There have been some bots on my server lately that have posted all of their spirits of harmony for around 50g a piece, and each day they stock 30,000 pieces. I decided to buy them out one day for a bit over a million gold. I should be well stocked for a good while now.
I can’t say I’ve been playing very steadily, but I AM enjoying watching the graph go up (it will take a few dips, I need to pay for some accounts coming up). My goal is to hit gold cap on one character before Shadowlands comes out. Why? No real reason, it’s just a goal I set for myself. Will I obtain it? I’m honestly not sure. I’ve been swaying to and from gaming lately, I’ve not been feeling the greatest and I’m pretty tired some days so I end up staring into space not doing much of anything. Hopefully it’s just the heat and summer that has me down.
Thanks to the summer sale, I now have a 120 warrior to add to my alt army. I’ve WANTED a warrior for quite some time, but I just couldn’t seem to level one up. I’m really excited now that I’ve got one. I am hoping to use her for farming dungeons, so I’m gearing up (SLOW process) getting my cloak done, and all that good stuff.
As always, I bounce around through the summer and then settle right where I left, which in this case, is World of Warcraft. I’m multiboxing 5 accounts, making gold, and have no clear goal in mind. I’m thinking of boosting a warrior because I’ve always wanted one, and we’ll just see from there!