Do you Play Multiple Accounts?


When I posted yesterday I mentioned that I had started playing EverQuest 2 again – and of course it took a grand total of three days before I decided why not, and subscribed my 2nd account, too. I don’t box in every game that I play, but there are a handful that I do. I started in EverQuest, and now find it hard to even play that game without boxing. It’s mostly because of the large amount of downtime you experience as xyz class. Once I had gotten comfortable boxing in EverQuest, I started boxing in EverQuest 2. I’ve had my two accounts for a number of years now. Another game I tend to box in is EVE Online, though I haven’t subscribed for a while (don’t even tempt me). In EVE my reasons were simple, I wanted one account to haul ore, while the other one mined. This saved me a lot of time trying to load and pick up canisters of ore.

I have tried to box in WoW as well, but I have never been very good at it. I don’t know if it’s because I needed more practice or what, but I just never got the hang of it. I’ve also had two accounts in Wizard101, so that I could complete battles easier / faster when no one was around to group with. The older I get (har) the more difficult I find it is to find ‘like minded’ players to group with. Plus some times I’m just not feeling that social, but I don’t wan to be held back in content. I have a small exclusive group that I play with but our hours don’t always match up and we all have busy lives.

I think it would be nearly impossible for me to box in WildStar unless I grew another set of arms to be able to move my characters outside / into telegraphs and adjust. There’s just so much action and movement going on that I would probably find it stressful and annoying. That’s not a bad thing, some games are better experienced by not boxing. There are also times I just don’t want to box, and prefer to focus on one character at a time.

So, how about everyone else? Do you tend to box in your video games or do you focus on only one account at a time? Let me know in comments!

Crazy Cat Lady


Even though there are never enough hours in the day to play all of the games that I’m interested in, I have kept up with WoW. I know, how on earth can I be a fan of more than one game at a time, right? Well, if you have followed my blog for the past 7 years or so, you’ll see just how possible it is. This weekend I decided to work on my pet collection a bit, and finally earned the title pictured in the screenshot above, “the crazy cat lady”. A fine representation of me in real life, even though at this exact moment I don’t own any cats. I found a crafter created one on the AH for a handful of gold and decided to pick it up – unaware of the fact that it was the last one I needed for the achievement (that means I already had 19 of the 20 required).

I also spent some time doing older raids that I had not earned the achievements for yet. I have no idea how I missed Tempest Keep and Serpentshrine Cavern, but apparently I had, so I went back and finished them off. It was a nice relaxing weekend, stress free, doing one of the things I really enjoy (gaming).

I still haven’t finished my legendary cloak yet, but I’m on the runestone collection portion of it, and I have 4/12 of the drops required. I need raids to re-set on Tuesday in order to earn any more, and while I was hoping that I would be able to obtain 6 this week and 6 next week it’s more likely that I’ll earn another 4 next week and my final 4 the week after. Still, it’s better late than never.

I’m still finding all sorts of things to do in game that I haven’t done  yet. I did finally complete the ‘Now I am the Master’ achievement which means I finished training Nomi to be a chef. I have also been working on the brawler achievements, so far I’m only rank 4 but that granted me access to yet another battle pet. That doesn’t even begin to touch on my alts, who have sat neglected while I try to divide my time. Need more hours in a day, as always!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

The Firelands Raid


One of my favourite things to do lately is old raids. Last weekend (or the weekend before?) our small guild of 4 took down the Lich King for the first time. This weekend we decided to venture into The Firelands Raid and defeated Ragnaros. My favourite part was the screenshot above, us posing. From left to right there is Ebonsteel, the fearless Deathknight, myself as priest keeping these four alive, Toargo, our warrior, and Kanad, the hunter.

Yeah, it was awesome. We died a few times when the flames became too much (har har) but we also got some awesome transmog gear and achievements. The whole evening was just a lot of fun, and I couldn’t have asked for a better bunch to hang out with.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Weekend Fun with Guildmates

UntitledLast night all four of us were online and looking for something to do, so we decided to get old achievements for raids that we had never done before. This took us to ICC, where we took down the Lich King for the first time ever (and obtained shiny new titles). I’m still working on collecting secrets for my cloak, so far the raids have been stingy and I only have 8 of them out of 20.

I’ve been collecting appearance gear for my little priest too but I’m having a hard time finding things that are not robe graphics. I’d like a vest and pants, so we’ll see what I end up with. I also got a few really neat weapons and off hand appearance items.

A short post today, it’s a long weekend here in Canada, I hope everyone enjoys it! As always happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Holding me Back from my Legendary


The ONE thing holding me back from getting my legendary cloak is the fact that there are two PVP components to the quest. You need to win a single fight in two 10vs10 PVP arenas. The first one was pretty easy. There are four orbs, you capture an orb and hold onto it. Hang out in the middle of the zone and your team earns more points. While being blasted of course because you’re carrying an orb. This arena only took two tries before my alliance side got a win.

The second arena is more complex. You’re in a mine, and three carts spawn and travel along rails. Hang out in a giant circle around the cart and it will be “claimed” for your side. The object is to walk alongside the cart while it moves towards its destination, and keep the cart on your side. Of course the opposing faction will come along and kill you and claim the cart for their side. As the carts reach their destination you earn points, as well as earning points for kills. Alliance has come close a couple of times but I have yet to win a single match. I have played through approximately 10 matches so far. I know these two arena matches are filled with others trying to get their cloaks too, but I sure would like a win so that I can move on from this step. I’m not fond of a PVE quest requiring PVP components, and vice versa. Some players just don’t like PVP. Now, I am not one of those people, I actually DO enjoy PVP quite a bit, but I dislike being forced into a specific battle, especially since if you queue for specifics you miss out on a lot of rewards.

I am hoping I have some luck today after work and I finally get my win. After this it is back to collecting trillium and raid drops. I think it would be fantastic to get my cloak before the next expansion comes out – although with the way PVP is going lately, I won’t hold my breath.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!