Wurm Online

What’s the Difference Between Wurm Unlimited and Wurm Online?


Wurm Unlimited is a stand alone client version of the MMO Wurm Online. You can set up your own server to play on privately, host servers for other people to play on, and all sorts of other goodies. There’s a one time fee to buy the game from steam, and then the choices are up to you. Some servers do have a fee for upkeep, or donations to help keep that particular server running, but there’s lots of choices out there.

So how does wurm unlimited differ from wurm online?

Well, there’s one big huge difference. In order to preserve the ‘mystery’ of players skilling up in wurm online, wurm unlimited goes by a completely different formula. In wurm online there is a thing called difficulty. It means that for optimal gains in a skill you need to be skilling on optimal things. You can’t (or at least shouldn’t) skill from 1-100 on the same thing. Lets take mining, for example. You start out working away on rock, move to a different ore as your skill increases, and continue moving up different types of ore.

In wurm unlimited skills are based on actions. The faster the action, the faster you’ll skill. In wurm online you would typically want two sets of tools. You’d want a low quality set which would draw out the action timer and make things very slow – this would be your skiller set. Then you’d want a high quality set, this would be so you could get high quality results. In wurm unlimited, you only need one set, and you want it to be the best set possible because you want those high quality fast results. That means to level up blacksmithing, you don’t want to go slow and improve tools. Instead you want to make the fastest item that gives blacksmithing. In my case this has been small nails. Uses the least amount of ore, and it’s very fast. This is how you skill up in wurm unlimited. Fast actions.

What other differences are there?

Well, it honestly depends on the server. There are mods and rules that each one takes into consideration and it all depends on the play style for that server. Some may have 5x faster skill ups. Some may start you off at a higher level so you’re not beginning at 1. Some may start you out with full gear and weapons. Others may include more cosmetic changes, texture addons, maps, and things like that. A lot of servers have gone the rout to removing priest penalties so that you’re not required to play an alt but can enjoy being a priest as your main character. In wurm online, these things are just not possible.

Of course then there’s the difference in price. If you want to be premium in wurm online you need to pay a monthly subscription and this can be a deterrent especially if you like having multiple characters (priests, as example). It adds up. Wurm unlimited is a one time fee from steam to buy the game, and then you’re set. If you’ve ever been wanting to try out a fantastic sandbox MMO – but are reluctant to shell out for a monthly fee, wurm unlimited is a perfect choice.

That’s not to say that wurm online doesn’t also have its merits. The servers are huge, there’s more single players in the MMO version than you’ll typically find on any of the player hosted servers, and because of that the economies per server is pretty firmly established. People are friendly, and you don’t (typically) have to worry about the servers randomly shutting down because xyz person is unable to host them any more. In other words, it comes with some stability and you’ll not be subjected to the whims and decisions of a random GM who may or may not have the best interest of that particular player base at heart (not that Rolf hasn’t made his own random decisions over time, but at least he works with a team of people who can let him know if a decision made is a particularly poor one).

Playing one or the other? Have a preference? Let me know below in comments – and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Games for Christmas


The hustle and bustle of Christmas is coming to a close, and I hope everyone has had a happy and safe holiday. It’s a bit of an odd time of year for me. I love Christmas, it’s one of my favourite times, but it’s also incredibly lonely. My family lives too far away to visit, and I don’t know a lot of locals. My online friends are typically busy with their own happenings (as it should be) and so I watch from a distance, happy but sad if that makes any sense.

I did get a handful of great games from friends this year which was really awesome of them. I got enough WoW time to keep my account active for the next year (thanks Kasul and Shadowgeist!) I also received Stonehearth (thanks Scarybooster!) The Men of Yoshiwara (thanks Moumix!) and Aviary Attorney (thanks again Shadowgeist!) so even though it wasn’t quite the holiday I had planned in my mind, it was still very lovely. I didn’t spot anything in the steam sale that I wanted to pick up, but it’s always a great time for me to pass on some games to friends when funds are tight. I know Christmas is not all about the gifts or what you get from other people, but it does feel nice to be able to give and make someone smile.

