I’ve never considered myself a “WoW snob” before – but maybe I am. There are two group situations that REALLY piss me off to the point of saying something in group to the people involved. This is not how I would typically handle a situation, but I find myself unable to stop.
Situation 1: You’re a tank spec’d class like a warrior or a paladin and you’ve got a good set of tank gear but you queue for random dungeons as DPS. You personally can not parse more then the current tank, or even the heal spec’d priest. This was the situation in Heroic Pit last night. I understand that people want to earn emblems for both sets of gear but if you have nothing but tank gear and are unable to keep up dps (we’re talking 1-1.5k here) you’re not doing anything but hurting the group you’re in. It was incredibly disheartening for me to be out parsing as a healer in my heal gear (and I don’t have raid gear).
Situation 2: You’re so uber and aware of your own awesomeness that you just run around without any consideration for anyone else in your group, especially the tank. There are a few events in Heroic Pit that I have seen happen time and time again. Number one, after the first named there are these jumping leaping ghouls that like to bound around. If you happen to be an over zealous character without regards to anyone around you, chances are you bound off down the path and these ghouls see you, find you, and make short work of you. Number two, did you know you can skip a few of the encounters on the hill after the 2nd boss? The trick is that the entire group must run up the hill TOGETHER and you must stay AWAY from the hill until you are all ready. Approaching causes the mobs to spawn. They will not spawn until you get close. Even after telling the group that we would move as a unit, a few of those awesome unique players decided that they were too good to listen and ran off on their own. Then trained a few groups onto us remaining players, wiped us, and then left group.
I don’t mind new players. I think it’s cute, and I’m always making “awe, so cute we have noobs!” comments in guild. I don’t mind people who can’t parse as high as I’d personally like as long as they’re not parsing low because of something easily within their control like queuing for dps as a tank. It would be fantastic if every group I entered was filled with players who listened and were aware of their surroundings (HOW many times do people have to pull the mobs by the slaves in Pit “accidentally” as they work on their quest that they never did in regular mode. Just speak up and let the tank know you need the slaves! They’ll clear for you instead of you acting like bait).
Unfortunately, I don’t think that’s about to happen any time soon.
Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!