Wurm Online

Market Progress


The market is coming along, and slowly but surely each day it looks more like a market and less like the deed that used to occupy the space. The 20 horse stalls are completed, though they still need locks (and keys) for each gate so the contents inside can be purchased. I’ll do that at the very end because I’ll also need to adjust my deed permissions to allow players to lead. When the market is complete I don’t expect to keep much there aside from the regular market objects, so I won’t have to worry about people stealing. The way the horse stalls work is that the keys will be marked with a price, and placed on a merchant. You purchase the key, take it to the proper pen, and then unlock the pen, and lead your new horse away.

I’ve also got the storage shed built, and a portion of the craft building. The market stalls have been started, and I’m gathering ore to craft some altars surrounding the center of the market. I want to get more of the ground marked out properly with paths and such, right now it’s a mesh of whatever was used for paving in the past.

P22 is where the market is located, at a canal that currently allows for shallow boats (up to a depth of 5 I believe) but no lower. This also allows me to get back to my own deed as the canal is between us. Eventually I’ll dredge the canal deeper, and build a bridge so I can reach my place. Naitey has been working on lanterns for the market so we can light it up. I haven’t decided yet on what sort of decoration I want the place to have as far as the entrance goes, but I’ll get there. I was thinking of a few colossus but I’m not sure if I want those. I’m also hoping to get some trees in while I finish the basic paving. I may change the paving in the future, but for now the basic outline of the market should be in place. Helps for those who are going to help me build, too. I’ve linked everyone the map, so there’s no confusion.

All in all I’m pleased with the progress. It still has quite a way to go, but I’ll get there slowly and at least I know this market isn’t going anywhere.

I’ve been contemplating disbanding my deed up north so that I only have two places (right beside each other) instead of three. The place up north is lovely and holds a LOT of goods, which is the main reason I still have it. There’s over 17 silver in escrow which I’d like to take out, but there are so many supplies there it would take me more than 5 boat trips back and forth from north to south just to haul it all away. I’m also very reluctant to part with any of it (ie: I don’t want to sell the deed). For now I’ll just keep all three places, and maybe I’ll entertain the idea of hauling my stuff to the main deed in the future. If only Xanadu were not so enormous.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Creating a Marketplace in Wurm Online


My neighbour in Wurm Online sold their character and disbanded their deed. They’ve been there longer than I have, and the deed was enormous. It’s also a great prime location (one of many on Xanadu) and since I had been thinking about starting up a marketplace deed for quite some time, I decided why not take advantage of the prime location. I put down the deed yesterday, naming it Rag and Bone Market. For those of you who have no idea what is meant by ‘rag and bone’ check out this definition here. Alliance members use this nickname for my adventures in Wurm Online since I spend a lot of time pillaging disbanded places and acquiring items. The area is already flat, and though it’s covered in what seems like a million bulk storage bins and storage crates, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get things set up (with some help, of course).

The plan above is what I have in mind, not including the fancy items that will help draw shoppers in. There’s a canal to the East, and I’ll need to dig it a bit deeper as well as construct a bridge so I can get back to my original place. I’m thinking a colossus or two may be in order at either end along the East side, and I have ideas for flowers and gardens in the checkered portion. There’s room for 40+ merchants, 20+ horses, and an area for bulk storage bins where players can buy a key from a merchant and then use that key to unlock the corresponding BSB. There’s an inn for people who want to stay overnight, altars for priests, and two larger buildings to store all of the stuff I’ll need to create the market.  Alliance members are already planning merchants to place down, and once I’ve got a few market stalls established I’ll put a post up in the forums and advertise around the area that we’re open for business. I’m looking forward to this project, I’ve wanted to own a market deed for quite some time but I’ve never gotten around to it. The issue I have with most markets is that the owners vanish, leaving the markets to disband. This way, I can just take care of it myself. Even if I take a break, I make sure there are 200+ days of upkeep left, and I always end up returning.

I know a lot of people are concerned about the new Wurm Unlimited that’s going to be releasing on steam, and sure I have a few small worries too (things like development for the MMO lapsing, etc) but there are some upsides as well. Maybe people who buy the solo / smaller version of the game will want to try out the MMO version. This could be a very good thing for future development. I’m going to hold off making any huge claims until we see how it’s actually affected (if at all) when it goes live in October. I think for current players, we won’t see much of a change, but that it will help spread the word about Wurm Online and it will have an effect on returning players. It should also mean extra money for the team, and that’s always a good thing.

Do you have any concerns? Do you think you’ll try out the new Wurm Unlimited on steam? Let me know in comments! Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Lots of Wurm Online



Things have been incredibly busy since the end of August and all of September (of course you know WildStar is going free to play, right?) so I haven’t been doing a lot of gaming. When I do, it’s typically very relaxing games like EVE Online and Wurm Online. In Wurm, my Nahjo priest finally made it to 50 skill which means.. well it means next I need to get to 70. At 50 you start earning gems from prayers though (randomly) so that’s a good thing. Since my channeling skill is already at 60 and there’s not a great deal I need channeling for (you don’t use it for strongwall or for genesis) I’m not going to focus on it that much. My Vynora priest on the other hand needs to gain at least 10 more points (just barely over 61 at the moment) and a few more skills before I’m comfortable with the character.

