It’s all about the troll juju


Warlock hit level 18 last night before I decided that I really didn’t want to play a dps class. WoW is one of those games where I know what I want to play. It’s always the same classes. A priest, a hunter, and a druid. In that order. Unfortunately the only druid I can make is a tauren, and I didn’t want to make another priest since mine is simply waiting for people to catch up in levels (I’ve had her a good while now). So I created Qutey, the moo cow druid. Now I need to catch her up to the rest of my friends on my limited play schedule. Ugh, pressure.

Well, not really pressure. My friends have been told about my limited play time schedule, and have been exceptionally supportive. I typically play in a group from 7pm-10pm and for the next night or two instead of playing in my usual group I’ll try to catch my druid up. Right now she’s sitting at level 5. It shouldn’t take too long at all to get to level 10, and then level 15. We’ll see how it goes.

So last night Zokor and I traveled to some tombs and had to collect troll juju. We also did a nice escort quest which is something I miss in other mmos. It seems like a majority of quests are Kill X number of Y mobs, and it’s nice to have a different type thrown in there. Though the npc was VERY slow as she meandered her way through the dusty setting, unaware that Zokor and I were fighting tooth and claw just in front of her to make sure her next step would be safe.

  • Her: Lala, isn’t it such a lovely day for a walk through this dank and musty tomb…
  • Us: *grunts and sounds of battle* Yes, yes, whatever you say Miss, could you PLEASE hurry it along just a LITTLE? *more sounds of troll guts hitting the wall*
  • Her: Ohh, LOOK! A zombie! *Squeels of excitement*
  • Us: *sounds of troll heads hitting the floor as we groan*

That’s basically how the night went. I still had fun none the less. Gozad has worked a branch of the Safe Haven guild onto Ravenholdt (there is another branch on Uther, but that server is PvE, and we wanted a PvP alternative) so members can keep in touch, and it was nice to chatter to Tazikor and Zevad last night. We should have a nice little group set up (pretty much all of us are waiting on WAR) with a warrior, paladin, priest, hunter, and either a mage or a shaman depending on what Tazikor decides to play. There’s always room for more, too, if anyone wants to stop by. I’m certainly not there as often as I was (that’s a GOOD thing, remember?) but the company is always nice, and we’re still low enough that no one should feel like they have to ‘catch up’.

It’s nice to feel so relaxed, I admit.

A Warlock and her Wild Thang


You make my heart sing
You make everythang
Come on, Hukthang

Hukthang, I think you move me
But I gotta know for sure
Come on and hold me tight
Oh you move me

You make my heart sing
You make everythang
Come on, Hukthang

Hukthang, I think I need you
But I gotta know for sure
Come on and squeeze me tight
Oh I need it

You make my heart sing
You make everythang
Come on, Hukthang

In World of Warcraft, warlocks are not allowed to name their pets. So basically, whatever you get as a summoned pet is what you’re stuck with. It can be both amusing and annoying. My little imp is called Pipnar, which seems to suit him enough, though he spends most of his time complaining anyhow. My tank pet on the other hand, was named Hukthang.

I wish I were making it up. Every time I summon him now, I sing the song in my head, and since this is a role play server, I’m thinking of attaching some sort of lyrical make up to the rituals. Maybe the next big hit?

Relaxing in Azeroth

Today is Tuesday, which means patch day for World of Warcraft, which is a good thing for me. Yesterday I think I barely played three hours total even though I did sit afk in game while I had some other things going on in real life. There’s talk of Gozad starting up a guild, which would be great for the people who we all know play there, as just a general tool to talk back and forth with and keep up to date on leveling progress. I’ve no doubt that this weekend may see the first instance run (or two?) and I’m looking forward to those.

Last night Zokor and myself didn’t get much leveling done since some bad scallops had me out of commission early but we’ve been having fun in the Ghostlands. The land is a little dark and drab for my liking (or perhaps it’s just because I’ve played a whole lot of lowbie blood elves over time) and I’m looking forward to moving on some place else. We got our first real look at the two elite guys who roam through the Ghostlands, we need them for a quest eventually (when we can handle them). I still have high hopes of playing my priest when people catch up, in the mean time the warlock is a lot of fun. Zokor hit level 16, and I managed to cling to 17.

