Wurm Online

Whale Watching

I was travelling to pick up my alt from Xanadu when I came across an actual whale in Wurm Online! In all my years of playing I had never seen one before.

It’s wonderful when you can still experience new things even after playing for years (and years). I didn’t try to attack it since I had no gear on and no idea how difficult they are, but it was still pretty awesome to see.

Wurm Unlimited Sale

I’ve entered into a partnership with an alliance member of mine, since 90% of the time I’m stuck on my deed unable to go any place because I might have to AFK (having kids will do that to a gamer) he is the adventurer and I am the crafter. He goes out looking for treasure chests and other articles of interest (Deathcrawlers in Caza) and then sends the items to me, where I make tools and then enchant them to prepare them for selling. We split the profit 50/50 and this way I get to make some neat things, and he gets to do what he loves which is adventuring and exploring.

It’s a way for me to feel ‘active’ in the game even though I’m not really that active. I love keeping the market alive, helping the server grow, making items for people and then taking their hard earned money and spending it on other things that I really dislike crafting (a good example is support beams. I really REALLY dislike crafting those, and so I purchased 200 from another player for 10s).

In Wurm Online we’ve moved our deed, hopefully to our last location. The previous place was great except it didn’t have a mine and that limits your space. If you have a mine you double it, and can put a distillery and all sorts of buildings under there. We did have a mine a short way away, but items left inside wouldn’t be secure, and that’s not cool.

I can’t wait to see what sort of things we sell, hopefully it all goes well! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


This week I’m feeling a bit lack-luster in my gaming. It might be because of the weather (it has been between -30C and -50C for over two weeks now) or maybe it’s just lady issues, or just the generic feeling when winter starts dragging on for too long. In any case, I’m not really playing anything that any of my friends are playing, and I’m feeling disjointed and annoyed by simple things.

I’m currently playing WoW, Dwarf Fortress, a random game (once a week), and both Wurm Online and Unlimited. What am I up to in those games?

In WoW I’ve moved over to the Dalaran server with my 120 monk and I’m playing horde. I was hoping that a more populated server would inspire my gameplay. I had previously been playing on the Argent Dawn server (alliance) and the population is pretty low. I love the server, but I wanted to explore what gold making is like with more of a population. A lot of people really enjoy the lower populations but I just wanted a bit of a change.

In Dwarf Fortress I started up another fortress and was almost instantly mauled to death by 4-tusked mastodon’s. Then they entered my base and slaughtered everyone who was left (it was early on in the game and I only had 9 dwarves). Time to start over again.

In Wurm Online I have been working on getting settled on Independence with friends. Our deed is lacking a mine and that’s a downfall, so we might be moving (again). I also did some mining, but it takes 1h for every .17 gain at 74 skill, so it’s pretty slow (as it should be).

In Wurm Unlimited I recently purchased a wand of the seas which will create an island and raise it from the ocean – unfortunately it’s not working on my main Sklotopolis server. I’m hoping the developers can look at it, but if not I’ll have to find a place on Novus to use it.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Failing (sort of)

I had every intention on following through with my schedule of games – but then life happened. A few stressful days, a lack of sleep, and suddenly I didn’t want to play whatever I had schedule. That’s perfectly OK. The schedule is meant as guidance, and if I don’t need that guidance or it needs to change and adjust for xyz reason, it’s not a rule that’s set in stone.

I WILL keep making the weekly schedules for gaming, just so that I have a plan when / if I need it. Then I’m not spending hours trying to decide what to play, I can just look at what I’ve scheduled. If I follow it, great, if I don’t, that’s great too.

Sometimes we need to give ourselves a break. We need to not stress out about really simple things, and we need to realize that we are human. Our schedules are evolving flexible timetables. Learning how to be flexible like that has been really hard for me, especially once we had kids.

What have I been up to? In Wurm Online I’ve currently deeded on the Deliverance server. I’m setting up in an area that has seen many owners in the past, but I’m eager to make it my home. I’ve pre-built portions of the deed on DeedPlanner where I can customize the buildings and land to suit my needs, then have an idea of what supplies I require. So far it’s just a bunch of fields and one house, but I’m pretty excited. The house is a more ‘out there’ plan than my usual ones. I’m try not to make square buildings quite as much. It includes stairs and a bridge, a tower, different wall components. I’m eager to get this one built.

In Wurm Unlimited I’m hostly Priestpalooza next week and so I’ve been preparing for that. Food, drink, extra statuettes, making sure permissions are set properly. All that good stuff.

In Dwarf Fortress I’ve been watching tutorials on picking a place to live. I still haven’t actually PLAYED the game yet. Well, that’s not entirely true, I tried and was overwhelmed so I went back to the tutorials.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Wurm – Online?!

Wurm Online is still very much a thing, even though there is also Wurm Unlimited now which is the game on steam with self hosted or servers hosted by others. That’s where I play on Sklotopolis. Before WU, I played on WO, for many many years. Some of the features in WO are NOT on WU, and this winter the developers have done a pretty good job in luring players back.

WO is a F2P game – but you do need premium time if you expect to get anywhere. Premium is less than a AAA mmo would cost, but it’s still a fee. I started out my WO days on Deliverance, and then hopped around to various servers as they opened, eventually settling on Xanadu.

Over the years I felt off, living there. Xanadu is HUGE, and I didn’t feel connected to any part of it.

When WO announced the new changes they were implementing to fishing, priests, and wagoneers, I decided that it was time to return to my roots. I sold off my old Xanadu place and headed back to Deliverance, where I joined up in an alliance with Yaga, a longtime player I’ve known for ages.

Deliverance is comfortable and every day I see names in GL-Freedom that I recognize. Pingpong, Elwood, Velvetsun, these are all folks I’ve “known” in game for at least 7 years, probably longer. The developers loosened the restrictions on priests, we still can’t improve items, but we can do a lot more activities than before. I can actually build, which is a start.

I can’t dig, or pack the ground as a priest of Smeagain, but I do have an alt that can do those things for me.

I won’t lie, it feels REALLY good to be playing again. Wurm has always been a home for me, and for whatever reason the game just touches every single aspect I’ve ever enjoyed in a video game. Hopefully it’s a home for many years to come.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer