I worked on my alts this week, raising their ilevel to 240 so that I could participate in the new fabled raids that were released. The new loot is 265 ilevel, which has been a significant upgrade. My druid has been a LOT of fun, so much so that I’m contemplating using her as my main in Dragonflight (I was going to go with paladin). The only downside I have towards the druid is that I’m just a bit tired of constantly wearing leather gear. I’ve played my Demon Hunter and Monk for so long now that playing a plate wearing class (the paladin) has been refreshing. I don’t enjoy healing on the paladin, though.

I also managed to complete some world boss kills – there is one in The Maw who rewards 285 gear (rarely) but getting to that one has been a huge pain. I normally do the overworld boss along with the Zerith Mortis one and then I call it a day. I did not step foot into Darkmoon Faire, though I probably should have. I also got my 7th character on the alliance side to 70 (a paladin, go figure) so that team is coming along nicely.

There’s still plenty for me to do in game, despite nearing the end of Shadowlands. One of my least favourite expansions, I’m glad that I’m not burnt out like so many of my friends.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Making Gold in World of Warcraft

SavedInstances is the awesome addon that tells me all of the details that I’d usually have to use alt-o-holic for, in a neat little menu that I can customize a bunch of ways. This little blurb is hidden unless you mouse over the far right hand side header, so I didn’t even know it was there until someone told me. How is gold making going?

I have 40 characters, 23 of those are level 60. Let’s skip the total time played on this account because of course my account is ancient. Looking at the total money, I’m pushing towards 13 million gold across the servers that I play on – not too shabby! I have a gold making challenge ongoing right now to reach cap across one server (something I haven’t done since BFA when I spent 5 million and bought the AH mount, and then how multiboxing works changed). I have almost 6 million gold over on Argent Dawn (low population RP server) and then the next runner up is slightly over 4 million on Winterhoof (my horde team lives there, and that’s where I spend most of my time these days). The other servers are just ones I occasionally play on – Blackwater Raiders is a server I started on for my Rags to Riches challenge a few months back. I started there with zero gold, flipping on the AH, and now I’ve grown to 2.5 million gold on that particular server.

Hyjal is where I purchased my 291/304 items from to take back to Argent Dawn. I used to have a few million there but I’ve since transferred it all off. Area 52 is where I play with a handful of friends, and is where I pick up battle pets (they’re always nice and cheap compared to my main servers) to level up and then flip. That’s how I’ve gotten so many level 60s, actually. Pet battles.

In any case, making gold is alive and well even if it has slowed down (for me) slightly. I know a lot of people are still making gold from legendaries, but that was never something I got into. Plans for the gold? Absolutely nothing besides continuing to pay for my accounts. I buy tokens when they’re cheap (below 200k ideally) and just continue to add game time. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Still Doing Alts

I have been focusing on playing my paladin in S4, but I still end up ‘finishing’ the week and want to play my other characters, so technically I’m still bouncing between them but at least the paladin is getting things done. Last week I completed the fated LFR raids, and earned myself a piece of gear for this week. It was an upgrade, but I was REALLY hoping for a weapon. I’m still sporting a 229 weapon and each week I keep hoping that I’ll get something better. No luck at all. I also managed to get some world bosses done, and I have been trying to get a few other characters past the 240 threshold so that they can queue for fated raids, too. So far it’s only my paladin and my demon hunter who make the cut. I’d love it if my monk and druid could join that cluster. Maybe the priest, but she’s so far behind in gear it would take a lot of work.

Gold making is going pretty well, I shuffled over some 291 gear to sell on my low population servers. I might actually end up using them myself to gear up my characters in the meantime. There’s still a few months before Dragonflight releases, and maybe I’ll end up settling down with a main (though I doubt it). There’s lots of older content I want to complete, achievements to work on, mounts, pets, and everything in between. It’s safe to say that I’m really enjoying my WoW days, despite the fact that a majority of my friends are no longer playing. To each their own, I’ve stopped trying to follow everyone everywhere, and instead just focus on where I’m personally having fun.

I did also reduce my active accounts from 5 to 2, with the sporadic 3. These accounts all have Shadowlands and are great for queuing for island expeditions. This week is also Darkmoon faire, which I need to find some time to do. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!