I’ve been having fun playing the market game as well. I have three characters, one is a jeweler / alchemist, another is a tailor / enchanter, and the third smelts / does herbalism, which feeds the first one with supplies. Anything extra I typically send to friends and put up on the auction house. I’ve got about 52g right now – and I know that’s not a lot of money at all, but I’ve never had *that* much money in Azeroth. I’ve had enough at one point or another for two mounts for my level 40 characters and of course enough for spells. I do have a few other characters on other servers, but they’re alliance characters so I don’t typically play them.

Anyone remember the name of the map mod that used to tell you what areas were good for your level and what dungeons? I think it was locationFU but I could be wrong. I want to pick that up again and see what’s suggested, because there’s so much I forget now. So if anyone has some UI mods that they use and like particularly, let me know! Right now I’m using auctioneer, xperl, bongos, and atlas. Three essential for me. Since I’m not raiding I don’t need the big hefty mods, and I haven’t really delved into much pvp or anything yet.

The down side is that when there’s a game update the mods grow out of date, but so far I haven’t had too many issues. 2.4 just came out and most of the mods at had been updated for that at least.

Tonight hopefully both Zokor and myself will hit level 18, which is new spell time (woots). I know I have more quests for pets (I think?) coming up. I wonder if my trainer will give it to me or if it’s one of those hidden quests I actually have to find out about on my own. Either way, I suppose I’ll figure it out!

Change is Never Bad


A few changes happened over the last little while, some drastic (I suppose) and some not so drastic. First and foremost, I’ve switched games, again. I took a good long look at life (or lack there of) and decided to cut down my play time by a significant amount. Just because I have a house-wife life style doesn’t mean I should be dedicating a larger then normal portion of it to gaming, which was what I was quickly doing. While I am proud that my husband is able to support both of us while I take care of the home (no children to devote my time to remember) there’s still got to be ‘more’ to life. Not that ALL my time was spent gaming, but a good potion. Hopefully my readers are not too judgmental on me in that regard. Anyhow. So less play time (to me) meant that I wanted a game that took significantly less effort. I didn’t want something I could be drawn into for hours on end. Something less complex. Of course what else did that leave me with besides World of Warcraft (hah, I don’t mean for that to sound insulting, I’m aware that’s how it comes out though).

So yes, I’ve taken up residence in Azeroth (for now) as three characters on the Ravenholdt server. I have a 33 priest, 23 hunter, and 16 warlock. A few friends have decided to come play as well, for which I am eternally grateful. Growlius (who I played EQ2 as well as VG with), Zevad (from VG) and Gozad (also from VG) to name a few. If anyone else is interested in coming to play and maybe doing a few instances and what not, PLEASE feel free. I never intended on losing touch with people just because I’ve switched games (again). I’m on the horde side, and the server is a pvp / rp server. Alliance outnumbers (apparently) 3:1, but I’ve played here before and thus far am enjoying myself. I’ve got a far more limited play schedule then I was on before, which I am actually enjoying. You can typically find me in game on weekends (off and on) as well as from 7pm-10pm EST (or so) give or take a few hours here and there.

I admit, I’m one of those people waiting for the release of WAR (though honestly, I know nothing about it) just to see a new game. I’ve been slightly tired with what’s out there- I’ve been playing them for so long how could I not be.

Aside from the game stuff, I’ve started up a new blog, here. If you’re interested in reading more about me as a person and not so much me as a gamer, feel free. I’m not doing this for any particular reason other then my own personal venting mechanism. It’s therapeutic (so I’ve heard) to ramble on about boring things that no one except your family would be interested in. I’m keeping it seperate from this gaming blog because (though I know there are feeds) I’d rather not put people to sleep immediately (a good 10 seconds after reading is fine though). Some of my artwork and photography will also (hopefully) be displayed on there for people to check out. Maybe even some writing if I get brave enough, who knows.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, where ever they gamed.