Meanwhile down at my Southern deed I’ve been working on breeding horses. Not for any particular reason, I don’t need a lot of animals, but I do find it calming and easy work (as is tending my fields). Both deeds are pretty well established now, and I’m wondering if it may not be time to narrow it down to one deed. The downside to that of course is that I have a LOT of supplies up at the Northern deed, and I’m not willing to disband the Southern one which is where my other alliance friends are located. I’m not sure how long it would take me to move everything I own from one deed to another, but I’m guessing it would take more than one corbita loaded with crates. Do I have the patience for that? Probably not. So in the meantime I continue to use my karma to port between the two towns as needed. I really wish there were a faster transportation method, but most players tend to agree that travel is one of the perks of Wurm. I tend to agree – unless you’re playing on Xanadu. That server is just so enormous.

I’ve been thinking of starting up another free to play character and just exploring and seeing what the game is like from a free players point of view. Maybe I’ll do it on a completely different server and see how it goes.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

New Header, New videos



Pictured above is a new header I had designed by Belghast, yay! I’ve been trying to get a new header for my blog that I could use on various social media sites for ages now, but lets face it, my skill in creating these headers is pretty much zip to none. In instances like this instead of getting upset that I can’t create the header myself, I decide to find someone who can. On that same note I’ve also commissioned someone to create a new cartoon-esc avatar for me to also use across social media, so I don’t have to keep using my real picture. Now, why would I do this? It’s for a few reasons. Number one is that I’d like things to be uniform across all of these places. Number two, I’d like to do more streaming on twitch / youtube, and I don’t particularly want or need my real image gracing the pages. It took me a few days to find someone who was willing to give the avatar a try, but I’m confident that I’ll be happy with the results. I’m incredibly happy with the new header for the blog, and I’m looking forward to transitioning that header over to other media over the next week.

Speaking of media, I did do two twitch streams on Saturday. I did a short recap on Wurm Online (where the sound is absolutely horrible, my apologies. If you want you can fast forward past the part that’s playing music so it doesn’t drown out my voice so much) and then another stream later on in the day where I was exploring the Festival of Unity SPLAT event on Antonia Bayle (so much fun). I plan on picking up a new mic before too long, and I’m also picking up a webcam, something I’ve actually never attempted to do in my streams. I would like to make these streams a weekly thing, but that will depend on how busy I am and what games are on my plate. Wurm Online for example is not the most thrilling of games to broadcast unless you’re going out on a hunting trip or are working on terraforming the property.

You can follow my twitch channel if you want to be notified of streaming, or if you’d like to see the videos I’ve made in the past, I have most of them over on my youtube channel. Again I can’t promise that I’ll actually go anywhere with any of this, but it’s a nice fun little hobby on the side, and who knows. Maybe I’ll develop a knack for it over time. In the meantime, I’m incredibly happy to finally have updated my site a bit. After all, it has been 9 years since I started blogging on MmoQuests. It was time for a facelift.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Saturday: Video Game Roundup


I didn’t get that much gaming in this week, but of course we gamers always seem to find a bit of time here and there. Without further wait, here’s what I’ve been up to this week.


Most of this week was spent playing FeedTheBeast Infinity. There are 164 mods in this pack (165 on my server as I added one I really wanted) and it’s got something for pretty much everyone. Instead of setting up a village outdoors as I typically do, I created an enormous house within a rock mountain, and carved out each room. Then as I upgraded my tools and obtained a chisel I customized the home further. The screenshot above is my crafting room. Lots of space. I’ve also created a portal to the Twilight Forest, and to The Nether. There are Runic Dungeons that I haven’t explored yet, and just so much to do. The mod I added includes a way to level up your tools and weapons so that they get better and progress. You have to upgrade them in order, and it’s just a lot of fun to add this level of customization. Of course on the downside my axe for chopping trees now smelts things it hits – and that means wood just instantly turns to coal when I cut down the tree instead of giving me wooden blocks. Had to make a new axe because of that.


Closed Beta Testing has begun and so I’ve been spending most of my time on the beta servers sending in bug reports. I copied my character over from live, and have been playing around with all of the new things that have been added. Got a few new pets and some new costumes so far, I’m really looking forward to the game moving to free to play so that more people can experience what an awesome game it is and not get hung up on the monthly price tag.

GuildWars 2

In a surprising turn of events, my mesmer managed to ding level 80 this week. In part due to crafting, and also due to those daily loot boxes you get to open every day. Today when I logged in I was given 2 ‘level’ tokens that let me climb to level 79 instantly. Now I need to finish my personal story, I’m at the level 60 ones now where the giant dragon comes down and things all go crazy for a while. I’m glad that I reached 80, and now I’m debating whether I want to level up another character right away or just continue to do things on the mesmer. I do have a few other level 80 characters but they’re on a different account, so I’m glad I managed to level this one up. I picked up some level 80 gear but now that I’m 80 I have absolutely no idea what I should be working on, aside from finishing off my personal story.

Wurm Online

A few new things have been added to the game, black sheep and some rams. I’ve been working on my priests still which is pretty slow work but I enjoy doing it. I’ve also been breeding more animals and working on meditation which is a really slow skill to try to level up. Right now I have four active accounts, but I expect that will drop down to three before too long. I have a year of premium on my Vynora priest along with my main character, Stargrace, and included a year on my Najho priest. I do have a battery that I’ve been using for the Najho, but I really don’t want to have to pay to keep them all active. That’s one of the downsides of Wurm, you have to pay per character.

That’s it for this week! What has everyone else been playing? Let me know in comments.

Nomadic Gamer