still deeply invested in Wurm Online, Eve Online, and EverQuest 2 (not to mention the non-mmo games I’m also playing) but it’s a very comforting site to log into, and some days casual and relaxed is exactly what I’m looking for. Plus there’s that announcement about a new expansion coming up soon, and everyone loves a good expansion.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

What am I playing? LOTS!

Screenshot_20150305_164319I’ve probably played more games in the last week than I did most of last year. Part of that is due to having a bit more time on my hands than normal (hopefully a temporary situation that will be resolved by the end of this month) and part of that is because there are just so many wonderful games out there.

EverQuest2: My defiler is still only level 95, but she did manage to reach level 100 in tailoring. Crafting is an odd duck with the latest expansion, Altar of Malice. Doing the crafting quests themselves won’t get you to level 100, and grinding out writs goes quite slow – however, doing the daily craft mission will easily net you 30% experience, and doing the weekly got me an entire level. Missions re-set on Wednesdays. You can find me in game on Antonia Bayle as Stargrace.

Cities: Skylines: This game just released, and it’s so much fun. In fact it’s everything that I wanted from SimCity, at half the price. There’s an enormous mod community and enough content to keep me satisfied for quite some time. Well worth the cost, and I highly recommend it if you’re into the city building games at all.

Elder Scrolls Online: I just started playing this. It apparently starts going free to play on Tuesday. I’ve had a subscription for quite some time because I did some alpha testing on their billing system, but I never actually played. It wasn’t because of any drastic reason, I simply didn’t have the time. The game is beautiful but I’m not far enough into it to make any other calls about the game quite yet.

EVE Online: Still training skills, still working on faction, PI, and all of that good stuff. EVE Online is still one of the best games I have to relax with. That’s right, even though the skies are filled with pirates and horrible people looking to scam and pod you, it’s still relaxing.

FFXIV: I’ve started a new character on Cactuar. I’m hoping to go white mage, but I’m taking my time and things are moving along slowly. I believe my character name is Velours Reveurs for those looking to add me to their friends list. This game is absolutely gorgeous, and I’m hoping to keep it on my rotation. We’ll have to see how things go though.

Minecraft: I’m running The Dark Trilogy as a server right now for some friends. I’ve created a portal to the Twilight Forest, as well as a portal to the Nether. There are some really awesome mods in this pack, and I’m having a blast. I’m hopping to get some nether quartz so I can make some furniture that comes in a specific pack. Furniture like refrigerators and televisions. Mods really do make this game.

Sims4: Still working on my legacy family. Tristan is going to be the next person to carry the legacy name, and so I’ve been preparing him for adulthood. Right now he’s best friends with a feisty redhead neighbour girl, and they’re promised to each other. Meanwhile Jessica will probably just move into the basement (that’s right, Sims 4 is patching in basements!) and Elizabeth will age gracefully, as she watches her children carry on.

Wizard101: My life wizard is level 27, and I’ve been questing in Marleybone. It’s the home of cats, dogs, rats, and proper manners. Based on 19th century London. It’s also my favourite zone to date. It has been some time since I’ve played and it’s interesting getting back into things, but this is still a fantastic game no matter your age.

WoW: This has been taking a back seat to other games, but I still log in to check my garrison resources and to trade and do the dailies. As others have mentioned, by the time you take care of all of the garrison chores, my game time is already spent for the day. On one hand it’s great to have a reason to log in every day but on the other hand it would be lovely to play the game instead of just playing the garrisons.

The Secret World: A handful of combat wombats have decided to start up in the Secret World. We’re playing the Dragon faction, and while the game has never been a genre that I’m completely comfortable with, it does have one of the best (IMO) quest systems and story lines that I’ve ever participated in. Playing with friends makes it seem a little less scary, and even though I’ve just started (again) I’m looking forward to playing.

Wurm Online: Now that my guard tower is completed, it’s time to work on the rest of my deed along with taking care of my horses. I’ve been trying to breed 5 speeds for a while now and to also breed out the grey colour. It’s coming along well, but it requires time. In between that I’m trying to decide which skill to work on next.

Those are the games that came to my immediate mind when listing what I’m currently actively playing. There’s others I’ve left off the list on purpose – like GW2. I want to get back into the game but I just can’t seem to find the motivation to keep playing. Since it’s a buy to play game, that’s alright. I’m also still playing WildStar, but again it’s very casually and sporadic, so I don’t feel comfortable putting it up there with my ‘most played’ games. What about everyone else? Where are you spending your time these days with so many options available? Let me know in comments!