I also decided yesterday to start up Minecraft again. I installed the new Infinity Evolved pack from Feed The Beast, and set the game to expert mode. This creates a more ‘difficult’ timeline in order to get things done, but what they mean by ‘difficult’ is ‘time consuming’. It’s not hard, it just takes a lot more time. One of the mods included makes it rain chicken / pigs from the sky on Christmas day. That would be what is showing in the screenshot above. I set up a home next to a mountain and began collecting items to better gear myself. The server is a bit crazy, I walked through 5 towns just to get to the place I wanted to settle. Each town had bits and bobs that I wanted to loot and take with me, so by the time I actually built my house, I had everything well established.

I’ve also been playing Wurm Online and World of Warcraft. In Wurm players received a reindeer decoration item which was pretty cool and nice of the developers. I didn’t log into EQ2 at all this holiday season, and a lot of the reason behind that is because I can’t seem to ‘get into’ it in such short spurt play sessions. I can’t do dungeons or raids simply by queuing, and I really wish I could.

A lot of my gaming has been limited because of a bug with Windows 10 and my mouse, too. For some reason it keeps performing double clicks when it shouldn’t. I know this is an issue with my logitech G700 mouse, I’ve seen lots of threads about it, but there’s no solution to keep it fixed permanently at this time and it bugs me to no end. It makes playing any game with mouse direction or clicking at all almost impossible, or at least incredibly frustrating. I’ve been plugging in the laptop mouse to game in the meantime, but that mouse is tiny and awkward. I keep holding off on purchasing a new mouse (like a corsair) in the hopes that microsoft or logitech or whoever will actually fix whatever my issue is (I’ve tried multiple drivers, I’ve tried no drivers, etc) but it’s certainly not happening any time soon.

Anyone else get any awesome game related gifts this Christmas? Let me know in comments and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Do You Need Combat in your Games?


Spurred on by a conversation on twitter with Belghast and Adrel I started thinking about the games that I play that I enjoy more than others. Two immediately came to mind, Wurm Online and the Sims franchise. Both are games that (due to my play style) have very little if any combat – and I love that about them. Yes, arguably you can combat as much as you want in Wurm Online but that’s not how I tend to spend my time. In the Sims games there’s almost never any combat, not in the traditional sense. Of course there are ways to encourage combat if you want (you can make enemies and start fights) but for the most part the game is pretty peaceful. Then there’s all of the visual novel games that I enjoy playing, games like If my Heart Had Wings, and Dandelion – Wishes brought to you. Mindless games I enjoy just because like Cook, Serve, Delicious. Building games like Cities: Skylines. These are the sorts of games that entice me the most and I suppose until I sat down and looked through my games it’s not actually something I noticed before.

That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy combat in games, too. I do. Diablo 3 is pretty much nothing but blowing things up. The thing is I get very bored of those games very quickly – just like Belghast tends to get bored of games that don’t have combat in them (per our conversation earlier). I think that in the majority of games I play I spend my time equally between combat and no combat depending on the game. EVE Online is a good example. There’s combat, and I do combat via missions, but a lot of the time I’m running delivery missions or I’m mining or I’m doing industry things that don’t involve any combat at all. The same can be said for EQ2 and WoW, sure, there’s combat, but a lot of the time I’m harvesting, decorating, or crafting and none of that (at least for me) involves any combat at all.

Do you have a preference or are you about equal in terms of combat vs. non combat gameplay? Would you tend to fall asleep if one or the other aspect was missing from your game of choice? Let me know in comments!


