Wurm Online

Moved: Cadence

The Harmony alliance I was a part of just wasn’t working out for me, so I traded 25 silver 1:1 over to Independence and that left me with 7s to play with. I have been working hard on that deed and I love how it’s coming along. Then I ported all of my characters to Cadence when it opened – I’m not a fan of the idea of spreading out the population further, but I do love the spot I found. I also found 3 coloured horses right away and that made me pretty happy.

I plan on making this a little country cottage deed. Wooden fences, timber house, farms, that sort of thing. Will I stay? We’ll see. Maybe I can find an alliance to join.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Goal Achieved: Boat Cave!

One thing I wanted to do on my deed was to create a water entrance that would lead to an underground cave. Inside the cave is my mine (of course) as well as my brewery (aging wine underground is ideal). Yesterday I managed to complete this goal, after mining out over 4,000 lead ore to break a node that was in my way. I can’t wait to get the inside all neat and tidy, I plan on reinforcing the walls and then paving over them, though I’m not sure if I want to do it in marble or some other stone. We’ll have to see! In the mean time, I’m just tickled that it is complete.

Nomadic Gamer