Canal dredging and Bridge Building


[28/30] This week I’ve been busy working on the market area at P22 on the Xanadu server. The canal dredging is coming along, but it’s a huge project so there’s still lots to do. So far Yetian (alliance member) has managed to complete the Northern end of the canal, and we’re working our way further down. As I mentioned before, right now the canal is only deep enough for boats like knarr and sailboat. It’s our intention to dredge it down to a depth so that the larger ships are able to pass. The shallow depth meant that I could easily walk between the market and my own deed with animals, the new depth meant that we needed a bridge. I’ve started a brick bridge over the canal, and have been busy collecting clay to turn into mortar so I can continue with the construction. It’s not difficult, but it does use a lot of raw materials.


[29/50] In the screenshot here you can see the shallow depth of the canal. This is what we’re working on lowering. To the left is my main deed (a bit through the woods) and to the right hand side is the market. A huge thank you to my alliance members for helping out with this project. Wouldn’t be able to do it without them.

[30/50] I’ve also started working on some of the decorative aspects of the market. I began a Vynora colossus closer to the water, and I’ve started placing some statues. I’m hoping to create some dye to help make them pop a bit more. Last week I also brought home a hell horse, I’d like to get a pair and start breeding them. I’ll just have to see how that goes. All in all, it has been a pretty productive week!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

It Takes a Community to down a Dragon


[19/50] Wurm Online has these massive battles (basically raids) where players go and kill “uniques” on each server. There are rewards for anyone hanging out in the general vicinity of the fight, then there are rewards for all players who land a hit on the unique, and then there are treasures on the corpse that are handled by the organizer of the event. In yesterday’s case, the organizer decided that all loot would be rolled on by those who participated. The crowd gathered at Summerholdt market, and wow, was there ever a crowd.


[20 / 50] In total there were 50 players not counting alts who showed up. People started showing up the night before, but when I got there at 4am PST the crowd was already bustling. Once we gathered at the market we moved to the staging area of the event, which was about 5 minutes away by horse. People generously offered up mounts, along with wagons for those who had come by foot. No one was going to be left behind.


[21/50] These events are a bit more complicated than just going out and killing one of these uniques. Wurm Online has a code built into the system that only allows for a certain amount of people to be actively hitting the target at once. That means in order for everyone to get credit for the kill players are required to take a swing, and then back off to allow for others to take their swing. It’s a fight that requires coordination and cooperation more than it requires anything else. For this fight in specific, there were absolutely no issues, everyone got their hit and moved away. We waited for the all clear, and then swooped in again.


[22/50] GM Renegade even showed up ahead of time while we were staging to chat with players and see how we were all doing. It was a nice little touch. Once the dragon was killed, Booskii generously offered to create potions from the blood we all received. In order to create the potion you need a source salt and you combine it with the blood. For this particular white dragon hatchling we received a potion of frost. This imbues weapons with frost. I was thankful she offered since I didn’t have any source salt on me.

After the kill we all went back home, whatever way we had gotten there to begin with. I was contemplating gating, but I had sailed up in a boat, and I didn’t want to just leave it behind. Thankfully it was a pretty fast trip back home, the entire East Coast is easy for me to travel these days since I can just cut across to Release and travel up that much smaller coastline – then head back to Xanadu, and have traveled the majority of the way. A 1h trip is much preferred over a 8 hour one depending on winds.

I also just want to wave and give a shout out to Kohle who sent me a PM in game mentioning they just recently started reading this blog. It makes me smile when I get these little messages, as most of you know I’ve been playing Wurm Online for over 6 years now, and the community still surprises me almost every day. They’re wonderful people, and it’s a major reason as to why I keep playing. Thank you for that!

Once I made it back to my deeds, it was time to get back to work on the market. The canal dredging is coming along nicely, and I have started my very first bridge. That will be in tomorrow’s post. It’s brick, and it looks stunning.

I also purchased a few more rare tools yesterday, trying to grow my collection (especially blacksmithing). I now own a rare carving knife, small anvil, hatchet, and saw. My priest Maivis owns a rare rope tool and spindle. Unfortunately a purchase I made from the Wurm Online web site didn’t go through, so I’m missing 10 silver, but I’ve put in a ticket and hopefully this week someone can help me out.

In the meantime, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer